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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Majority Opposed to Obama’s School Bathroom Order

A majority of Americans in a new poll say they oppose President Obama’s order telling schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom corresponding with their gender identity, rather than biological sex.

Fifty-one percent of adults said they are against the decision, compared to 33 percent who are in favor and 16 percent who are undecided, according to a Rasmussen Reports survey released on Tuesday.

Parents of elementary and secondary school children are even more opposed to the mandate, which puts federal education dollars at risk for non-compliant schools. Fifty-five percent of parents with school children said they oppose the order, while 32 percent said they support the decision.

Americans also overwhelmingly believe the federal government should not be involved in regulating school bathroom access..

More here


  1. Duh he is an ignorant dictator married to a tranny what do you expect from a diciple of satan?

  2. How can federal funding be taken away, just on the order of the "president"? Not a law, or. Supreme Court ruling or even an "executive order".

    Just "because I said so".

  3. Comrade Obama could care less what any of you unwashed peons think. Get over yourselves.

  4. Every pervert in the making loves it though.

  5. I thought I read that Obama's daughters have asked to be included in this exposure. They support them, don't they?

  6. If the majority of Americans are for/against something then Obama and his followers are against/for it, Obama wants nothing to do with what the majority in this country are for! Just look at his record on it.

  7. Obama doesn't make you male or female, God did.

  8. Is it legal to removes bathrooms all together?

  9. I see a mass exodus of the public schools due to the transgender bathroom lunacy. Parents will be looking to homeschool their children, or place them in private schools. This would then decrease the need of all those public school teachers, administrators, and unions

  10. If you identify as a freedom loving liberal, can I just pee in the water fountain then?

  11. AND this is just an attention getting device to divert everyone's attention from the hundreds of thousands Muslims being covertly imported so they can take over the country... Goodbye, America.


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