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Sunday, May 15, 2016


The Salisbury Fire Department was called to a house on Parsons Rd where SPD found a subject with a gunshot wound to the head. Crime scene investigators are also en route to the scene.  This has been confirmed as a priority 4 patient (deceased).

We are not sure of the details as this story is developing. The Salisbury Police are on the scene as well. 

More to come. 


  1. How can this be ? When Duncan swears there's no crime in Salisbury ?

  2. Why do we never hear anything about the police chief and what she is doing to curb violence in Salisbury? I've reached the point where I don't want to come back home to Salisbury anymore!

    1. Because SPD police chief is playing games with the crime stats.

  3. Lord be with this persons family and let the one responsible be caught

  4. Salisbury used to be such a pleasant city. It is now a crime infested
    dump. This is what happens with years of progressive-liberal control.

    As soon as possible I am gone from Salisbury and the state of MD.

    1. Amen to that! Can't get away from here fast enough! Prayers for the victims family!

  5. Duncan states it was just a male with a massive headache.

  6. SLUMSBURY MD we love Thugs and cover up crime stats ask SU PRESIDENT Eshbach.

  7. God bless the family. This is too much. Salisbury is worse than Baltimore. Every other day there is a murder, but we are not being told what's being done to protect the community. We as a people have to do better

    1. All these pepole that keep saying salisbury is worse then Baltimore don't know any better....there are riots and deaths everyday in Baltimore so please check ur statics

    2. Not even close to Baltimore go spend a month in the city and then come back to Salisbury... #RealityCheck

  8. All,

    Duncan is doing something to curb the violence... They bought a mine resistant tank aka MRAP or a Humvee... Just like the fire department needed a fire boat that sits in dry dock storage...

  9. This has nothing to do with violence people, so stop beating the chief up, this is a self inflicted gunshot wound.

    1. Not self shut he was killed

    2. Robert Strobe your a complete moron if you think it has nothing to do with violence and the SPD needs a serious internal investigation

    3. Before u comment on something u no absolutely nothing about b sure u know what your talking about. This def WAS NOT self inflicited.

  10. With the expansion of Section 8 vouchers by Castro and Obama this type of thing is coming to your neighborhood soon!

    1. DF Sec 8 got to do wit dat??!

  11. I live on liberty st. And I can tell you it's out of control there is no police protection when you have 10 females walking down the street yelling racist comments and threatening you and your child daring you to come out your. Yard I have great neighbors but these teenagers are taking over out neighborhood. I'm so sick of it.

    1. Was born on liberty st. in 1949, lived there 23 years with no problems. My mother lived there 60 years, the reason she sold out, just what your discribing! Slumlords bought up the houses and turned them into rentals. She was the last one to sell out! It was a great neighborhood to grow up in, now nothing but drugs, disrespectful people who dont give a shit!

    2. thank Obama thugs x 8 yrs.

    3. And these same teenage girls do the exact same thing in the hallways of our schools, threatening teachers and the quieter, studious students. And little is being down to stop it. It's a problematter that belongs to the entire community!

    4. Actually this problem started when Bush screwed up the economy and to cut cost Eci stopped bussing inmates from Baltimore back to Baltimore. Instead they released them on the shore and this is the result. So please curb your ignorance there is a family who lost a love one. You can thank Mike Lewis as well.

  12. I live on liberty street and it's crazy how the teenagers act around here. I can't even let my child play without me being right there with her where are the cops when a group of 10 people are walking by my house yelling racist comments threatening me it's out of control

    1. As a black man in this community it looks bad on the productive ones in this city.... Even the [children] that are not running the streets as others do... But like you stated police protection dont exist here... Somewhat... A law needs to be passed that would hold parents accountable thru fines ... Great city; poor crime control and city management...

    2. As a black man you need to be at city meetings screaming at the mayor.

    3. I feel u. There are a large number of old school raised & productive blacks here. We too are fed up. My daughter left for college. She works here during the summer. When she graduates college next year she will not be residing in salisbury. Only problems she has had was w/ the same class of females & we are black.

