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Sunday, May 15, 2016


I wonder what they'll say about Bruce Jenner?


  1. So...who are these idiots?

  2. Who are these people? Where did they come from?

  3. Wow some people just have way to much time on their hands...

    1. And plenty of skin

    2. Or they care about themselves, their children, and other members of their gender. These people should be applauded

  4. No I saw about 100 of them in DC.

  5. What the hell...............

    Seriously, why even post this or give them any type of attention whatsoever!

    1. Because this is a serious issue. This is a barbaric tradition that has been hanging around since for centuries as a way of preventing masturbation. If you don't think it's an issue, educate yourself.

  6. Believe me boys, anyone who decides to get a circumcision as an adult will wish that he'd gotten it as an infant.

    1. I've heard it's awful if you get it as an adult.

      Snip 'em young.

    2. Or don't get circumcised at all, since it's completely unnecessary and serves no purpose at all. If you were informed on this issue at all you would be just as outraged.

    3. You are an idiot

    4. You good sir are A dramatically uninformed oversensitive (pun intended) wacko with way to muck time on your hands I am a circumcised male and that has been nothing but a benefit

    5. 5:20 & 5:25 I'm sad to see that you offer nothing new to the discussion other than parroting other people and resorting to childish ridicule. If you were truly intelligent you would offer some source disputing my assertion, other than your own mutilated genitals. I would be happy to cite my sources for you if you would like to see how I formed this opinion.

  7. Jenner is just a Freak, he hasn't had his penis removed, he is still a man. HE made the statement on one of the talk shows that he has not gone all the way on sexual reassignment surgery.

  8. is that jimmie';s friends?

    1. Probably is I saw this when I got off really go join the Verizon people on strike people got so much time on their hands

  9. OMG, what else can people think of to go out and make fools of themselves about. This is down right ridiculous.

  10. What do Jenner and circumcision have in common? I don't get your point. And I don't get the reference to Ireton, either. Maybe you could explain.

  11. 12:07 PM - Are you sure that you know what a circumcision is?


  12. A foreskin is like an appendix. It can only give you trouble later.

    1. You are dramatically uninformed. I'm an uncircumcised adult and it has been nothing but a benefit to me. Maybe you wouldn't make such bold assertions if you knew what you were talking about.

  13. I thought it was a fraternity hazing.

  14. 12:44 PM
    Hey, I'll help you here. I have snippers that will complete what this Jenner guy/gal/it, whatever, needs to have completed to make it final. All he/she/it needs the will be stiletto shoes to sashay around in. He/she/it is a massive failure...Kadashians????

  15. I bet they aren't paying for their own education otherwise they would have better things to do with their time!

    1. They were grown adults with small children not college students.

  16. Goes to show you that a large percentage of college students have way to much time on their hands--especially the ones with worthless degrees--and that makes up most of them... let them eat cake while they pay back student loans---

    1. Goes to show when you stand up and fight for something you believe in, aged boomers will say "You have too much time on their hands." People like you were saying the same thing in the 60's when the civil rights movement was happening.

  17. Not only is their Mom and Dad paying for their education, they are most likely also paying their expenses because they don't want their baby boy or girl to have to work, leaving them with plenty of time on their hands to be out protesting. These people will always be a drag on society because they never learned to accept responsibility!

    1. These are grown adults NOT college students

    2. Typical baby boomer logic. People are concerned about an issue and boomers try to turn it into "this is what's wrong with millennials, what with their smart phones and their education and social awareness blah blah blah." People like you can't comprehend something so you use it as an excuse to talk shit on a generation that is the most educated generation to ever exist in this country.

    3. Most educated and most needy whiney no common sense. Someone sees trump written in chalk and has a nervous breakdown. Get outta here with your millenial pride. You guys suck. Go find a safe time out spot.

  18. Genital mutilation is what it is, and there is no reason to mutilate an infant. I don't hear anyone rallying to genitally mutilate little girls, and all of the arguments people make to deform little boys also hold for girls.

    It's a barbaric practice that needs to stop. There is no medical reason to do it other than possibly decreasing the risk of std's, and when a person is old enough to make their own decisions about sex, let them decide if they want to chop off a part of their body.

    Arguing for circumcision is unconscionable, and barbaric.

    1. Thank you! At least not everyone on this blog is an uninformed boomer.

  19. God made foreskin for a reason fools.

  20. These are grown men people! Not students!

  21. i dont care -if these scum are against it, im for it.

  22. Why not protest SU PRESIDENT ESHBACH and the Race issue ?

  23. 2:09 - You are entitled to your opinion, but you are wrong. RE Jenner references. The post references Jenner therefore it is applicable comment material - get over your high and mighty selves. And, bet the man without a job holding the "I did not consent" sign will not hold that up an abortion rally.

  24. These aren't students...they're grown men. You should all be more thankful there's a university here. It's the only thing that brings people into a "city" like Salisbury...

  25. Its a new movement called "Foreskin Matters"!!!! Gotta get me a Tee Shirt!

  26. Oh, for God's sake. Are you serious? They are picketing and protesting for circumcisions? All I can do is shake my head at the idiocy this country has cowed down, too. What's next? No free birth control for hookers?

