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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Black Lives Matter activists destroy ‘Blue Lives Matter’ display at Dartmouth College

Blue lives, black lives, yes, all lives matter.

The Dartmouth College Republicans received permission from the college to put up a “Blue Lives Matter” display honoring law-enforcement work during National Police Week. After just one day, the display was completely removed and replaced with Black Lives Matter signs, according to the Dartmouth Review, a conservative newspaper.

On Thursday, May 12, after a three-week process to gain access to the bulletin board, the College Republicans put up their display. By 9 a.m. the following morning, social media was buzzing about the display.

“News of the display gained traction on social media,” the Dartmouth Review reported. “One post stated in reference to the bulletin board, ‘In case recent news about inclusivity and diversity had you fooled, Dartmouth is still racist. Located in the student center atrium.’ “

Then, by 11 a.m., a group of students at the New Hampshire college had taken the display down completely, replacing it with four fliers that said, “You cannot co-opt the movement against state violence to memorialize its perpetrators. #blacklivesmatter,” according to Dartmouth Review.

The college intervened, and told the Black Lives Matter protesters they were in violation of college policy for taking down the display because the College Republicans had rightfully reserved it. The protesters said they were aware of their violation, but they refused to stand down.



  1. That's because the BLM'ers are thugs who don't care about their fellow man.

  2. They are terrorist.

  3. Lies and deceite is the libtarded agenda

  4. this "ess" is getting old. Tantrum after Tantrum - ugh!

  5. Black lives that wear blue to work, matter the most.

  6. Prosecute. It's a federal crime.

  7. arrest them for malicious destruction of property.

  8. Black privilege at work. If the blm items came down, it would be considered racist


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