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Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Viewer Writes: I just called WBOC Channel 16

I just called WBOC Channel 16 “Delmarva’s New Reader” at 7:10 PM. I was trying to reach a live person; I followed all the ridiculous phone prompts including… press 9895 to speak to someone in the newsroom (including if you want to provide a news tip). The extension rang for 15 minutes when I decided to hang up.

The nature of my call (they didn’t know) was to ask them – if I de-program my TV not to receive Channel 16, could I leave my phone number or address and have someone contact me when they decide to cover more local news (more Salisbury and surrounding areas – in the station’s broadcast area would be nice) but I gave up. Now checking out TV’s menu options to delete Channel 16. I can do it, I know, as suggested by one of the previous posts / comments.

I am asking the reader’s of SBYnews, because that is the first place I turn to every morning with my coffee fix, would / could someone get a post on SBYnews notifying that WBOC has realized their problem and fixed it.

Here is my view of the current WBOC (they weren’t like this before) “I am the BIG RICH FAT CAT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD” – “LOOK AT ME” – I GOT ME A HELICOPTER. Sorry for the capitalization – but that is what they seem to be doing with their constant barrage of $#!+.

I have yet to see how that makes better news.

Patiently waiting (maybe), a LIBERAL SBYnews reader. Thank you Joe but sorry, I’ll vote democrat as always.


  1. Not so much the big rich fat cat as one of the ONLY local stations.
    But if their content isn't really 'local', what's the point?

    Just turn them off. You'll feel better-- less aggravation.

  2. They shouldnt even show "news" in the morning. Just have an endless loop of something comfortable commercials.

  3. I'm sick of the stupid commercials from local realtors and builders. They show their ugly kids or the stupid car commercials with there ugly kid on the Preston Ford commercials. I'm sick of chopper Willie and their bragging about their better than drone Helicopter. Can't wait to get my laser pointer when it appears!!!

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  4. You seriously called a news station to sew HOW to work your TV? REALLY?!?! I guess maybe they could show your where the power button is as well. This my friends is why I left the area... too many idiots

  5. I thought it was funny how they showed interviews of people who were tired of the rain last week. I'm sorry, but that's not news.

  6. WBOC is just like any other media . They read from teleprompters and don't have a clue what they have said. The station sucks like the rest of the media , including 25 FOX now. They do not speak for them selves but for the liberal media.

  7. how is it news when your reporters get sent out to a gas station many miles away from the news station just to tell us that gas has gone up?

  8. It has become like Facebook. All the postings from people about how they feel about the rain. Next they will be talking about what everyone had for dinner or lunch. Just like on FB, who cares. Let's keep with what matters in life, not just talking to hear yourself talk or fill air time.

  9. Perhaps you are not as liberal as you think. I have come to find out that many of the liberals that I know base their "liberal" status solely on issues like gay marriage and abortion - issues that aren't the REAL problem in America these days, but most of their other political views are very conservative. I actually know "Liberals" that are more conservative that I am, but won't recognize it because they are so infatuated with one or two issues that lean the other way.

  10. seems to be a typical democrat to me. Call and complain about an issue, vote democrat just because. You have too much free time on your hands.

  11. WBOC says DELMARVA News Leader. Therefore any nre on our Peninsula of Delaware, Eastern Shore of Maryland and Eastern Shore of Virginia is LOCAL NEWS. That fact has been expressed on this blog many times. Sorry you cannot understand.

  12. It's 90 percent Delaware, 9 percent eastern Maryland, and 1 percent Virginia!!!

  13. "Delmarva's News READER," lmao that's good

  14. Any one that admits they are going to vote democratic should be ignored because they have no common sense.

  15. 2:47
    I like that analyzes!

    Also,I live here in Salisbury and seldom watch either local station. But if I do, thank goodness for the remote and mute. I find it cruel to mention appearances of the youth or anyone, but the screaming, etc. turn me off. Especially the .com crap reference Sherwood.

  16. Eastern Maryland is: Tyler Butler reporting from the Hyatt in Cambridge. What about, Talbot, Caroline, Queen Anne's, Kent county Maryland, (not Kent County Delaware), Dorchester, Somerset, and Worchester counties? Why just limit yourselves to just one area in Cambridge? The eastern shore Of Maryland is comparable in land size to Delaware! There is a lot of Virginia that is also left out of the picture! They are a joke!!!! They should relocate everything to Dover. They sure advertise, and report more from the Dover newsroom, but are located in Salisbury!!! They need to leave so that we can get someone else to report the Maryland news. Call it the MarVA report!!!!!

  17. This has really gone downhill with all the nasty comments. This is sad. :-(

  18. Get over yourselves find another channel if you don't like how they conduct business.....u people are sickening


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