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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Black West Point Cadets Give Black Power Salute

West Point is investigating 16 black women cadets who took a photo with their fists raised like a black power salute for violating Defense Department policy against political activities while in uniform, reported the Army Times.

The women were posing for a so-called "Old Corps photo," a tradition at the U.S. Military Academy, but the Army Times noted that social media comments suggested the raised fists may be connected to the Black Lives Matter movement.

"West Point, the prestigious military academy that carries itself with honor and pride for the incredible leaders that have been produced from the rigorous academic undertaking of its cadets, yet what happens when those same cadets identify with a group that has been known for inflicting violent protest throughout various parts of the United States, calling for the deaths of police officers, and even going so far as to call for the deaths of white Americans," wrote John Burk, for the military blog In the Arena.

Under the academy's honor code, the cadets could be charged with conduct unbecoming an officer, Greg Greiner, a military law expert and partner at the Tully Rinckey law firm, told the Army Times.

More here


  1. They should all be dismissed. This level of racism should not be tolerated anywhere in our military.

  2. Instead of it being a salute to Black Lives Matter, let's go back forty-plus years to the Black Power movement, when the raised, clenched fist was the movement's now iconic gesture. Of course, maybe BLM is the current embodiment of BP.
    Whichever, the gesture is predominantly a race-centric one, otherwise only used by the general population to express joy after winning some sort of competition.

  3. In the real world they would all be stripped of rank at the least but considering West Point means nothing they will probably get free tickets to see racist Beyoncé.

  4. 947 did you serously give a history lesson?


  5. I am a white boy and find this sad that "they" supposedly some of the brightest and finest, have to pull something as stupid as this. After going through what they have accomplished, crawl up in a huddle to give a "black power sign". Probable be the first to pull the black card. Sad..sad...

  6. Move along, nothing to see here folks!

  7. They have clearly violated the Code of Conduct for the school, and need to be dismissed. But that won't happen because everyone is afraid of being called a "Racist" for doing the right thing. (Think SU incident)

  8. How will this translate in the field more black only clubs can whites do the same ?

  9. Every last one of them should be dismissed, immediately if not sooner.

  10. Why is it that we as Black people can't show our support for our community without you'll flipping out. Having gone through Boot camp myself its a great accomplishment and they showed their black pride for accomplishing what a lot of people told them they probably couldn't or wouldn't do. So instead of riding the welfare bus these young ladies are doing something most of you don't have the stones to do yourself.

    1. Why be divisive. You can't have it both ways. Be an American, be strong, be together as one. People can not cry I want to be able to be equal and be treated the same, when they are constantly asking for separation, and more privileges and asking to be recognized as another group. It should not be our community vs their community, to be equal it must be one community as a whole

  11. 12:20p.m. - you'll? Who exactly are you calling you'all? Our community? I thought we all shared the same community except when it suits, right? Black pride? How about just "pride"?: Why not give a thumbs up sign instead of a sign that in history represented two divisive movements. As for as the stones to do it, our family member had all the qualifications to attend the service academies and was passed over in favor of minorities and affirmative action. This inside information came straight from admissions. Finally, "you all" would freak out if a group of Caucasian cadets pulled a similar stunt.

    1. You beat me to it. Graduation boot camp is an accomplishment to be proud of but shot not just proud? Why black "proud"??
      They should be drummed out. I'd hate to think I was in combat with someone who believes the color of my skin makes me less important than theirs.

  12. So 12:20 .. You would be ok with some sort of "white power.. Or white lives matter " photo???

  13. 1:17 I wouldn't care if it was white blue or yellow power unlike YOU'LL my life revolves more around me, not what everyone else is doing. And yes1:00 Black pride is something white people wouldn't understand no more than us using the N word or our hate for Law enforcement. You can't relate, no more than I can relate to Wall street.I don't trade stocks so why would I care what they do. Problem is white people don't get us and instead of asking or talking to people about it you watch the news and think we're all animals and thrives and murderers. I'm sure all white people don't pop pills and shoot up schools either. For example I served my country, I pay my taxes, I own not rent my 256,000 home never been arrested not even a speeding ticket and I'm form the Hood in DA BURY. I don't care about BLM, Jessie Jackson or Al sharpton because they don't represent me. So to the point yes those girls showed black pride so what. Trust me in the military its hard to be blacks only its full of minorities and the number one thing taught is teamwork so these girls no how to work and coexist with others but when that uniform comes off there just another black girl. So yes I agree those idiots at SU should be kicked out because that was stupid.The kids responsible for attacking the young girl in parkside should be charged, but this is not punishable by any means except military law not the public.

    1. Well said...I don't care about Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc because they don't represent me either. People should stop making stupid, ignorant comments about one group of people just because that one particular person takes it upon themselves to break the law. Not all blacks are thugs, not all whites are rednecks, etc...the stereotypes need to stop.

  14. This picture means nothing to any sane person.

  15. Whites should do the same doing different pro white signs ?

  16. 11:39
    I suggest they dismiss them sooner than immediately.
    Immediately would take far too long.
    Sooner than immediately is better.
    Sooner is always better than later.
    Immediately definitely has a later tint to it - right?
    Yes, sooner is better.
    Sooner is always better.

    Just ask anyone from Oklahoma.

  17. I'm a middle age white guy and I agree with 2:05 that this is a Military issue not a civilian issue. Let the Military decide what if anything needs to be done about this, not the court of public opinion.

    I don't understand Black Pride or White Pride for that matter. I take responsibility for my actions alone not for my entire race. My motto is work hard and be happy.

  18. I think it was the wrong place and time. Pride is something that should be worn on the inside. What these youg women have accomplished is rarely done by women of any color. They now represent the United State's Of America. You are not black or white you are simply an American soldier and a leader of soldiers at that. I am sorry we can try to defend this but it is not in good taste. I have a great deal of respect for West Point Graduates. Their brother and sisters are all that worked hard with them regardless of color. There is no defending this act unless they though it would be kept private. They defend all now and not just blacks. Sickening really


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