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Sunday, May 08, 2016

19 Year Old Sentenced to Life Plus 23 Years for America's Best Value Homicide


On March 3, 2016, after a three day trial, Jarrett Stokes, age 19, of Delmar, was convicted by a Wicomico County Jury of Murder 1st Degree, Conspiracy, Handgun Use in a Felony, and related offenses. An investigation conducted by the Salisbury Police Department revealed that just after midnight on Aug 2, 2015, three other codefendants, Larry Ennis, Kyshir Connally, and Marquel Pinder were at an under 21 party at America’s Best Value Inn. At the party, Ennis, Connally, and Pinder got into a verbal altercation with another group and were asked to leave. Upon leaving the party, a phone call was made to Jarrett Stokes, and the group met at IHOP. The group, including Ennis, Connally, Pinder, and Stokes then headed back to America’s Best Value Inn to confront the group from earlier. They parked across from the hotel and Ennis, Connally, and Stokes searched the crowd for the individual Ennis and Connally had been previously fighting. After surveying the crowd for approximately ten minutes, Stokes shot four rounds into the crowd of 75 to 100 individuals. One of those rounds struck and killed a 17 year old boy who was standing in the crowd.

On May 5, 2016, Stokes was sentenced by a Circuit Court Judge to life in prison on Murder 1st Degree, plus an additional 20 years on Handgun Use in a Felony and 3 years on Reckless Endangerment.

Wicomico County State’s Attorney, Matthew A. Maciarello, commended the Salisbury City Police Department, Det. J. Miller and Det. Ryan Brittingham, for their work in the investigation and prosecution of this case. Mr. Maciarello also thanked Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Kristen Schultz and Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Karen Dean who prosecuted the case.


  1. If black lives mattered, they would bring their children up better. I find this so sad, story after story of black children growing up to spend their lives in jail. The black drug dealer in my neighborhood brought his sons up to be drug dealers, one is in jail, one is dead.
    Total role model failure, dad.

    1. Color shouldn't be a factor here anyone can be raised up in church have respect for everyone sometimes children are influenced or just want to be cool and they get the bad end of the deal I feel bad for everyone that was involved in this situation but color should not be a factor here if they were of a different color would you have the same response?? Probably not.

    2. It doesn't matter if someone was "raised up in church", or if they are black, white, or whatever.

      The key is whether their parents had enough morals and ethics to teach their children to act right, and reject wrong. It's tough to do when parents are working long hours to make ends meet, because they end up spending more time with friends who may be on a wrong path. They have as much, if not more influence, than a child's own family does.

      I have zero sympathy for chronic welfare families, who have all day long to teach and supervise their kids, yet allow them to run loose like wild animals. You're home all day, get up out of bed in the morning, cook your children a nutritious, healthy breakfast, and plan activities for them if they aren't in school. And if you play the victim game, you have nobody to blame but yourself when little Felonius ends up either in prison or dead in the street.

      Nor do I sympathize with parents who condone their son's "thug" demeanor and persona. You let him dress like a gang member wannabe, pants down hanging off his ass, skulking and shuffling around posing like some kind of criminal with unearned money, drugs and firearms online, don't be surprised when he bucks up to the wrong person and gets a terminal case of acute sudden lead poisoning. He might be a "good boy" around you, but if you aren't providing supervision, he's likely to act out like a "bad boy" to impress his friends. And that has the real potential of ending very, very badly.

      Don't kid yourself; white people are much harder on criminals whether black OR white, makes no difference. You won't hear the rationalization, excuses, denial and deflection from the issue from us. Too many black people want to blame everyone and anything else, when their behavior results in serious consequences. White people tend to have a stronger concept of "cause and effect" than blacks, and consequently, more emphasis on acceptance of responsibility and accountability for one's own actions.

      It's a shame that there is a significant segment of the black population that makes it so hard for everyone else, both black and white. At this point, it is up to the "black community" to become fed up with their bad elements, and take action themselves. Demanding white people solve their problems is counter productive. We're done. There's nothing further we can do, that hasn't already been tried, and failed.

      Of course black lives matter, just as much as white lives. But white people are sick of the hypocrisy. There are white people who raise kids to be utter trash, too, but the difference is, whites don't tend to glorify the degenerate lifestyle or insist it's just part of their "whiteness" or similar nonsense. We know that not all black kids are thugs. But if they look like a duck, walk like a duck and talk like a duck...you know how that goes.

