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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Donald Trump Has Done Something No Other Human Being Has Ever Been Able To Do Before

When I ran for Mayor a few years ago, the press wanted nothing to do with me. The local Republican Club refused to allow me to speak to fellow republicans. Every single Forum I attended, the questions they were going to ask were hand fed to my opponent in advance. They had "plant" people in the audience to ask questions that were LIES like, "you wrote that when you were elected you are going to close the Salisbury Zoo". I never wrote any such thing and my answer was, "My Wife worked for the Zoo for 18 years and hand raised most of the animals you see in the Zoo. If I even mentioned I'd be closing the Zoo she'd kill me". 

So you see, even at a local level, running for office is a difficult thing to do, especially when your own alleged party refuses to work with you. 

Now comes Donald Trump. His own party has refused to show any kind of support. FOX News, (an alleged ally) have attacked him in every possible way. The rest of the media have attacked him and those stations have run tens of millions of dollars worth of negative ads against this man and guess what, all of it has failed.

Now, (after everyone recently dropped out) the media is saying it's time to regroup and figure out what we're going to do next. 

What's most interesting about Donald Trump is that he is not a politician and certainly not a professional career politician. THIS SCARES THE HELL OUT OF WASHINGTON D.C..

A President who doesn't kiss up to Congress? A President who refuses to play politics and only has  the will of the people, (business) at heart? WHAT WILL ALL THESE CROOKED POLITICIANS DO NOW? Quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. 

The Main Stream Media has had a partnership with these politicians for decades. They have kept stories quiet and in today's world they now only publish, (for the most part) what they are hand fed, especially on a local level. When it comes to campaigns, BILLIONS of dollars are fed to these newspapers and TV news stations. The more you feed them, the more air time you mysteriously get. The Hogan/Brown race was a prime example. Brown would get 10 minutes air time while Hogan got 15 seconds.

That being said, Maryland will play a HUGE role in this Presidential Election. Being a democrat state, Hogan won by a HUGE margin because people were sick and tired of the tax and spend democrats. The same will happen in this Presidential Election. However, that also means many other states will follow. 

What we have seen so far are only primary results. Meaning, democrats can only vote for democrats and republicans can only vote for republicans. However, when we get to the general elections, most of those democrats will be crossing party lines and voting for Trump and don't you dare tell me I am wrong. I have spoken to many democrats who absolutely refuse to vote for Hillary but more importantly, (like you) I have watched the Main Stream Media LIE to our faces every single day. I have watched them shove lying polls down our throats several times a day saying it is impossible for Trump to win. 

They have LIED so bad that right now every single one of you should never trust a word they say and STOP being brainwashed by their false information. Americans have had enough and this is the time to walk away from the Main Stream Media, they have right now proven they are liars. This is no miracle. Donald Trump is no Messiah. He's just a man who, (thank God) has had and seen enough. We are ALL fortunate this man has chosen to lead us back in the right direction. Is the man perfect, NO. Then again, is Hillary???

Hillary Clinton will lose miserable against Donald Trump, UNLESS THEY RIG THE ELECTION. We, (as Americans) need to join the "Trump Revolution", (as the Washington Post calls it) and overwhelmingly prove that we will NOT allow them to RIG this election. Very few people believe Obama actually won the first go around and definitely not the second go around. So Americans need to come together across the entire country and show massive support for this guy so they can't pull the same crooked game as the last time. 

Donald Trump is one man. One man cannot change the entire country alone. I firmly believe that ALL politicians currently in office are squirming like there's no tomorrow because Trump is telling them, the game is over. More people similar to Donald Trump who believe in changing our local and federal government will soon replace the career politicians and then, all of a sudden this one man movement will turn into a massive government overhaul. This scares the living crap out of politicians, lobbyists, media, corporations and other crooked foreign countries. 

I'm going to tell you something right now that I've not shared with you in the past. When Donald Trump came to Berlin, Maryland, did you know that NO ONE, not a Mayor, not a Councilman, not a Republican representative, NO ONE introduced Donald trump before he walked onto that stage. I say this because, guess what, Donald Trump is going to REMEMBER this. He's going to remember which politicians stood behind him and or who shied away from him. I LOVE IT! Republicans, (RINO'S?) you are now on notice.



  1. We can only hope that he has success in the election. I really don't think he can beat the corrupt democrats because of their media connection and the present administration. We shall see!

  2. Also , I do believe that there will be unrest and civil disturbance in the entitlement sections of the cities . Trump winning is nothing more than an excuse to riot and show their culture and ethics.
    Many of us republicans are ready for this , please take heed , odds are that it will happen , nothing would please the democrats and the administration more. As a matter of fact , don't be surprised if the democrats pay these people to riot.

