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Sunday, May 15, 2016

George Zimmerman to Auction Off Gun That Killed Trayvon Martin

George Zimmerman says he is auctioning off the pistol he used to kill Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black teen whose murder he was acquitted of in 2013.

In an interview with Florida’s WOGX, Zimmerman explained that the Justice Department recently returned the weapon and he believed it was time to “move past the firearm” that he would otherwise “put in a safe for [his] grandkids.”

Zimmerman also said he was unconcerned with how critics might react to the sale.

“They’re not going to be bidding on it, so I couldn’t care less about them,” said Zimmerman.“I’m a free American. I can do what I like with my possessions.”



  1. He would be dead if he didn't have his gun.

  2. 4:39. No he wouldn't. Unarmed kid half his size. Really?

  3. He should have stayed in his damn house like the police told him instead of trying to play cop then no one would be hurt or dead. He's only auctioning the gun for more attention. He's a sociopath that needs to feel important and be in the spot light.

  4. He has the right to walk his neighborhood and look for suspicious people to try and curb crime. Nobody had the right to attack and try to kill him ,and George was smaller and not on drugs.

  5. I would like to have that gun that ended one more thug who thought he was all that!

  6. Is he a Muslim?

  7. No one told him to stay in his house 5:38. The 911 told him to go back to his vehicle and he did. It was there at his vehicle that he was jumped by Martin. It would be in your best interest to go back and watch the whole trial before commenting further as it's quite obvious you are completely clueless.

  8. Oh please 5:38. He had ever right under the sun to walk his neighborhood. Do you understand. He wasn't playing cop. He was trying to keep his neighborhood from going to crap because of useless thugs like Martin.
    The fact is Zimmerman did everyone a favor. One less thug is always a good thing. Martin would never have amounted to anything just like millions of the other useless thugs. If his useless POS parents cared about him in life as much as they did in death he may still be alive. The payout was more lucrative though since he died. Another example of degenerates knowing how to make babies but not how to be real parents. You and those like you are disgusting. Absolutely disgusting! Taking up for a useless POS like Martin. If you had a single moral bone in your putrid body you would be ashamed of yourself. It's no wonder blacks are killing each other off in record numbers. Filth like you Always making some kind of excuse for their criminal behavior.

  9. George is a hero he stopped Trayvon from breaking into that house that he caught him peeking into. Don't believe the crap the media put out about this. Trayvon was 6'3" tall, and Zimmerman is just 5' 8" and the photo's put up of Trayvon were from his 9th. grade, making him look like a little kid.

  10. bash my head in the concrete and I would blast him too.

  11. Truuuuuuuuuuuuuuump

  12. 5:38
    He was never told to stay in his house. Please fact check your comment.

  13. My mom lives in Florida .... She's putting in a bid to add to our collection ... I'd like to own that more than some of the guns that were handed down to me :)

  14. If Salisbury had armed security force we would be a whole lot safer, God knows the SPD don't do anything.

  15. 10:26 - So start yourself a militia and hit the streets. You know you want to.

    1. You will depend on real men ready to protect the homeland whilst you cower in your liberal basement.

  16. He got really lucky on the shooting. Now he is pushing it even further ridiculous to me. Lay low be happy your not in prison. Crazy.

  17. SPD would scream and bitch as soon as the armed security force arrested several drug dealers and closed down some dope houses.

  18. It was listed on gunbroker all set to start at 11:00 yesterday. 24 hour auction then it was pulled. WTF gunbroker?

  19. Well from what I read the bid is up to 65M right now. Why should this man profit off of something he killed a human being with. This just does not seem right.

  20. That gun should be considered a National Traesure!


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