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Sunday, May 22, 2016

Salisbury Celebrates Bike to Work Week

Salisbury Celebrates Bike to Work Week

Salisbury – Grab your helmet and join Mayor Jake Day in celebrating Bike to Work Week, May 16th —20th. Bike to Work Week, which is part of the League of American Bicyclists’ Bike Month, promotes bicycling as a healthy and safe alternative to automobile commuting. The Mayor encourages citizens to join the movement to make commutes more environmentally friendly, fun, and affordable by riding their bikes to work.

More than half of all U.S. citizens live within 5 miles of their workplace, making bicycling a feasible way to get to work. Cycling is sustainable, affordable, healthy, and enjoyable.

Bike-SBY founder and cycling advocate Matt Drew said he looks forward to biking to work not just this week, but almost every day. "I love to ride my bike to work. I arrive refreshed, energized, and in a great mood! I can't say the same for the days that I drive!"

The week culminates in National Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 20th. At 7:30 Friday morning, Mayor Day will lead a group bike ride from the Philosophy House at Salisbury University to Main Roots in Downtown Salisbury. Main Roots has graciously offered to provide free coffee to bike commuters that day, presenting the perfect opportunity to fuel up with your morning joe before finishing your ride to work. After you leave work for the day, ride your bike to 3rd Friday where Bike-SBY will valet it so you can enjoy the festivities.

“Biking to work saves money, reduces the amount of airborne pollutants our community produces, and comes with a host of tremendous health and economic benefits. Cyclists spend, on average, 40% more per capita into our local economy than those who commute by car. I encourage everyone to put on their helmets and get out and about in our Bicycle Friendly Community this week,” said the Mayor.

Visit www.Bike-SBY.org for information on Salisbury’s bike initiatives, current bike routes, and Bike-Friendly Merchants that offer discounts to cyclists.


  1. And get mugged or ran over.

  2. I'm all for biking on the Beaglin Bike Path...but that's not going to get me very far. We need actual bike paths not just the 2' shoulder to safely commute anywhere. Half the people on the road are looking at their phones, not looking out for bikes unless there are a bunch of bikes together. Most of our roads are not safe for biking. We need infrastructure in this area, not just encouragement to bike! There are always people walking/biking along Beaglin so I think there is a demand for it.

  3. This is silly. Just drive by downtown and see that he drove to work today

  4. Jake ride over to the spd and Fire Duncan then get back on your bike and go put Ireton on your handle bars.

  5. Mayor is so out of touch.

  6. I like to walk and ride my bike for short trips but the local towns don't make it easy or safe. To walk to the Food Lion Shopping Center in Delmar for example requires walking in the road as you get close to Rt 13. With all the rain it's hard to avoid the huge puddles. Make it safe and more people will walk and ride.

  7. Keep on drinking that koolaid folks, just keep on drinking it. Sound like any other country you may have heard of?????

  8. Maybe some of all the money wasted on bike paths and lane restructuring will see some benefit - for a day or two. After the euphoria wears then we can go back to giggling at the stupidity of it all.

  9. I hope Jim Ireton doesn't ride on Rt 13 it's very dangerous.

  10. Honda 1100 Spirit. Just wish those bicycles would get out of my way!

  11. Do they mean they are celebrating Bike Week To Death

  12. This Is The Most Dumbest thing to waste money on. All the money spent for half a dozen fools. How many do you see riding bikes on the road? ?? Who in their right mind would do it on our roads with these nuts driving?? FOOLS!!! THEY have their cute little outfit on with their stupid helmet. I have a suggestion. WEAR A REFLECTIVE VEST!!!!!

  13. I saw ireton riding his cruiser down church st with his speedos on while I was trying to make my transaction


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