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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Experienced ‘Sex Change Regret,’ Might De-Transition, Biographer Says

“It hasn’t been easy for Caitlyn, it’s been very hard,” Ian Halperin recalls one source telling him

Caitlyn Jenner, who announced her transition from man to woman last year, has considered de-transitioning, the author of a new book about the Kardashian family told TheWrap on Wednesday.

Ian Halperin, the author of “Kardashian Dynasty: The Controversial Rise of America’s Royal Family,” said that, while researching his book, multiple sources told him that the former Olympian had been miserable for months and has considered transitioning back to a man.

“One source confirmed to me Caitlyn has made whispers of ‘sex change regret,’ hinting she might go back to being Bruce Jenner,” Halperin said.



  1. What, and then becoming Man of the Year in some lame magazine for "manning up"?

  2. More of the same. Sick weirdos running around seeking fame in any perverted way they can.

    Those that scream for tolerance are the least tolerant themselves.

  3. no surprise here. This was all just a PR stunt.

  4. Who gives a FF? This is all Kardashian-like bull&&&t. Look at me! Look at meeee!

  5. Well duh what did you expect dude??? I think he just went completely insane because he married into that hive they call the Kardashians.

  6. Nothing more than a cross-dresser.

  7. Just give he-she a short rope and a tall tree do us all a favor!! Today's world do whatever just get me fame fortune

  8. If you would just ignore this mess, maybe it will go away.

  9. I wonder how HE will be received by all those crazy progressives who touted HER for having a great deal of courage to transition. I believe at this point it will probably take a great deal more courage for HIM to de-transition.

    Besides with Obama's current position he can, as a man, still use the women's bathrooms.

    Stop the world! I wanna get off.....

  10. Who cares what this freak does.If he stood his graound and acted like a man his girls wouldn't be Ho's.

  11. How is this news? I blocked ETV on my television because of these people

  12. Been a lot easier to stay a crossdresser.

  13. So the claim of him doing this to avoid prison due to the traffic accident was true.

    (no one knew where to put the freak in which prison)

  14. Americas Royal Family? Ugh, I don't think so.

  15. Jenner's figuring out that these gays and transgenders have completely worn out their welcome.

  16. Just another new episode for the Kardashians. This is what money "can" buy. Money "can't buy you class. But it sure buy you fortune and fame. Jenner is a fake. He's whole entire family of Witches and Warlocks are fake. And I am for sure, tired of this Satanic seed a of a family. Why are we even talking about it's. Ban the Kardashians / Jenners.

  17. Duct tape stocks going down,

  18. Suicide time has arrived.

  19. As long as the world watches and listens, they'll keep performing.

  20. The article that I read said that Caitlyn was considering de-transitioning because she is deeply Christian and is still attracted to women and so would not want to engage in homosexual behavior. Now I am not God so I can not judge but I know one thing. I would not want to go in front of God on judgement day and say, "Well Lord, I knew you made a mistake when you made me and that I should have been a woman and so I just fixed what you messed up." Neither may not keep you out of heaven as there is only one unpardonable sin and neither one of these is it but I just wouldn't want to say that to the Lord.


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