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Sunday, May 22, 2016

FBI Director: 'I Worry Very Much' That Young People Won't Join Police Force

(CNSNews.com) - "I worry very much -- especially with a lot of controversy around law enforcement these days, and sometimes healthy skepticism becoming cynicism -- that young men and women may be discouraged from pursuing this kind of service (police work)," FBI Director James Comey said last Friday.

Comey, speaking at a memorial service for FBI agents killed in the line of duty, said his own son is about to become a policeman:

"I have five children; my middle child is my son. He is about to join a police department after graduating from college. He’s doing it because he wants to help people.

"I worry very much, are young men and women making that same choice today at the rate we need them to? I don’t know. I think it’s something we all have to worry about.



  1. Perhaps if police spend more time going after crime and less time going after revenue, young people wouldnt have this perception.

  2. police make zero, nothing off tickets they write. If fines are not acceptable as punishment for minor infractions, what do you suggest be the punishment? I'm sure I won't get an answer to this.

  3. 9:23-You are special aren't you.

  4. Actually, neither he, no she, are "special." Laws are rules, and if one were to break laws, or rules, then they should expect consequences. And yeah, in Maryland, at least,those fines go to the state. Thanks.

  5. Exactly, no answer to a simple question other than a lame insult. typical.

  6. We don't have police forces anymore , we now have the military force that Obama has created within all police stations. He has transferred the military to civilian police forces , very discrete and almost unnoticed. His idea was to minimize the military and strengthen the police for a replacement . It called a military state.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    police make zero, nothing off tickets they write. If fines are not acceptable as punishment for minor infractions, what do you suggest be the punishment? I'm sure I won't get an answer to this.

    May 19, 2016 at 9:23 PM

    Along with police abuses we hear about each and every day, police continue to lie, such as the one you pumped out, causes a loss of respect for each one.

    Next you will lie again about police having no quotas.

  8. I must be getting screwed over because I've never seen a dime from any citation I've issued.

  9. DONT worry once the idiot Obama is out and Trump is in thing will be better than ever.

  10. 5:51 AM - The President has nothing to do with local and State police forces. They are the responsibility of the State Governors, Mayors, City/Town Managers and other local officials.

    The militarization of the police forces has been going on since long before President Obama was elected. This President is the first one in modern history attempt to demilitarize local police forces but has been thwarted by this Congress.

    Most of the ramp-up to heavy militarization of police occurred in the 1980's during the Presidency of our biggest drug warrior, Ronald Reagan.

  11. Police "militarization" is a media lie. I guess I get my citation writing check when I retire, because I still haven't seen a penny yet for writing one. Again, what are the alternatives for punishment if a fine is not acceptable. And again, the trolls will refuse to answer the question.

  12. To clear it up the Maryland State Police are the revenue cops. Local cops get nothing back all goes to Maryland General Fund i.e. MSP lol

    Now if you live in Delaware another story. Greenwood, Camden, Harrington, and Felton are borderline corrupt police largely due to fines being remitted back to the townships. They balance their budgets using traffic fines. Hence the word speed traps. Greenwood and Felton made it on the national AAA news letter.

    8:51 do your home work Libtard. What are you a Moon Shiner.

    Dem dare Revunuuurs after me again. Time to snort some chicken dust.

  13. Dems will always be the cops...just for the union benefits and pensions. Go to work at 20, with full benefits, and retire at 50 with a pension, for the rest of their lives. Where else are they going to get a deal like that? Just in the government, and not in the private sector, not anymore. There will never be any shortage of cops. Apparently, someone thinks they need even more pay and benefits to be a cop. How about $100,000 a year to ride around and profile people for traffic stops, and a full pension after 20 years. Think that would do it? I'm SURE it would, for a while.

  14. 12:02 - First you have no idea what you are talking about. Not every cop leaves with a full pension (some retire with none) and never earned even close to $100,000 dollars. I know exactly what I am talking about do you??? Check into it.

  15. A portion of ticket fines are redistributed to police depts throughout the state. But the problem here is crime and thugs' disrespect for the law and those hired to protect citizens and their properties. How would you like to face a mob with baseball bats, knives, and guns? Not many do anymore because of our corrupt judicial system under Obama and his liberal, law-breaking cronies.


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