    1. Circumcision is genital mutilation. It should be protested, research the matter and you might be outraged too.

  27. Talk about the lunatic fringe. People think this is some kind of 'movement' era but it's not. It's just a bunch of nut enclaves that will pick anything out of the toilet to 'protest' which makes no sense whatsoever. Like I said, lunatic fringe. If I passed these guys, I'd probably give them the bird.

    1. That's cool you don't mind having your genitals mutilated, you're very forward thinking.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Goes to show you that a large percentage of college students have way to much time on their hands--especially the ones with worthless degrees--and that makes up most of them... let them eat cake while they pay back student loans---

    May 11, 2016 at 1:51 PM

    Dude these are some old guys! They have grey beards.

  29. Come on folks.
    The topic is infant penile mutilation.
    It happened to me. It happened to a lot of men.
    It is wrong and needs to stop!

    Do a little research for crying out loud. These people are trying desperately to wake you up.

    Wake up!

    This Talmudic practice is wrong and should be stopped.

    1. If it happened to you as an infant how do you remember it? Why is it so traumatic? Did you have problems afterwards? I really would like to know. Not being sarcastic, just want to understand your protest.

    2. I had a friend who's against circumcision because in some cases it removes a decent amount of nerves from the penis. He can barely feel anything during sex. And literally doesn't feel anything wearing a condom. Not saying that's THE reason people are against it, but it is A reason.

    3. It is a barbaric practice that is only population now because one of the inventors of corn flakes shopped as a way to prevent masturbation in the 19th century. He also wanted to put acid on women's clitorises for the same reason but it was less popular.

      The foreskin itself is a natural lubricant, it protects nerve endings that make sex more enjoyable. If you do even some cursory research you'll realize this is simply genital mutilation.

  30. It's a parody, folks. A joke on the current wave of lunatic protests.., IMHO

    1. IMHO you have no idea what you're talking about

  31. Now the Progressives are trying to take ownership of penis's.

  32. So we can kill babies with abortions but don't dare cut a foreskin? What has our country become? God help us!

    1. Concerning there is little debate on circumcision right now, youre wrong. Both abortion and infant circumcision are without consent to the person its effecting... Plus circumcision is cosmetic not medical. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics admits that.

  33. dan said it would be like this


  34. So help me out, which door do you pick if circumcised. Do you choose male or female, or just depends on how you feel at the time. Getting difficult nowadays. I'm confused everytime I make a decision. Help!!

    1. God help America if people as moronic as you are allowed to vote...

  35. when your a child its the parents decision. You don't remember anything about the process.

  36. I call this entertainment for motorist.

    1. Yeah I got a kick out of it

  37. 11:32 AM...

    They are those PEACE IN THE PARK (PALS) IDIOTS that meet every year and beat on drums...

  38. Apparently the pedophile Progressives like foreskin.

  39. I saw these guys years ago in front of the AMA building in DC. One guy with a bullhorn was crying he was "no longer a whole man".....as we pulled up to a light I rolled down the window and yelled "Hey buddy let me give you a tip"!! In San Fran they deep fry the foreskins and use them for bar snacks...just saying.

  40. These fools should have been forced to leave (or arrested) by Salisbury Police. This nonsense is a dangerous distraction to drivers.

  41. @3:33 pm

    If 2:22 is wrong you cant just assert it. You have to support it. From what I can see, it is deforming genital mutilation for no reason. It is barbaric, and a violation. While I recognize that parents choosing to do this are only perpetuating a horrible tradition without having the actual facts, it makes it no less barbaric, and does not change the fact you are deforming someones body without their consent.

    This horrific practice needs to end.

  42. I had 2 eldery family members that were never circumcised when they were born. Both suffered from urinary tract infections several times through out their adult life. One decided when he was in his 50s to be circumcised. His problem with UTIs ended. The 3rd and youngest brother who was circumcised never had a problem with UTIs.

  43. Maybe..., but will you keep "it" clean?

  44. The UTI argument applies to women too, but we don't see people lining up their children up to be mutilated. It's like all hygene, there are problems if you don't keep clean.

    Were not chopping off eyelids because they sometimes get crusty, or sometimes get pink eye are we?

    This foreskin horror and deformation of boys has to end.

  45. Just say NO to the slug!

  46. These guys need to go back to the nursing home and get a life.

  47. God put it there. Just saying.

  48. I totally get the cause. The outfits are supposed to be crazy to draw attention to the message. Circumcision began as a religious custom, and is now the societal norm. Causing unnecessary pain to children IS cruel, anyone can agree with that. Don't be ignorant just because of the clothes, the reason they are wearing the clothes is what matters here.

  49. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Because this is a serious issue. This is a barbaric tradition that has been hanging around since for centuries as a way of preventing masturbation. If you don't think it's an issue, educate yourself.

    May 12, 2016 at 7:18 AM

    Not so.
    Circumcising a male has nothing to do with "preventing masturbation". It originally came about as a health intervention - no male foreskin (and the potential pocketful of smegma and bacteria) equaled fewer female infections after coitus. It worked the in the other direction, too, as fewer female secretions and vaginal contents (i.e., bacteria, etc.) hang around on the circumcised penis.

    Circumcised or not, masturbation occurs at the same rate among males of all ages.

  50. I'm a male who is glad to have a penis that has been circumcised!

  51. These people are funded by our tax dollars ,They are just another diversion.

  52. LOL. You just gotta laugh.


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