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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Salisbury City Council Work Session Agenda May 16, 2016


  1. Maybe the community should know that the city and mayor is planning on using a discretionary fund to purchase a craphole of a house to use as a b&b, located basically near Elizabeth st, to help revitalize the area. Who in their right mind would stay there? Your tax dollars at work.

  2. Oh my God-----If true----hard to believe
    they 'd do that!

  3. It is their intent that someone will buy the property from them, with the stipulation that it be used as a b&b only. So their expectation, is that the new owner will bow down and do what the city wants.

  4. If this doesn't show the inexperience and lack of business and qualifications nothing will. Peopke DO realize the significance of the drug and prodtitution problems in those areas correct?? Is this what they'll promote? Totally gone off the deep end

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Maybe the community should know that the city and mayor is planning on using a discretionary fund to purchase a craphole of a house to use as a b&b, located basically near Elizabeth st, to help revitalize the area. Who in their right mind would stay there? Your tax dollars at work.

    May 15, 2016 at 11:10 AM

    Jake Day thinks that he is the new Messiah of Salisbury and only he can come up with good ideas and in his own mind crime is down and Downtown Salisbury is HOT!! Dream on Alice, You are in Wonderland!!

  6. Look up 1110 N. Division st. Big signs more than 6 months ago saying "this property going back to Home ownership"

    Then, they gutted it.

    Then, and now, it lays dormant.

    Too much lead paint, Jake? Not worth the effort, Jake? So, the DEMAND you put on the owner who you, Well, your boner friend, Jimmy, stole that property with his demands of taxes and upgrades got you a piece of garbage, and now YOU are stuck with it instead of the OWNER who had originally bought it?

    Pond scum comes to mind...

  7. Good god. Who came up with this Ireton? Is he going to plant peonies and open up a B and B now he couldn't win a Congressional seat? This is too much.

  8. Evidently they put through legislation so that b&bs would be allowed in the historic area.


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