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Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Hebron Carnival

Hey Joe, 

We went to the Hebron Carnival this evening for our favorite Oyster sandwich only to see the ridiculous price of $9.50. This is an increase from the price last year of $8.00 .

Don't get me wrong here, it is for a good cause but I really think that is a bit extravagant. The cost of the oysters must be very high.

I wonder if other folks feel the same as I do?


  1. It is for a good cause. All four fritters we purchased were absolutely loaded with oysters and delicious. Great job Hebron!

  2. Expensive....yes, but like you said its for a good cause!!!

  3. Oysters are $78 a gallon! What do you think?

  4. They stopped being oyster sandwiches years ago, In the early to mid 1980's. They are now a disgusting handful of overcooked dough and grease. YUCK...They used to be great.

  5. I'll still buy the sandwich. I figure it isn't any different than buying thrasher fries...at least the oyster sandwich is going to a good cause.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Expensive....yes, but like you said its for a good cause!!!

    May 20, 2016 at 11:12 PM

    A good cause? Thanks Bush!

  7. waaa waaa waaa. try this...STAY HOME, for free!

  8. If you do not like the price you do have options.

    1.) Stay home and cook your own fritters.
    2.) Patronize another establishment.

  9. Oysters, like much of our other seafood, is very expensive. It is very labor intensive. A waterman has to go out in his boat, in all kinds of weather, to harvest the oysters. He brings them home and either sells them, or he sits down, and shucks them. I paid $25.00 a quart all winter. They were worth every penny! I am sure the workers at the Carnival are mostly all volunteers. If you want an oyster sandwich, buy it and enjoy it! If you think it is too expensive, then don't buy it! I am sure they have a hot dog that is delicious!

  10. Have you checked the price of a pound of jumbo lump crabmeat lately? It is more expensive than filet mignon, or lobster! I am willing to pay that price, to be able to make some delicious crab cakes!

  11. My guess would be that those cooking are most likely paid.

    1. Well sugar you guessed wrong. No one gets paid at the Hebron Carnival. Its all volunteer.

  12. The soft crab sandwich was good last night, it was cheaper as well.

  13. What is with all this negativity?

    This is an organization who have spent a small fortune on equipment to give enjoyment to young children. They spend countless hours maintaining this equipment and then, get this, THEY PAY IT FORWARD!

    My guess is that there is one or two commenters making these negative comment, (many rejected). To the Hebron Fire Department, I have been doing this for a lot of years. The fact that these commenters will go all the way back to yesterday morning just to make comments tells me, (without a doubt) this is a disgruntled former participant and is trying to bash a great thing.

    I can tell you that when our Grandson was younger, this was always a highlight filled with excitement to bring him to your event. So from me personally, what you're doing is fantastic and we can't thank you enough for what you do for your community.

    Please do not let these nay sayers bring you down.

    1. They also do a lot for the Westside Schools including opening it up for a day as a reading incentive for the kids with no cost to the school.

  14. 9:15-Negativity seems to be the new recreation.

  15. Hebron and Sharptown has always been an Eastern Shore tradition that is Family oriented and enjoyable while helping the Volunteer Firemen raise money instead of robbing the tax payer. These fire companies are doing for the community in family entertainment and assisting when called to save peoples lives and property. What does SFD do but rob the tax payer for play toys and entertainment for themselves. Lets see SFD hold an event for the public.

  16. 12:03 you are pretty accurate in your statement...back then the family who use to own the Tastee-Freeze out on Rt. 50 (Ayers I believe) he and has wife over saw the kitchen operation and their head cook was a fine lady I believe Ms. Frieda Morris. She had a crew of LOCAL LADYS that really had pride in the food they prepared in those extremely HOT conditions night after night! BOY YOU HAVE CAUSED MY OLD MIND TO GO BACK IN TIME!!! Thanks

  17. I'll buy a sandwich, maybe two, and tell them to keep the change.

  18. "Well sugar" and all the other complainers....you're wrong, those cooks do NOT volunteer, at Hebron or Sharptown, they're paid cooks and return year after year. Have you checked the prices of shucked oysters and soft crabs???? $9.50 for an oyster sandwich, and you think that's too much, HUH?? And I'll bet you are overjoyed about the $45 for crabs at Red Roost or Old Mill.....or $35 for the Friday nite at Suicide Bridge.....or $50 plus for dinner in Ocean City???? Or how about price of this and that and this??? My suggestion is that you please stay away from our local carnivals and keep your hard earned money in your pocket.
    For my thoughts, the sandwiches are worth the money and they taste great. I love oysters and I love soft crabs. So I'll eat your share as well.

  19. Why are so many of the Furmen Drunk that work it. I don't mind paying a few bucks the food it is great. It is the drunken fools of HVFD that should just stay home. Not a muskrat dinner boys kids are there.

  20. 101..your full of s*&t I go there all the time and no one is drunk or drinking. Talk to them all. No one smells like alcohol. Stop being a liar. I'm sure it's hard for you but just try.


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