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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Lawsuit says Starbucks' iced drinks have too much ice

A Starbucks customer from Chicago has filed a $5 million lawsuit against the coffee chain, accusing it of using too much ice in its cold drinks.

The suit, filed by Stacy Pincus, claims that while Starbucks (SBUX) advertises its cold drinks by fluid ounce, the numbers are only accurate when ice is added to a drink.

"Starbucks is advertising the size of its Cold Drink cups on its menu, rather than the amount of fluid a customer will receive when they purchase a Cold Drink -- and deceiving its customers in the process," the suit says.



  1. How ridiculous!

  2. Yup totally agree. I prefer no ice in my drinks, I'll add it if I want. Even in the bar, I'll specify no or little ice, and at places like Starbucks where I don't have control. Ice takes up space. I have a drink to drink what is in it, not to get/pay for ice that is already free.

  3. Did this person ever consider to just stop buying them??

  4. 6:24 PM, Probably not. How can you complain if you quit buying them? This is absolutely so stupid, just unbelieveable.

  5. 6:14 Good thing air is free or you would be dead. Eastern shore must have the record for cheap people.

  6. Gee, is this a new concept? Ever been to McD's, DQ, Burger King, Popeyes, the list is endless! They always pack the cup full before filling it with soda. Where have you been the last 50 years? I guess every fast food place needs to be sued for this!

    How about getting yourself a $50 coffeemaker and some gourmet blends and making your own Frappe Crappe?

    Some people just can't think for themselves...

  7. Starbucks is crap anyway

  8. If it's like most places, the size is referring to the cup size, not the amount in it.

    And 5 mil?? Seriously??!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If it's like most places, the size is referring to the cup size, not the amount in it.

    And 5 mil?? Seriously??!

    May 3, 2016 at 9:49 PM

    lol oh how I have missed you stupid people.!

    just keep being deceived, taken advantaged of, and let others fight the good fights. your kind don't deserve it but you will benefit too.

    1. Your poor linguistic skills have not been missed.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Your poor linguistic skills have not been missed.

    May 4, 2016 at 7:21 AM

    Well that's telling me isn't it? lol. Playing the 'attack the messenger game' because you have no valid argument again eh? Good job. But your insults will not make the facts disappear. You people are amusing sometimes tho.


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