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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Report: Dems to Hit Trump With $20 Million in Negative Ads Before Convention

A Democrat super PAC plans to hit Republican front-runner Donald Trump with $20 million worth of negative advertising before he even secures his party's nomination, National Journal reports.

Priorities USA, the same PAC that went after Mitt Romney in 2012, plans to start airing anti-Trump ads on June 8, one day after the final primaries. Trump is expected by many to sew up the nomination at that point.



  1. 20 Million for Negative Ads? And overall the Election will cost $4 Billion. All of this for a $400,000.00 a year job.
    And these people run our country.

  2. It won't work. Let them waste their money. It will be 20 million that won't be available to spend on more commie propaganda.

  3. 20 Million that you would think the compassionate democrats would love t give to the needy. Am I right?

  4. Hope I am wrong, but I really do not think Trump will win the general. I do believe the entire republican party wasted a gift from heaven. Facing Hillary should be automatic win, but it will not be that easy now. I'll vote for Trump over Hillary everyday so I will hope for the best.

  5. The establishment rules!

  6. The dems can spend, (waste) all the money they want but Trump will be the next president and Hillary will be lucky if she can stay out of jail.

  7. What they spend they intend to get back a thousand times over.

  8. I guess the dems did not learn anything from the reps running negative ads about trump. i cannot wait until trump truly focuses on killary. he should be able to win by a good margin

  9. That is the cost of a one minute ad during the Stupid Bowl.

  10. It will be a close race between trump and clinton. You yippee-ki-yay yahoos forget that there are way more city folks that vote democratic. The population of wicomico county is approximately 101,000. Baltimore city's population is approximately 621,000. and DC's is 659,000.

  11. Democrats aren't compassionate look what goes on in Chicago to the minorities,they control the state and do nothing.

  12. Do these idiots realize how many children and homeless veterans they could feed with that much money. Instead they are going to waste it trying to bash our next President (Trump)!!!! I am a registered Democrat but I won't be anymore. They have shown me a side of them I find despicable.


  13. 12;43
    It won't take them very long to steal that and continue stealing while in office and afterwards too. Why else would they go through the process to apply. It's like spending 200K to obtain a job paying 35K. A local employer once said, "I'll give you 50 dollars a week and the applicant said, "and I'll take 50 dollars.It took the employer a little time to figure it out after hiring the applicant.

  14. The Dems are afraid they may have to give up the graft they receive from corporations.

  15. 12:09 PM, why do you think they want to increase minimum wage instead of reduce their tax burden. The end result is neutral for the worker, but there is no way they will give up that tax revenue.

  16. It's laughable that the commenters on here would assume Hillary the winner over Sanders, who faces NO criminal investigations. I mean, WTF is that all about?


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