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Sunday, May 15, 2016

MSP: Princess Anne Official Charged With Extortion

(PRINCESS ANNE, MD) – – An official in the county seat of Somerset County has been arrested and charged in connection with an extortion scheme to keep someone from running for county commissioner.

The accused is identified as Lionel D. Frederick 2nd, 25, of Princess Anne, Md. He is charged with three counts of extortion and theft.

On May 5, 2016, criminal investigators from the Maryland State Police Criminal Enforcement Division at the Princess Anne Barrack began an investigation into allegations of extortion involving the accused, who is currently a Princess Anne Town Commissioner. The investigation was initiated after information was obtained indicating Frederick had contacted a Somerset County Commissioner and advised he had someone who would run for the commissioner’s seat, but if the commissioner paid him $5,000, he would convince the person not to run.

Today, Frederick made contact with the County Commissioner and arranged to meet and receive half of the $5,000. State Police investigators conducted a surveillance of the meeting, which occurred at Frederick’s home. The County Commissioner gave Frederick $2,500. Shortly after the transaction, Frederick was arrested by state troopers.

The investigation is continuing.

CONTACT: Cpl. Jonathan Pruitt

CED-Princess Anne Barrack



  1. Democrat, do you think?

  2. This person was up to no good before he was elected but was voted in any way.

  3. The POS has quite a record, according to the Maryland Judiciary Case Search

    I thought one has to be "of good moral character" to be a commissioner?

  4. Somerset County Commissioners represent outside developers and large land holders while shafting homeowners who pay taxes.

  5. With is wrong with the people of Princess Anne to elect this guy to represent them?

  6. College students and others voted him in because he was a black.

  7. He stepped in it this time and he is finished.Ironically,he is no more crooked than his white counterparts its just in this county they get away with their mess.When 2 or 3 families have members in every single public office in the county,you know the county motto "Always the Same" could not be more accurate.Lionel is no more "crooked" than the rest of the local politicians-his mistake was getting caught and not being a Tawes or Simpkins or any of the other clans around here.

    1. Whites own up to their wrongdoing and have the decency to step down. This worthless POS will whine about "racism". Guaranteed.

  8. Quite a rap sheet at 50 items, but he can't hold a candle to Killary!

  9. Crime promotes crime , you guys know that!

  10. What a shock - NOT

  11. He got elected because mist of the town residents did not vote. If you don't vote, you can't complain. The whole county is corrupt. Family, friends & drunkards working in all the county and town offices. Keep over taxing the property owners to pay for the salaries of people on Facebook all day. Ride through the town, nothing to offer visitors but falling down buildings and convenient stores selling beer or hair weaves.

  12. He got elected because college students have the right to vote but property and business owners can't.

  13. The "family, friends & drunkards" statement is not true in all cases, but decent people need to get involved in local govt if you want to see any changes for the better. Are there any left in Somerset County?

  14. 7:58 hit it.
    UMES is ruining the town and the county. Not because of the color of the students, but because of the way they act, the way they think, and because the state doesn't care about the impact of the campus on the surrounding community.
    "We need representation on the town government."
    Well, they got it.

  15. The offices are full of friends and family. You get a job based on what your last name is.

  16. Somerset County's commissioners have appointed their yes team to county boards without filing disclosure reports. No wonder property values are in the tank because homeowners are under constant threat of living next to a wind, solar, or manure plant.

  17. Somerset zoning laws do not protect you unless you are related to a commissioner.

  18. All of this is going on because YOU, the county residents, have allowed it.
    YOU can go to the meetings and speak up. There are rarely any county residents in attendance. Nobody there to voice their opinions or preferences.
    (Yes, the meetings are often in the daytime. But they've held them at night to make them more accessible to the residents and NOBODY SHOWS UP!! So they might as well meet when it is easy for them.)
    YOU can hold your representatives accountable. Ask them how they are going to vote on an issue and why.
    CALL them! It is your right and your responsibility.

    "But I hate to say anything.."

    Suit yourself. But don't complain when the county goes down the tubes.

    1. People can't his behind anonymous comments at public meetings. Everyone is a keyboard warrior theyd rather sit being their computer screens and complain then be heard and make a difference.

  19. I believe this may go higher even to the President of Town of Princess Anne due to his UMES connections

    1. Only if the UMES admins back him, which they probably will. Cause racism. Of course!

  20. Yea 9:23, maybe Hillary will pick him for her VP, sounds like he has all the qualifications for a democrat.

    In all seriousness the people do sometimes do what is right, for example they voted out the last states attorney who was a democratic and voted in someone that was a little more honest and trustworthy.
    They should do the same for this guy.

  21. Somerset County is so crooked, even the crooks are crookin' the crooks!

  22. It's very unfortunate when the MSP can't even get the facts straight. Just saying.

  23. The Somerset County Commissioners are the result of a 300 year incestuous relationship between certain families. As recently recognized, Somerset is the only county in the state with no population growth to elect new and honest government. The economy is shrinking, while the rest of the state grows.

    1. Yep! I guess those 300 year old families will be there to turn off the lights.

  24. They hold most meetings during the day because they know people who have valid viewpoints are at work.

    1. 10:42 The people who have valid view points have no say in town matters. The majority of the homes in Princess Anne are now rentals. Unless the Property Owner is a Pr Anne resident, they cannot vote or speak at town meetings. All the people/UMES students who rent a house/apartment in the town limits can vote. Pr Anne meetings are held at 7 PM the 1st Monday of the Month.

  25. Amazed by his RAP sheet. Democracy at it's finest!

  26. Citizens need to attend meetings and tell their commissioners were they stand before our county is littered in solar panels and our air is raunchy from burning manure.

    1. I have no problem with solar panels.

  27. The commissioners have already decided before the meetings and vote in unison. They need to be kicked out or jailed.

  28. Should repost the post of when he was running and all the people saying how wonderful he was... HAHAHAHAHA

  29. Industrializing residential zones without due process is a problem.

  30. Lionel is a newcomer, the good-ole boys are embedded.

  31. Notice no comment from Dale white.

  32. We deserve better than the village idiot and a thug, please...somebody apply for the position.

  33. Nothing will change until the good ole boy county commissioners are replaced. With the Mosque and Poultry incineration being planned, Somerset cannot afford to keep these people in power any longer.

  34. And this is the best of the Princess Anne black community? Just a typical low life black thug originating from a filthy, corrupt and criminal culture!! And we wonder why the first black president is such a total failure?? This is not racism or discrimination. It's just pure fact and truth!

  35. $2500 and he loses a how much a year job?

    I'm voting him into MENSA!

    What a DH!

  36. Typical of that race. Not only is he a Democrat, he is a black democrat and that speaks volumes!

  37. This guy has just about as many traffic offenses and driving without a license that Jake Day does. Another typical Democrat. Birds of a feather run for office as Democrats.

  38. Who was the Somerset County Commissioner and who was going to run against him?


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