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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Arrest Made In Wicomico County Homicide Investigation

May 13, 2016

(SALISBURY, MD) – Maryland State Police homicide investigators arrested a Wicomico County man yesterday and charged him with the murder of Irvonte Jones on April 3, 2016.

The accused is identified as Shaquille Gaskins, 22, of Salisbury, Maryland. Gaskins is charged with first and second degree murder, first and second degree assault, possession of a firearm, use of a firearm in a violent crime and home invasion. Gaskins was served the indictment while in the Wicomico County Detention Center, where he is awaiting trial for a separate incident. He is currently being held without bond and will remain at the Wicomico County Detention Center.

Irvonte C. Jones, 24, of Salisbury, Maryland was the victim in a shooting that occurred on Sunday, April 3, 2016 at the home of his girlfriend. Shortly before 10:00 p.m. that night, troopers from the Salisbury Barrack were dispatched to a single family home in the 1000-block of Pierce Avenue in Salisbury for the reported shooting. Upon their arrival, Jones was found lying unresponsive in a bedroom with multiple gunshot wounds. He was immediately transported by EMS to the hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.

State police investigators continue to urge anyone with information about this case to contact Lower Eastern Shore Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776 or the Salisbury Barrack at 410-749-3101. Callers may remain anonymous.

The investigation continues…


  1. Any relation to the recent Gaskins murder?

  2. 9:46
    I'm not sure but it sure puts another spin on things.

  3. "Shaquille Gaskins is current city council woman's grandson......the ole apple"

    1. Yeah, not the first ole apple either. Who killed Brooks Harmon

  4. This is all drug related. And every time April Jackson kinfolk start killing. She wants to have a stop the violence rally. Really?

  5. Wonder how long the cops new it was this guy. Something odd in DaBury. Did he kill the other guy killed this week.

    1. Nah he was already in jail for another assault charge. His mom should be proud

    2. The other guy was his brother that got killed. Shaquille Gaskins was locked up already on another assault charge but they was also holding him for this murder charge.His DNA was found at the scene and he had a warrant put on him the very next day.. Salisbury Police Dept been had him and another guy for this.. I'm surprise they didn't mention the second person that they have locked up as well.. April Jackson didn't mention this through.. I'm so sick of her and her family.. All these killings lately have something to do with her family.. Instead of a stop the violence ralley she need to have a sit down with her family and have a long talk with them. Everytime something goes on with someone else family she is right in the center of attention. You will know when her family is involved because she hides back in her schell like a turtle..

  6. Yea NO gang problem in salisbury there ELMER FUDD U mean MAYOR DAY. As you stated no crime where you are in the city

  7. so if the msp handle these investigations just what does duncans bunch do for salisbury? same as she does, not much! oh that's right they transport walmarts shop lifters to jail. tough job there babs!

    1. MSP Homicide team does the murder investigations. This has been mentioned several times. Depending on where this actually occurred, they may have also been assisted by Salisbury CID and WBI. Everybody works together on these

  8. Great family! I guess not many of them will be showing up at the family picnic this 4th of July?

  9. Gaskins is the grandson of Salisbury City Councilwoman April Jackson.

    "He says he didn't do it and I believe him," she said.

    And I believe that the moon is made of a delicious cheese spread.

    1. April Jackson of course any parent or grand parent will believe there child. Dna proves otherwise and you need to get over the fact that his vomit was found at the scene..Jones and your grandson with not friends and they was beefing over the internet. He might of not pulled the trigger as he tells u, but he knows who did and not telling the police anything so guess what Grandmother it is a such thing as Conspiracy and that's just like you committing the crime.You need to get your grandson to start talking so all of this can come to a end, that's the only way you going stop he violence. Please you and your family do the right thing. They are killers on the streets and if your grandson say he didn't do it. Get him talking so Justice can be serve and we want our streets safe for our children.

  10. white folks need to get the hell out of smallsbury, its not gonna get any better

  11. 6:38 AM - Your constant one-note rant is getting really old.
    How about some constructive criticism that doesn't involve firing the police chief? And maybe you should call the SPD and do a few ride-alongs with some street officers to see what they do before you tell us what they don't. 410-548-3165. Just ask about the ride-along program.

  12. Little Baltimore

  13. End section 8 and they go away.

  14. This is all quite confusing. The teen that was killed months ago at the Best Value Inn was a cousin to the Man killed just the other day. Now the brother of the man killed the other day has been arrested for killing someone else. Was the man that was murdered the other day a witness at the motel shooting? Was this in retaliation? Was the murder of Mr Jones in retaliation for something? Is all this related or just coincidence?

  15. 8:10 and others. The reason I let your comment through is because it is true, in this sense.

    IF we had more people working, even setting an example, people wouldn't have so much time on their hands.

    While I don't like your possible intent to label section 8 people in general, I thought I'd offer my opinion.

    I also don't believe it has to do with section 8. It has to do with able people on assistance who don't need to be. I see the abuse every day. One person living in affordable housing while their boyfriend or girlfriend lives with them and nothing is said about it. Times are very tough here on the Shore. Jobs are few and far between, especially decent paying jobs.

    I'll repeat this over and over again, (if I must) each local candidate ran their campaigns with the number one topic being JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!


  16. Unbelievable how folks can come on these media sites and rant foolish opinions. The entire Salisbury is in an uproar, and to say Section 8, that was sstupid as well. This beef is behind foolishness and peoples pride. Before we start shouting out solutions, we have the to look at the dynamics in this matter, and realize that value for life is diminishing and people are cruel. Black, White, Blue, Or Green, it doesn't matter violence has no color, but it does have foolish actions with it. And once a person pulls a trigger, they have no control over the results. So the problem starts with creating outlets to derail these crimes. As for the rest of your comments, unless its a solution, stick them where the sun don't shine and keep your mouths shut.

