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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Maryland Addressing Lack of Health Care for Hispanics

HYATTSVILLE, Md. - Maryland's Hispanic community has grown to about 10 percent of the total population, and many don't have health insurance.

A collaborative effort is under way in Maryland to provide health care to those who can't afford it. The focus is on Prince George's County, which has the highest rate of uninsured residents in Maryland.

In the Hispanic community, about 87 percent of adults lack medical insurance.

La ClĂ­nica del Pueblo and Doctors Community Hospital have teamed up to offer preventive and specialty care at a new location next to the Prince George's Plaza Metro Station.



  1. Yes they will get free housing, free food, free health care all on our dime, WAKE UP AMERICA !

  2. How many of them are illegal and not paying taxes? Too freakin' many! They shouldn't be here leeching off our system without putting in their tax dollars!

  3. I thought that obamacare took care of this. you would think by the outrageous premium and deductible increases I pay each year that I am at least paying for one of them. Do I get a picture of the adult that my money is paying for and maybe a crayon drawing?

  4. interesting, I have to pay for my family's health care and these freeloaders get it free. way to many freebies given out in this society. you want to eat and have medical care then you better work. total bs!

  5. Go back to Mexico where you came from!

  6. You mean lack of health care for illegal aliens? I suggest they do like white people do. Get a job with benefits.

  7. Aww poor babies, get a job and pay for it like the rest of us do!

  8. And by the way, birth control is free at planned parenthood, which is an oximoron!


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