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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Target Store Suing a Hero Who Saved a Young Girl

Michael Turner was shopping in Target back in 2013 when a crazed man named Leon Walls ran into the store and stabbed a 16-year-old girl, Allison Meadows. Turner responded like a true hero by grabbing a baseball bat and chasing Walls out of the store. He then proceeded to help Allison as she was bleeding. To this day, Allison thanks Turner for saving her life whenever she gets the chance.

Strangely, and sadly, Target is now suing Turner.

Target is going after the hero for “chasing Walls to the front of the store where he could have endangered more people.” However, no persons were hurt. The lawsuit against Turner comes after Meadows and her family sued Target for inadequate security measures in keeping the store safe. The decision for Target to unjustly sue Turner over a ludicrous allegation has angered the Meadows family.



  1. For years we barely heard anything but good from Target,and then the hacking incident occurred where credit card users were impacted.Now it's every day and never anything good.Individual Target's have nothing to do with idiotic decisions that are management related,but the average citizen cannot separate the two.They blame the cashiers & everyone working in any given Target because Obama voters don't know any better.Don't treat the staff as though they are a part of it.The corporate office makes the decisions.

  2. Target is doing everything it can to become toast!

  3. We could probably do without Target if they're going to be acting like this.
    The video of the attacker can be seen at http://abcnews.go.com/US/dramatic-surveillance-footage-shows-moment-homeless-man-attacks/story?id=31527912

    There was more than one person who attempted to stop this maniac. One man with a weapon (baseball bat) ended the obvious threat.

    If it had been the Target CEO's daughter being stabbed, there would probably be a different action taken by Target, as in a thank-you and a reward.

  4. Get on board with the SHUTDOWN BOYCOTT OF TARGET!! I will never shop in one nor will anyone within earshot of me..

  5. Keep shooting yourself in the foot Target. Your days are numbered.

  6. 11:19 Heard that!!

  7. Just when you think that Target couldn't do anything more foolish...

  8. Democrats do not protect women.

  9. The shareholders have to speak up.

  10. I haven't shopped at Target since this started and I encourage everyone else to do the same.

  11. Goodbye Target....

  12. I stopped shopping Target years ago when they didn't allow the Salvation Army to place a kettle there. That corporation is out of touch with the real people of the world. Plus, they only hire ugly women with nasty attitudes.

  13. target = freakville, no thanks

  14. Target needs to go sorry.


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