  17. 6:29 AM - It embarrasses her that she can't keep her own house in order, but she's got the answers for everybody else.

  18. My Grand Father said never feed wild animals. They will just keep coming back and will learn not to fend for themselves. Funny such a simple solution. Stop feeding the ghetto rats they will go else where to find food.

  19. How is it possible to be a young adult and be so insulted over something somebody says on Facebook or Twitter that you take a gun, go to their house and shoot them four times?

  20. 11:02 AM - Thank you. There's one commenter that just doesn't get it, probably because of some personal axe to grind.

  21. 10:48 it should embarrass her. It absolutely should embarrass her and her head needs to be dragging the ground in shame. It's disgusting how those people are. Always have some excuse always looking to blame it on asinine things like the kids don't have anything to do. Maybe if baby momma got up off her back making more babies and baby daddies stopped committing crimes and mounting ever slut that has her legs spread these kids would stand a decent chance of growing up into productive law biding citizens. Jackson's nothing more than an enabler and then is so dumb she sits around wondering why this happened when the answer is right in front of her face if she dares allow herself a few seconds of honesty to accept the truth.
    I have no sympathy. They are reaping exactly what they have sown.

  22. No one should be surprised. I've been warning by saying it all along because my spirit guides do not lie. God Almighty has declared that all race baiters and obama supporters are to be punished because obama is the devil on earth. This is why all the murders in concentrated obama supporting neighborhoods. You denouce obama repent and not go back to your evil ways or you can keep on digging the graves. It's that simple. Don't be praying now before renouncing and repenting. It only makes God more angry then He was before. Spirit guides do not lie.

  23. 7:38 what's the matter babs? hit a nerve? i got better things to do then ride around with a bunch of rookies and watch them harass college students or hide behind telephone poles and hand out speeding tickets.
    bottom line is things didn't use to be like this in salisbury, this happened under your watch and you are directly responsible for the lack of police involvement in the community! go back to NYa dn day hire a real police chief! why do so many officers want to leave? residents ought to just ask yourselves that!

  24. The police aren't at fault 12:47. (I'm not 7:38 BTW) If the police try and be proactive within these communities they are tagged to be racial profiling.
    The bottom line is-Yes the social justice warriors are getting exactly what they and they alone are responsible for creating. A culture where anything goes. A culture taught to not respect anything. A culture that promotes lawlessness. Yes, this should not come as a shock to anyone and certainly not April herself. She and her father are directly responsible for creating this culture and she would become a better person by admitting she is at fault. Playing the blame game, making excuse and trying to shirk parental responsibility to the government has gotten her exactly where she finds herself sitting today, this hour, this minute and as soon as she admits that too she will be a better person.

  25. Idle hands are the devils work.

  26. They fall for the BS that 'it takes a village' the African proverb Clinton adopted and they fell for hook line and sinker. If this were anywhere near true Africa would be a utopia, but it's not. All African countries are cess pools of lawlessness and poverty and would cease to exist if not for other countries giving them money. Libya used to be nice and was actually only one of the civilized countries on the African continent until obama screwed that up. Kadafi kept the terrorists at bay when he was alive. Now that country is just like the rest of the crap hole continent.

  27. This whole scenario and city of salisbury has gotten way out of hand. Starts with Ireton and his nonsense, now Day and his ignorance to s city council member and several of her family members wrapped up in gang related murder?? How in the world do you people keep trying to defend salisbury and a great little town image, it's become a total cesspool

  28. but but but 2:08 it's the "comfortable side of coastal!" What a crock of crap. If Day had a brain he would be embarrassed! He is nothing but another useful idiot like Ireton. Lapdogs to the liberal agenda neither one of them man enough to tell it like it is by saying the truth. The 2 useless waste of oxygen mayors of Ghettobury.

  29. No 11:02 MSP comes in and works the case and when they can not solve it in five or ten days they pull out and blame it on the jurisdiction that should have worked the case in the first place. Funny MSP does not like joint units anymore but get them media and they are there.

    Time for everyone to go back to base camps. The city and the county were solving murders way before MSP homicide was born. It falls to the leaders of these departments. I have no issue with MSP Homicide coming in to assist. It is demeaning to detectives that have trained and know what the hell they are doing to have the state come in.

    How many remember when Barrack E could not field a burglary or domestic because they were running traffic or no one avaialible. They handle less then 7% of actual crime in the county and city. Yet they are in control of homicides lol. COME ON MAN !!!!!!!!!! Total BS and all the foot soldiers know it

  30. Good old Shaquille. I remember when he was a student at Bennett. He wasn't the least bit interested in an education. He was a violent criminal in the halls of JMB. The principal told the BOE he wasn't welcome back at Bennett but good ole Margo Handy told the principal "too bad" and the principal was forced to allow him back. Remember Dr. Handy?

  31. Everybody is quick to judge but don't throw rocks at ur glass house... My nephew taking was murdered and he was a kid doing kid things going to a party... I don't no me Jones but I'm pretty shore he wasn't a bad kid... Also my nephew keonte was a good kid... Shaquile was also a good kid u don't no shot about my nephews... Just worry about ur damn kids that's killing people. The truth will come out.. AND YALL JUST MAD CAUSE APRIL WON AND UR PEOPLE DIDNT GO TO HELL


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