  3. I am going over to our local Board's office to witness the vote counting this Friday to make sure it happens properly. The Public is invited, starts at 10.

  4. On all the main stream media sites last night and today they are claiming their "polls show Hillary ahead of Trump" by anywhere from 13-25 points. My husband asked me about Trump's chances after seeing the headline and I told him to just ignore that seeing as how they have been lying about everything else concerning Mr. Trump for the past several months.

    But I agree with you Joe, I watched when you ran and you would have definitely been the better man for the job but the deck was stacked against you all the way around. They tried to pull the same thing with "the Donald." It just didn't work but now they are scrambling.

    The average American is sick of the BS. I know I am.

  5. 6:46, Thanks.

    I'm not sure what will come of this election but one thing is for sure, it will be the last time anyone screws with any future elections because Americans are waking up and they will fight back. Heck, I'm not so sure there won't be a revolution this go around if the majority of Americans realize they've been screwed again.

    As for the Salisbury election, it was a joke from the beginning. I demolished Jim Ireton in every Forum, even though I didn't have the questions in advance. I simply wanted to get out there and show people my platform/ideas. I wanted to put pressure on Ireton to start doing the right thing and it worked. Unfortunately Ireton and Day have never run businesses, so ideas are great but they must be managed and they have no idea how to do it.

    A perfect example is revitalizing Downtown. You can plant trees and flowers and dress the whole place up but if you can't manage it LONG TERM, you will fail. It's kind of like a wedding reception. They can be fun to go to but you wouldn't want to go to one every weekend or even every 3rd Friday. Eventually it will peter out. Knowing how to MANAGE such projects and keep them flowing is a massive undertaking and unfortunately your past three Mayors have NO experience and point fingers at everyone else for their failures.

    Good Luck Salisbury.

  6. Over the past couple of years I have come to realize that the network "commentators" such as those on FOX, CNN, MSNBC, etc. are really all about "themselves". Egos play the major role. Each commentator butting in to try to show how smart and important they are. Rarely does a sentence get spoken without it being interrupted. Its about ratings and narcissim. I stopped watching finally as I began to get sick of it all. The Trump phenomenum (sp?) occured and caught them all off guard and proved they don't know what the hell they are talking about. I hope they all liked eating that crow pie. Oh where or where did the Ed Murrows of the world go?


  7. This is as good a piece as you've ever done, that I've read. Nailed it right on the head.

    Now, as far a you're comment on down town. It is just my humble opinion, it has never been the same since the change of America towns years ago when malls replaced the hub of small cities. Unfortunately it will never revive or become attractive again. Like I stated, my opinion and would love to be proven incorrect. I spent some memorable day down there as a kid, with the movies, dime store and Watson Smoke House. So glad I wasn't doing that in a mall.

    As for the nice town of Berlin, it didn't have to return or make a comeback. It didn't leave, has always been a neat place.

  8. 7:21, Thanks.

    As for Downtown, unfortunately times change, as do environments. Berlin IS properly managed and marketed. However, every Town in the state can't copy what Berlin has done. There would be too much competition and ultimately everyone would fail.

    That being said, you have to be creative. You have to think out of the box. My idea was to create iron gates at both ends of the Plaza. You can open them seven days a week but close them down on Friday and Saturday afternoon/evening. Create a sort of Bourbon Street outdoor open container environment with two or three outdoor bands. Since we have a college right up the street, why not create an environment for today's youth and make money off of it.

    While us gray hair people might not like it, remember, we're not going down there as it is anyway and we can't expect every property owner down there to go bankrupt and or let everything fall into disrepair. You charge a cover to get in so you can pay for police security. The property values would skyrocket and every microbrewery in the tri state are would be lining up to get a spot there as well as the new distilleries coming to Maryland.

    Ireton ran with a portion of my idea but rather then closing it off like I had suggested, he instead recruited his young friends to beg and borrow to open their own bar restaurants without the proper experience and most of them folded and also had serious trouble. Those with past experience are still there.

    Once the Plaza area takes off, imagine how valuable ALL of the other outside surrounding pieces of real estate would be worth. The arts and craft BS is just that, BS! Tell me who else has this Bourbon Street idea in effect in Maryland? Even Downtown Annapolis has incredible sub shops flourishing like there's no tomorrow and especially after 2 AM.

    Liberals want to believe their arts vision is the way to go but these are people who drink one glass of wine and go home by 9:00 PM so they can go out the next day on their sail boat and use the wind so they don't have to pay or burn any gas. Why, because they're cheap.