  2. 19 years old and going to be a prisoner the rest of his life. Put down the guns and drugs young people or this could be you. Wake up!

  3. looks like the idiot in the movie nutty professor movie with eddy Murphy lol.

  4. I don't think that he can be fixed.

  5. So he must be referred to as a man who will spend some time away from his family.

  6. 1:55
    The impression I get around the nation is that most blacks are supporting this behavior. Of course that's just my opinion. The BLM is a movement of corrupt activity , without justification.

  7. looks like Side show Bob from the Simpsons.

  8. This country is suffering from cognitive dissonance, point blank and simple. Also for the notion that black on black crime isn't the same as White on White, Asian on Asian, Brown on Brown, well let's just leave that open for modernized discussions.

  9. 2:16 you Bill Clinton?

  10. Just get him some soap on a rope, or maybe lots of it, he's going to be in for a while. And 1:55 PM, I didn't see where anyone indicated that 'all black people raise their kids the same way'.

  11. I keep wondering how African American leaders keep complaining that prisons are overwhelmingly black and say it is due to racism. But, when I look at the news detailing local crime, it is nearly always an African American's photo on the front page.

    1. eh, when you look at the sherriff's reports there's more diversity.

  12. I know ppl who were raised in church...but yet still made the choice to be in the street. So its not all parents fault. Kids now days make bad decisions and choices on their own..influenced by others outside the house they were raised

  13. 1:07-Don't waste your breath.The tsunami shows no indication of stopping anytime soon.

  14. Good, just where this POS belongs, too bad Maryland don't have a death penalty, save us a ton of money and air.

  15. LOL Black lives do not matter. Only a fool believes that nonsense. Black lives only matter when they can attach a racial motive to it.
    It's disgusting the way blacks are killing each other like there is no tomorrow in this country. Blacks only value life when they think they can riot, show off, make a dollar off of the death. They are beating up and even killing the elderly now in Baltimore. Goes to show how much black lives matter. As far as church there are no such thing as real black churches and just about every single "black" pastor is a fake. This is one of their major problems. They have no idea what being a real Christian means. Amenning and Hallijuahing on Sunday's then by nightfall spreading those legs and making a baby in a sinful union. Worst then animals. Kids grow up not knowing who their father is or he's in prison or dead. Mother walking around with her hand out to the government just like a slave. It's disgusting the way they live. 2nd class people who do it to themselves but are too stupid to change. Animals have more brains.

    1. It isn't only blacks their are serial killers that are white back and any other race. Their are white people raping and killing each other so funk off with the black thing. Disgusting crimes have been committed by all races. But you my friend are definitely a racist who doesn't see or read what you own kind has done, when it comes to committing crimes. By the way most sick twisted raping child predator serial killers are WHITE

  16. "black lives do matter just cause some of our black youth choose to live this life style dont mean all black people raise their kids the same way!"

    I agree 1:55, and all police officers aren't bad, and all white people are not racist.

  17. A bit off topic but it's interesting to note that in a lot of areas black on black murders have more than doubled since the inception of BLM.

  18. 4:11 PM - good commentary

  19. Everyone is failing to realize 2 lives have been lost the victim and the shooter. He might as well have died that night as well...I bet now he wishes he did

  20. 23 huh?

    Is that a coded message from the judge?

  21. Nobody who shoots rounds into a group of kids deserves to live among us, not without paying extreme penance.

  22. God is the judge not you all!!!

    1. And we're putting him somewhere where he won't be a danger to us until God changes that. If He doesn't, we can only assume that we did the right thing.

  23. 2:28 thank you, couldn't quite place it myself.

  24. Thats crazy just because he was involved with it he shouldn't get life he not the one who killed the boy

  25. Did he go to Parkside? WiHi?

  26. 4:13, read the article. Stokes surveyed the crowd for 10 minutes looking for his target, then fired the gun with his own hand into the crowd, killing someone.

    Not really hard to understand for most of us.

  27. wht is no one asking why there were several hundred teens at a motel partying?? Think maybe that might be the start of the the problem

  28. 8:37 am - He went to Delmar


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