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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Vatican Cardinal to Americans: ‘In Your Nation, God Is Being Eroded, Eclipsed, Liquidated’

"In your nation, God is being eroded, eclipsed, liquidated," Cardinal Robert Sarah, who was appointed as Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments by Pope Francis in 2014, told hundreds of prominent Catholic clergy and lay people attending the 12th annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast Tuesday in Washington.

In what he called "portentous times" for the Catholic Church and for the world, Cardinal Sarah condemned same-sex marriage, transgender bathroom laws, and attacks on the family as "demonic".

“All manner of immorality is not only accepted and tolerated today in advanced societies, it is even promoted as a social good,” the African cardinal said. “The result is hostility to Christians and increasingly, religious persecution.”

“This is not an ideological war between competing ideas,” Sarah told the D.C. gathering. “This is about defending ourselves, children and future generations from the demonic idolatry that says children do not need mothers and fathers. It denies human nature and wants to cut off an entire generation from God.”

More here


  1. A lot of us already knew this!

  2. Yes, yes, and yep!!

  3. And if you want to do something about it, start with NOT voting for a particular Democratic Party presidential candidate.

  4. He should sweep his own floors

  5. Sorry Cardinal, but the world is not marching to your tune anymore.

  6. he's evidently misinformed. The whole world not just amerika is in trouble and his leader, pope dufus aint helping the situation by promoting his marxist liberation theology.
    signed a practicing Catholic!

  7. Dave T: He's right. Sad but true.

  8. This could be said about MOST of the world in 2016.

  9. Yes its correct the Rainbow Warriors (New age religion,UN,NWO) including the Catholic Church are centers of disinformation. Obviously Catholicism and morality is a joke.This priest appears to be sincere and speaks the truth, but he needs to expand his audience.it's falling on deaf ears with the current globalist crowd

  10. 4:04 Guess you liked the old Nazi, pedophile enabler better.

  11. You see the 3% In Cahoots with the 1% are out to destroy then enslave the other 96% of us who are pretty much stuck with this crap. I think most of us know the difference between right and wrong understand the constitution, golden rules and the Ten Commandments what happened?

  12. Better have that talk with the Pope first there padre.I don't think your on the same page as his progressiveness.

  13. This is the same thing radical conservative Muslims say in their own way.

  14. Maybe the catholic church lost relevance due to rampant instances of child sex abuse and coverups of such incidents.


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