    I was in business for a LOT of years and I was very successful. You mark my words, (like my idea or not) it would work and it would make a ton of money. And don't come back here saying there would be fights and problems. Of course their would be but having a police presence on location is far better than all the fights we hear about at all the other bars in Salisbury. Heck, there are even fights at Chucky Cheese, so give me a break.

  9. Very well stated Joe and so true, all of it. I want to see America great again and get the dirty politicians out of local, state and federal government. I'm like Trump, I love America and I want to see it great again. Vote Trump, Yes!

  10. On another note, did all of you notice how Bernie Sanders brought in tens of thousands of people to his rallies, (a lot more then Hillary ever dreamed of) yet he lost so many states????? Did you notice how the main stream media refused to show how many people were in attendance for Bernie and yet they always showed close ups of Hillary at her events???

    Don't dare try to tell me these elections aren't rigged. Don't dare try to tell me the main stream media isn't a machine for politicians.

    You mark my words, when Trump gets in and Americans start electing more Trump minded people, the main stream media will die and the Blogs will immediately take over.

    Blogs are grass roots leaders. Main Stream media is systematic, college trained and followed by a very selective and convenient protocol. I can assure you, I am a prime example of how we started out with next to nothing for traffic and are now the largest source for local news and information over anyone else out there.

    Let me prove it. The Daily Times had their own building Downtown with, (at one point) some 250 employees. Soon after I started Salisbury News they put their building up for sale. They used to print their own papers, they sold the press. Now they rent space and their printing is done in Wilmington Delaware. As for their employees, they pushed almost everyone out and they're down to what, 25 employees?

    People are fed up. the information they deliver isn't trustworthy and certainly one sided and the most recent Jim Ireton being praised for his massive loss is proof.

    As for WBOC, well, they've been hiring ex Daily Times employees and you know where that will ultimately get them. And let me clarify something here that I probably haven't mentioned before. While I tend to rag on WBOC at times, they truly do have some very good people working for them and I really mean that. It's a shame that jimmy Hoppa doesn't do all of their newscasts because he is a very upbeat human being and very entertaining. The younger weatherman Mike clearly likes his job and actually delivers more accurate information. Steve Hammond is a very dedicated employee. Mind you, this is just my personal opinion, you may feel very different.

    However, WBOC has been attacking Donald trump and not giving him anywhere near the time and attention the man deserves and that's BS. Last night at 6 PM, I gave up watching their broadcast because 15 minutes into it they still hadn't mentioned Bernie beating out Hillary, let alone Cruz and Kosich dropping out. Instead they ran on and on about some stupid Hospital for what seemed like 10 minutes. REALLY, locals are more interested in a hospital coming in 3 or 4 years over who might be our next President? Unreal.

  11. All of the MSM in the area treads lightly when it comes to politics, as their advertisers call the shots. It's been that way for as long as I can remember.

  12. Everyone in the Republican Party that Trump ran against for the most part, in my opinion, were good caring honest Americans. You had Dr. Carson, Governors, Congressman and according to most, the best the Republican Party had to offer. Trump has yet to campaign against a dishonest, bad person, such as Hillary. I believe this will be a close Presidential election but at the end honesty will overcome deceitfulness. Just as important is the nomination for the Supreme Court Justice. Another Liberal will turn this country upside down.

  13. 7:21, a note about that. When is the last time you had to come out of the mall, Home Depot, Chico's, Wendy's or Wal-Mart and feed a parking meter before continuing to shop?


    Now, go look at Berlin's, Cambridge's, and Easton's lively downtowns.

    No meters.

  14. Article well written Joe. Unfortunately I do agree with 6:06 that there will be riots in the black communities this summer in order to give Obama an opportunity to declare Martial Law. The MSM will blame it on anti-Trump but that will just be an excuse to loot and steal. When it happens in Baltimore I hope Hogan will send in the NG at once so the Mayor doesn't give them time to destroy like before.

  15. Everyone should read this book regarding the Clinton's "Blood Sport" by James B. Stewart. It came out in the late 90's and its great reading about the corruption by the Clinton's.

  16. Now that trump won watch how Hillary Clinton is hauled into the FBI and indicted dems want Bernie to go up against trump ?

  17. 8:49, Well, I can't predict your riot comment one way or the other.

    Don't you think that every American Leader should step up NOW and make sure what you suggest doesn't happen?

    I stated many months ago that we need to UNITE and NOT fall for what the media wants you to believe.

    Riots sell papers. Riots bring people to watch television. Wouldn't it be nice, (for once) to see Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and NAACP leaders uniting against such events?

