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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

White House: Obama not offended by comedian’s language

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House said Monday that President Barack Obama wasn’t offended by comedian Larry Wilmore’s use of a racial slur at Saturday night’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner.

Wilmore concluded his remarks noting progress on race and how much it meant to him that a black man was president. He concluded: “Yo Barry, you did it, my n—-. You did it.”

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said he talked with Obama, and Obama appreciated the spirit of racial progress Wilmore was trying to convey.

Earnest said the White House didn’t see Wilmore’s speech beforehand. Earnest also said he’s confident Wilmore used the word by design and was seeking to be provocative.



  1. but if the comedian was white..........yeah, uh hhuh., that's what I thought. Would be a different story wouldn't it? Yeah, blacks can call each other whatever racial epithat they hurl at one another and that doesn't "offend" anyone??? even the President? Says a whole lot more about the President than it does Wilmore. Double standard jerks.

  2. Are we so low that this is now acceptable speech at the White House? Very poor taste.

  3. Nobody really cares.They just want him gone.

  4. Why should he be....he gave approval for him to speak!


  5. "Obama appreciated the spirit of racial progress Wilmore was trying to convey."

    This has to be the biggest clown ever that resides in our house.

    As for "Wilmore", never heard of the joker until now.

  6. I watched this on YouTube and Wilmore's speech was nothing but trash. Double standard trash. If the Wilmore was white, it would be a hate crime. Or maybe not in Matt's opinion.

  7. The guy is not funny.

  8. Sickens me this thug is the president. Figures he not offended...its what he is.

  9. I watched this guy at first.. quickly became apparent he has no talent, personality, and is one big studid libtard idiot. He has confirmed it now. Hopefully he will dry up and blow back down under hence he came from.

  10. Of Course that Halfbreed wasn't offended. He was cracking white people jokes himself.

    I bet Chuck Cook, Jim Ireton, Jake Day, Julie Glanz and Josh Hastings were drooling over Obama while he was ragging on white people.

  11. I am still praying that illegal Muslim from Kenya will be leaving the White House in handcuffs!


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