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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Massive Nude Anti-Trump Protest Planned for GOP Convention

One photographer wants to make a bold statement during the Republican National Convention this July.

Spencer Tunick is looking for 100 women to pose nude for a photoshoot in the streets of Cleveland.

Apparently, this is “art,” and it’s not the first time Tunick has organized this kind of stunt. Tunick has orchestrated more than 70 mass nude photo shoots all over the globe since the 1990s.

This particular work of “art” will be entitled “Everything She Says Means Everything.” The plan is for 100 nude women (sorry gentlemen) to pose together for a photograph while holding up mirrors. According to the photographer’s website, the goal is to reflect “the knowledge and wisdom of progressive women and the concept of ‘Mother Nature.'"

Lol. That's pretty stupid.

More here


  1. I like the flash mob concept.

  2. If he gets the BLM lackwits to pose, that's going to be a whole lot of fugly.

  3. I think the nude women would have made a better statement if they were at a Bush convention.

  4. So the complaint is trump is condencending to women, so the answer is to demean women to get back at trump. Makes total sense to me.

  5. What does that have to do with the Republican Convention? Is it supposed to be anti Trump? Don't worry, Bill Clinton will recognize most of them.

  6. Very interesting. I didn't know about this person. There is so much and so many we don't know about. In looking at his other work just now I noticed there were only white people taking part except in one case where it appeared half the people in the picture had been covered in red paint or perhaps catsup.

    The different studies artists think up always amaze me. some I wish I had thought up and others don't impress. Some of this work is very impressive for its originality.

  7. Don't be surprised to see Bill Clinton showing up! ROTUS (raper of the....)

  8. Trump has top people in his company that are women, blacks, Asians etc. making millions a year. People need to face it he is everything you want in a candidate these days. Don't forget funding his own campaign the list goes on.


  9. And we thought the burning river in Cleveland was unsightly!

  10. Rosie O'Donnell is the first to sign up...

  11. If they get Hillary to participate then that will really hurt Trump or anyone else they might get a glimpse of the photo

  12. The Dems are doing all they can to disrupt this election process. They have become anti-American!

  13. To all you fat liberals please don't forget to trim. Most of you are disgusting.

  14. Most of them look like the hairy legged bushwomen type. Ugh


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