    Unfortunately we are becoming a reactive country and not a proactive country. Our leaders could easily shame any such mentioned violence, yet they don't. These people are nothing like Martin Luther King.

    Here's another thing. I am friends with many black people. These are incredible friends and associates. They do NOT support these riots and unfortunately are then labeled because of them. That's BS!

    I divided from a friend who walks around acting like all Muslims are radicals. ALL of us walked away from any connection with this person because that is just not true or accurate. His attitude is, better to be safe then sorry. That's ridiculous.

    The Main Stream Media is creating hate and divide. Our own government wants everyone on alert. Electronic signs suggesting you report all suspicious activity, everywhere. Of course we're going to report such things but everyone is supposed to be on alert, scared or suspicious.

    All of our attention is drawn away from suspicious GOVERNMENT activity. We're all labeled conspiracy theorists. CRAZY, is what the Liberals want you to think of me/us. Tin Foil Hats is brought up how many times in comments?

    Yet they ALL keep coming back here every single day proving I must be doing something right. Am I perfect, no. Am I right all the time, no. What I am though is someone who has an opportunity to share information we can all discuss and hopefully in some cases agree to disagree. What we provide is simply an alternative to the main stream media.

    Let me close with this. Do you have ANY idea why all of your main stream media sources force you to use Facebook to publish any comments? It's because they want to brainwash you with THEIR version of a story and SCARE each and every one of you from DISAGREEING where your name is made public. So what do they get in the end. Favorable Liberals who praise them for a complete BS article. This enables your local elected officials to say, we moved forward with this project because so many agreed and very few disagreed.


    Unite, come together and make America great again. Don't be a puppet brainwashed into believing what you are being fed is right or accurate. Heck, just look at the transgender bathroom BS. Do you honestly think that most Americans actually support this crap? WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times do though. Funny how GOVERNMENT won't take it to a VOTE and let the citizens actually decide.

  18. Anonymous May 5, 2016, at 8:49 AM hit the nail on the head. There will be rioting and it will be blamed on President-Elect Trump. I feel that I should carry my pistol(s) with me during this time because I don't want to end up like Reginald Denny did so many years ago.

    If these idiots would only come to realize that a rising tide lifts all ships then maybe they would prosper under their own devices but unfortunately, most people do not have that sort of reasoning abilities. Or, they simply don't want to provide for themselves.

    Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong. Great piece Joe!

  19. Target once had the cleanest restrooms of any store and they were convenient. Not anymore, they have gone over the cliff with this one

  20. 9:26, That is EXACTLY what your government and main stream media have done to you. FEAR! This is AMERICA, not a third world country.

    REALLY, citizens in such fear they now want to walk around with guns because you believe riots are going to break out?

    Take GOD out of schools and ultimately this is what you get in a couple decades.

    People like you, (followers) are exactly what is making the future of America SUCK.

    You just keep on voting in people who welcome people to the White House for a beer or send people like Holder all around the country to make things look like hate crimes when they were not.

    Like I said, WAKE UP PEOPLE.

  21. I'm sorry Joe, but you must have me confused for a liberal. I am a staunch Trump supporter. I fail to understand your "People like you, (followers) are exactly what is making the future of America SUCK." comment. I am merely saying that on election night that I would feel more comfortable with enhanced protection. This doesn't stem from fear but from self-preservation. It sounded like you were implying that those who feel the same way are out looking for a fight when this is simply not the truth.

    I would appreciate a little clarification.

  22. I do have to respectfully disagree with one point. With respect to media coverage, no candidate in history has ever gotten so much air time across every network as Trump. Maybe the media coverage was biased against him but coverage is still coverage. Even MSNBC aired many of his rallies in their entirety during their regularly scheduled programs. For months it was a running joke between my wife and I how many minutes would elapse before Trumps name was mentioned after the start of our favorite news show. Rarely did it take more than a minute and usually less than that. Almost every day for months Trump was at the top of the news cycle. Most of the other 16 candidates would have killed for that much exposure.

  23. 9:45, The mere fact that you are AFRAID proves you are REACTIVE and not PROACTIVE.

    The main stream media and the government have you exactly where they want you, what's not to get?

    Here's an idea, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Nah, that's too difficult. You see, you want our young people to go off and fight your wars and protect your right to come on here so you have your first amendment and second amendment rights.

    Try being a soldier yourself for once, step up to the plate and ask community leaders to head off this fabricated event, (that's what it is because I've never seen such a riot threat out there, ANYWHERE) and be a hero to your own community and state.

