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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

City Of Salisbury MAY 2016 Board & Committee Meeting Dates and Locations

MAY 2016 Board & Committee Meeting Dates and Locations
Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) -- Wed. May 11, 6:30 p.m., GOB, Room 306. Please note different time than usual, taking community bike ride before the meeting. The ride starts from the front lawn of the GOB. Plan to arrive at 5:15 pm.  The ride will take 30-45 minutes to complete, and the group will return to the GOB. Contact Matt Drew – Email: matt@bike-sby.org   Phone 443-880-8304.

Board of Zoning Appeals – (No May Meeting).

Building Board of Adjustments & Appeals – (No May Meeting).

Central City District Commission – (No May Meeting).

Election Board – (No May Meeting).

Ethics Commission- (No May Meeting).

Friends of Poplar Hill Mansion Board of Directors – Wednesday, May 18, 5:30 p.m., Poplar Hill Mansion.

Historic District Commission – (No May Meeting).

Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals – (No May Meeting).

Marina Committee (Third) Thurs. May 19, 5:00 p.m., Marina Office.

Disability Advisory Committee – Thurs. May 12, 3:00 p.m., Rm 306, GOB.

PAC-14 Public Access Community (2nd Wed.) May 11, 4:00 p.m., E.S. Regional GIS Cooperative Building, 1248 S. Division Street.

Parks & Recreation Committee – (Third) Thurs. May 19, 6:00 p.m., Room 306, GOB.

Planning /Zoning Commission – Thurs. May 19, 1:30 p.m., Room 301, GOB.

Recycling Advisory Committee – (No May Meeting).

Revolving Loan Committee – (No May Meeting).

Sustainability Advisory Committee GREEN TEAM – (No May Meeting).

Traffic & Safety Advisory Committee – (No May Meeting).

Zoo Commission – Wed. May 18, 12:00 p.m., Zoo Education Building.


  1. No May comment!

  2. I thought they were disbanding the Recycling committee?

  3. 2:22 AM - That's what I thought, too. The mayors (Tilghman and Ireton) never listened to anything the committee had to say in the ten years it was active.


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