    4. Lol...scream at the mayor... Wow really 3am im sleep and im sure he is also... Day stepped into an on going problem in this city that will not change .. Unless there's so accountability forced on the people ... Police presence very low in high crime areas labeled since the early 90's... There are some actions that can be taking without pressuring the mayor ....the cops way back in the 90's were hands on .... They had no issue approaching and questioning ...nowadays they ride by and assume on the least likely individual or individuals

  13. Shooting occurred in section 8 housing apartments in parson road.. Slumville... I am sure a drug deal gone bad because they don't work and have nothing better to do than sling drugs. Sad !!!

    1. Not everybody that lives in that apt.complex is on section 8 let's state facts first. Ur just sad with your assumptions.

    2. It has to be a dumb jackass to make a statement like this. You are a sickening individual.

  14. I remember when Salisbury was a great place seems like every since I moved its gotten worse.Prayers for The family has there been a name released yet?

    1. Thank the x openly gay mayor ireton.

  15. Rio to the young man this is getting out of control something needs to be dont in Salisbury

  16. If it was confirmed that he was deceased, I understand police going, and the medical examiner, but why waste money sending the fire department? Can someone help me here?

    1. The fire department is who confirmed him as deceased. Anytime there is a shooting called in PD and FD get notified. Now if police find the body and it meets their DOA protocol they don't call FD. And if they don't meet the DOA protocol the FD has to make a response.

  17. Salisbury has become a terrible place to live. It is turning into a crime town, with no end in sight. I can not wait to get away from this dump, and out of Maryland.

  18. Did WBOC report on this? I didn't see the morning news. It seems that there is a lot going on in Salisbury that is never revealed to the public. Until the Police are allowed to do their jobs without being worried about infringing on someones rights this town is going to go down hill more and more.

  19. We need a hit squad to target black out of control youth.

    1. Oh so I guess white people don't shoot people, and Mexicans won't cut yo ass up, fuck outta hear wit DAT target BLACK out of control youth when its people In general out of control not just our black youth, people as a whole, mankind is out of control.

    2. This is oart of the problem. Yes. Through out the country it is all walks out of control. However..what you refuse to see..is in our area..our black kids are killing each others as violently as they can. The white kids are ki)ing their selves with drugs. And the Hispanics. Well they are just working and filling all the spots the black and white used to be in.

  20. Did you read your comment

    1. I think the question is "Could he read his comment?"

  21. Just pray for the family and stop passing judgment.... Everyone wants to make crazy comments but none of you are doing
    Anything to help change the issues in salisbury. Oh yea your just complaining on a blog smh... Grow up people!!!

  22. This shouldn't be about a black or white thing. There are white thugs just as well as black. Salisbury needs a curfew for youths just like they are trying in Harrington DE.

  23. A hit squad really I have never seen such racial comments. A child is dead and instead of slandering the so called thugs you should be praying for them. God sees all and every race is involved in things that are not right. Why target a certain race.
    You my friend are very ignorant for that comment along with anybody else who has a similar comment. God be with us all.

  24. Joe the breaking news should read Salisbury Police is bleeding officers I have learned at 7 are leaving and many more applying else where. What is going on there. Mayor you need to take a hard look at your police department. Something is just not right.

  25. W.B.O.C. will report this as soon as they gather all they can from sbynews.

  26. 8:33...know anything about Hippa laws?just curious that you name yourself and tag a photo in a firemans costume

    1. Know anything about "hippa"? No but I do know about HIPAA. And unless Mr. Strobel was involved in the care for the defendant he's not bound by any HIPAA guidelines. That amount of information gets broadcast in the dispatch. So go pound sand and read up on "hippa".

    2. *decedant not defendant. Autocorrect fail...

  27. Replies
    1. The whole city has GOD ... the leaders or person that head the holy temples need to do some foot work with the community... Amen to that

  28. " Anonymous said...

    Just pray for the family and stop passing judgment.... Everyone wants to make crazy comments but none of you are doing
    Anything to help change the issues in salisbury. Oh yea your just complaining on a blog smh... Grow up people!!!