    There are hundreds of millions of us who own guns. Responsible gun owners will stay at home election night and let our law enforcement do their jobs and protect us, God Forbid something does happen.

    Finally, this is exactly what your main stream media wants. They want all of you fools to believe if you cast a vote for Trump there's going to be riots in the streets. Man you people are stupid.

  24. 9:50, That was genius of Trump to stir the pot like he did. I agree with you, the media went nuts over him but please don't suggest they were trying to do so in a favorable way. Let's also remember that while WBOC stated they would cover the Trump Rally in Berlin in its entirety, they lied. They cut him off just as soon as he mentioned guns. Then there was this, hundreds of protesters. REALLY?

    Anyhow, Trump laughed in their faces on a regular basis saying he didn't have to buy ads because all the MSM did was talk about Trump for FREE.

  25. Let me say this as well. I thought the Democrats were all about rainbows and unicorns.

    Now there's all this talk about riots if a Republican gets elected.

    NO, I'm done with being scared any more.

    It's time to take our country back. No violence necessary, just votes.

  26. Fortunately, I am not a street trawler so once I vote I will be home and not out fishing for a fight. I feel that regardless of the amount of pro-activeness that takes place ahead of the election and inauguration that there will be a degree of violence that will be unavoidable.

    Regarding being sent off to fight, well I have been one of those people tasked with doing just that so, you are welcome.

    With regard to stepping up and working with our leaders to head off a negative outcome, please keep in mind that those that live off of the government's largesse (as a chosen lifestyle) will be the ones that are not wanting any change and will be the source of contention. I feel that this mindset will require several generations to eradicate and the only way to do that is to require people to become self-sufficient and the only way that is going to happen is through economic growth. I believe that Donald Trump is the only person that ran for POTUS that understands how to bring about that growth and in turn change that mindset.

    I still think that you wrote a very good article and I'm sorry that you have misunderstood me.

  27. 10:04, Well, thank you for your service. You, (of all people then) should understand exactly where I'm coming from then.

    I certainly agree that Trump is by far the best candidate to rebuild America.

    Hillary even said the job she'd put Bill in at the White House is creating jobs. REALLY, Bill vs. Trump? Everyone in America should vote for Trump then because that's his expertise, JOBS. Bill, well, he's done nothing but live off the public dole his entire life. Prove to me, (anybody) that Bill could do a better job creating jobs.

    Our society's thinking is broken. Our government wants us to be dependent, at least the Liberal party side does. Our leadership should understand there's so much pride in going to work every day and being not only productive but to be an example to our children as a provider.

    Here's what interests me though. Let's look at Salisbury and Wicomico County. We've had the same leadership in SWED for how many years now, where's the GROWTH? Where's the higher paying jobs? They're non existent.

    So why do these same people stick around? Because these people are tied to big names and elected officials are afraid to let them go because they'll love votes. Man we live in a sad society. It's not about producing. It's all about special interests.

    Anyhow, if you ever wondered why the Eastern Shore continues to fail it's because it's run by special interests who do NOT want anything to change. This select and rich group of people are making hundreds of millions of dollars off your POOR LUCK, (as they'd want you to believe).

    Pull up your boot straps, open your eyes. As I stated earlier, Trump can't do everything alone. You have to understand what's going wrong and then fix it. This is the ONLY way we're going to bring this dependent country back to being independent.

  28. Touche! I have never understood why both the former Mayor (my old boss) and the County Executive were not out (with hat in hand) meeting and greeting with companies that were looking into relocating (Caterpillar and BMW for example). If they would only tout the virtues of opening a plant in Wicomico County! There are many advantages to being in this area and I am sure that I don't need to go into them outside of our proximity to major metropolitan areas. The County and City could offer incentives like lower taxes for ten years but alas, no one did any such thing (not that I am aware of).

    My apologies for going on a tangent but I wanted to throw that in the mix.


  29. 9:26
    I have carried for many years and not because I can't defend myself with the skills I've acquired, but because you don't carry a stick to a gun fight. You realize that most trash wanting to harm you for no reason, most likely has a illegal piece on their person.
    The reminder that we are not in a third world country is appreciated. I'm not being sarcastic because sometimes my mind wonders. This recent voting has got me back on track, thank God that American's jumped on "The Trump Train".

  30. Julie Brewery said 'I'll drink to that " lol Time for her to go some of you young true Republicans need to step up. NO RINOS please we wave enough of those.

  31. If he has no chance in winning why tens of millions of dollars on negative ads,media and congress all going after him with ALL they have?

  32. The government cannot be changed by voting. Too late.
    Hunker down and work on survival.


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