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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Liberal NYC mayor’s Chick-Fil-A boycott just got even WORSE

One week after New York City Mayor Bill deBlasio called on New Yorkers to boycott it, Chick-Fil-A seems to be feeling the impact.

But it’s almost exactly the opposite of what the mayor seemed to be going for. In fact, the news just keeps getting worse — for deBlasio — and better for Chick-Fil-A.

So many customers flocking to eat more chikin, the chain is planning to open 12 more new Big Apple locations in the next year.



  1. An elected official using his influence to encourage a boycott of a private business? Sounds like a lawsuit in the making.

  2. Love it when a plan comes together.

  3. I love it when the voice of the people tells the elected official to go pound sand!


  4. How ludicrous is it for any idiot to attempt to discourage good business.

    I sure pray Mr.Trump can get a tenth or more of what he wants done. We will be in much better shape.

  5. Remember when we had Chick-fil-a appreciation day? you couldnt get into the N. Salisbury one. You were literally elbow to elbow with people

  6. The fact is these gays have completely worn out their welcome. This is why that Ireton gay fool lost to a candidate that didn't lift a finger.
    Contrary to what most of these gays think a lot of people many many liberal democrats included (regardless of how they act to their face) think they are second class cry baby nothings. The last straw is this bathroom nonsense. Even liberals don't want their women subject to a man in their private spaces.
    These gays would best be served by going back in their closets. Ireton's humiliating public slapdown right to where he belongs is proof.

  7. deBlasio is a flaming idiot, how do those people continue to get elected? Oh, yeah...that's right. Under informed, stupid voters

  8. Just another case of the Lord Jesus Christ at work. God fearing, God loving owners reaping the benefits of anti-christ liberal! Praise the Lord and God almighty! God Bless America!!

  9. 11:57 Yousaid that right

  10. ON primary evening, at roadie joe's, there were very few people there. That's how bad it was.

  11. Good for Chick-fil-A. deBlasio is an idiot. So married to ideology he forgets their food is just plain out BETTER than other fast food restaurants. What a putz. Good for Chick-fil-A. Bravo. You can't sedate the things you hate!

  12. So, we really ARE a Christian nation!

    Told you so!

  13. 2:52
    Nope. Sorry.

    You may be a Christian.
    I am a Christian.
    I know several people who are Christians.

    But a political entity CANNOT be Christian.
    A Christian is a PERSON.

    It is not an adjective.
    Get it?

    Go back to Sunday School and pay attention next time.

  14. Kook liberals need to move to Iran.

  15. Amen! These homosexuals like Jim Ireton and Ryan Hughes on here flaunting their homosexuality in Salisbury. It IS why Ireton lost because people don't want to hear about or see that mess! It's wrong wrong wrong. Ireton and deBlasio are one in the same. Far left wing liberals who shove their liberal craziness down your throat. Supporting Chik Fila is voting against disgusting gays like Ireton. I am going to get in my car and go buy a family meal! Yum.

  16. NYC the home of the evil center of a sick nation. The beacon for libtards and demoturds. The UN NWO central and full of democrat puppets for the 3%

  17. Yes ireton lost because people are tired of lying dirty homosexuals

  18. Maybe since Ireton lost his primary and the school district will put him out soon maybe Jimbeau can go find a server position at Chik fila ! Hahaha. He and his girlfriend Hughes can serve up chargrill sandwiches to all the gays in NY! LOL>

  19. I heard Ireton was in town talking about how Werner cheated in Harford counties. Had the boxes rigged or something because Ireton said it wasn't possible he lost. He did. Suck it up Jimbo.

  20. The sissy patrol with that Ryan Hughes and Jim Ireton live articles on WBOC about how they're protesting the ChikFila. God sees and knows all.


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