    May 11, 2016 at 10:28 AM"

    It's not anyone's responsibility to "help change the issues in salisbury." That's the problem with you people. You refuse to take any responsibility! It's disgusting! It starts with being parents and not just baby machines! It starts with a mother and a father and not some slut spreading her legs for every Tom Dick and Harry that is willing to mount her! It starts with being able to afford a child before spreading those legs! It starts with a father who is a positive role model and not a criminal thug himself!
    These "issues" are created by the lack of the tradition family unit. These "issues" are created by those like 10:28 who expects everyone else to do something instead of putting the blame where it belongs and that is on the "families" of those killed and those doing the killings! NO problem making babies but then throws them out on the streets to fend for themselves becoming thugs. It's absolutely disgusting! Animals take better care of their young!
    This isn't one bit sad! It's called you are reaping exactly what you have sown so suck it up! If you don't like living like this then do something about it and stop telling others it's their responsibility! Take responsibility like civilized human beings do! You've been blaming others for years and if you had a brain in that head you would know it hasn't worked! Start by acting like responsible people and not making babies you have no intention of taking care of! It's that simple!

  29. LOL 11:33 You win the award for the most ignorant comment of the day. If in fact ECI is doing what you claim it is not Bush's fault. ECI is a state facility, low information moron. And anyway why would it be the responsibility of the prison system to bus a released inmate back home? They have plenty of time to earn some money while in prison and also their families can contribute. This is the problem with you people. Always looking to blame others AND always wanting the free ride. Are you people that stupid that you can't figure out someone's due to be released so start saving some money to get them home!

  30. Bush didn't screw up the economy, Anonymous.
    FYI it was the democrats who did. They had control of Congress. FYI Bush (and John McCain) warned the democrats that Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac wasn't sustainable and wanted to hold hearings. FYI democrat Barney Frank who was the head of the committee said famously that FM and FM were just fine. Turns out he lied (just like all democrats do) and that is why the economy tanked.
    I take it you are a democrat because just like all of them are either low on the IQ scale or will lie about it and blame the GOP. That's all democrats are, either liars or lack any bit of intelligence in other words ignoramuses.

    1. Are you people still believing that republican/democrat crap. It's false choice. They're wings of the same bird! Look at what both parties are doing to Trump. Democrats and republicans are bought off by special interest groups and the too big to fail banks

  31. "Anonymous said...

    DF Sec 8 got to do wit dat??!

    May 11, 2016 at 11:57 AM"

    Speak English you worthless ghetto trash. You be dead of a gun shot wound to your brainless head or in prison yourself.

  32. That's very true about officers leaving. They aren't willing to take a bullet for this chief. And their hands are tied. So we train them, and they go get a better job. And are leaving faster than can be replaced. Just a fact.
    Certain areas of this city, like baker st., and over behind Carroll street, the police are afraid to even go in. It's worse than Baltimore. Gunshots every night.

  33. it doesnt matter where you live in Salisbury. It doesnt matter if you are White or Black. Bottom line is that city is a sh*thole. I moved away from there years ago after witnessing a murder right out side of where I lived. I had a newborn son living with me and that city is clearly not where you want to raise your children. Section 8 has nothing to do with it. Granted section 8 housing areas are notoriously dirty, ghetto, and filled with crime. None of that matters in Salisbury. I lived in a "nice area" of Salisbury and saw a murder right out front. There needs to be a law to lock up sh*tty parents. Its the ghetto a$s people having kids and have no idea how to raise them not to be scum like they are. If you research every homicide in Salisbury where they have caught the person, you will see that 95% of them come from a household/ family with a huge rap sheet. If you live in that sh*thole that we call Salisbury, move out while you can!!!Before you become a homicide statistic!!

  34. Deal with it the Black youth is the biggest problem in our society today.

    1. But Obama says it's not blacks,or,thugs ,or terrorist,or transgender,or felons,it's Privileged white people?

  35. Is it a suicide I dont think so

  36. This is someone's child. Have you all no respect? Please don't act like you never done anything questionable in your life? Sneak out of class or kissed a girl/boy in the hallway, smoked a cigarette before you were old enough to, or even took a drink of your parents alcohol without them knowing, went over a friends instead of going straight home, picked up a pen that wasn't yours and kept it, told a "little white lie" or stolen a piece of candy or done something that you shouldn't have done. This person may have to but still deserves some respect for the family who is grieving. No matter what if it was your loved one, you would want someone to show you the same respect, even if you loved one was hard core heroine addict who stood on the corners to try and get money . .if they died you would want some respect and for people to not insult his/her memory with a bunch of negativity. Not all of you have or all 100% law abiding citizens who are commenting behind the computer screen. Show some respect for the loss of a human life.

  37. Duh 2:19 of course whites and Mexicans murder but no where near the number of blacks murdering. No where near the number. Blacks are killing each other off like there is no tomorrow! It's disgusting. And then they lie and say black lives matter. Well it's no wonder their youth haven't any morals. When they hear nothing but lies ever coming out of the mouths of their "leaders" of course black youth are going to be conflicted which manifests itself into violence. In some cities black on black murders have more than doubled since a year ago. Disgusting!
    Blacks are real good at crying racism when the fact is the only thing they have to fear are other blacks. It's disgusting!
    The first thing blacks need to do is stop that lying they are prone to doing. A civilized society will not exist when there is no honesty. Then they need to start acting responsible and stop blaming everyone else on their failures. Unless and until these 2 things happen the bodies of young blacks will continue to pile up.

  38. Quit your preaching 2:49. It's time these people are told how it is and not lied to! Just about every single one of these violent deaths were very preventable if the parents actually cared about the kid. They don't deserve respect. They deserve chastising for the horrid job they did which indirectly caused this murder.
    These murders are happening because of dishonest sinful people like you who instead of being truthful lies. God doesn't like liar like you and that is why these murders are happening. He is punishing liars like you and He will continue to do so until you get back to him in a real way! And don't you dare say you are a Christian. Christians are honest and don't lie like you do and if you go to "church" it's not real and that too is a major part of black communities problem. They have no real churches another thing that is making God very very angry with them.

  39. 11:22 it's you who doesn't understand the law. The deceased was not named.

  40. Anonymous 11:33
    This person is not from Baltimore. He is from Salisbury and attended the local high schools.


  41. Robert Strobel said...
    This has nothing to do with violence people, so stop beating the chief up, this is a self inflicted gunshot wound.
    May 11, 2016 at 8:33 AM

    Well WBOC is reporting that he had multiple gunshot wounds...so maybe you have no clue what you are talking about. Doubt he shot himself multiple times if it is self inflicted.

  42. Prayers out to all affected adversely! But the facts are no amount of prisons, laws, cops or negative comments from idiots will make a difference. The only thing that can change things is the community itself! Until the communities decide to no longer glorify negativity and bad behavior! Until the communities decide to work together instead of pointing fingers! Until parents own the responsibility of raising children not just making them while being irresponsible! UNTIL THE COMMUNITIES FIGURE OUT "YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM" THIS BEHAVIOR WILL CONTINUE! Face it what percentage of good working people run around shooting guns! No such thing as a peaceful community where drugs are around every apartment complex, corner, block, street and corner store! HOW MANY PEOPLE SEE IT AND ARE SILENT? Where are the real men in the communities?

  43. Did this happen this morning Sunday the 15th because these comments are from other times and dates

  44. Hey Fireman Bob I guess in a fit of depression this dude shot himself multiple times and in the head. LMAO stick to spraying water on fires there detective.

  45. Yeah ALL of SALISBURY POLICE are leaving. Rrriiiiggghhhtttt!!!! Been hearing the same dribble since 2010 and their still here!!!!LMAO!!! WHO ELSE WOULD HIRE THEM? ???

  46. Rentals in once quiet family neighborhoods on a large scale= Lack of vested interest,decreasing property values and CRIME. That IS Salisbury.


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