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Sunday, May 08, 2016

Woman Unexpectedly Finds Viral Fame After She Goes Off on a Dad Using Food Stamps at Walmart


A video posted to YouTube last month shows a woman confronting a young dad using food stamps at a Walmart.

The viral video begins with the woman, who was in line behind the man and his family, complaining about how she is funding his groceries with her tax money.

“You know, I put in 50-60-hour weeks … I’m trying to provide for my family,” the man says.

The woman proceeds to argue while a child sits in the man’s shopping cart.

“You’re not providing for it, I am!” she yells. “The government is!”

“No you’re not,” the man replies.



  1. This will end 1/20/2017
    and why do you think Obama thugs and Bernie fans are upset ?.

  2. Gravy Train at its Last Stop....)

  3. I'm for going back to some version of providing actual food for those in need, not a free pass to buy poor excuses for food or food that is outrageously expensive. You know, basic stuff, like vegetables, cheese, flour & yeast, hamburger meat, eggs and milk, etc.
    The idea is to provide sustenance, nothing more. Not "dignity", not tradable-for-cash vouchers, not lobster or prime rib. Basic needs, period.

  4. You are delusional if you really think that if Trump is elected welfare and/or food stamps (SNAP) will end.

    1. Listen fool,Obama dropped the requirements to WORK for welfare on day 1, this WILL be reinstated once trump becomes president Fed up watching ABLE bodies PUSH 4 welfare carts around a store so go push a MOP and work.

    2. Your delusional if you think it ain't gonna end lol sit back and enjoy since you have lots of time on your hands.

  5. At that points, he should have given said thanks for her annual contribution to his grocery needs and given her a dime to cover it in full.

  6. She is an idiot.

    1. obviously on Obama foodstamps.

  7. @1:23
    No, she's not an idiot. She is however, like many of the rest of us, sick and tired of working her a$$ off to fund people such as this lazy piece of $h!t who takes advantage of the system. And she was also right when she stated that food stamps are a very effective mechanism to maintain and increase those that vote democrat. Did you hear anything in this video that defended his need for food stamps? Any person with an ounce of honesty would have been quick to point out that they just lost their job, were disabled, or dealing with medical issues that prevented them from obtaining or maintaining full time employment. This guy simply states he works 50-60 hours a week. The only thing he does that requires that much effort is playing his PS4 or XBox360. Unless something is done to curtail the fraud and abuse that takes place with these types of programs, there will come a day when those who choose to work will no longer be able to support those who choose not to. And this piece of crap needs to show a little bit more respect to woman and refrain from calling them "b!tches" in front of his son who undoubtedly will grow up to follow in daddy's footsteps and treat woman with the same "lack of" respect. Pathetic!!!

  8. She was rude and I am a hard core Republican. I still think it would save billions to open state run food markets. Local grown and produced healthy food. If we are giving it away it should be reasonable and healthy. Some need it our elderly sure could use it. Able bodied people should have to do some type of labor for aid.

  9. Why put the kid in the line of fire. She is an ass.

  10. 207

    A government run farm....LMAO at the abject stupidity. Hail comrade 207.

  11. Drug tests and 25% of assistance for vegetables ONLY.

  12. Where does it end? People are trading food for drugs! Welfare is corrupt and doing more damage than good.

  13. 2:44 You should brush up on your spelling. The article was correct that most Trump supporters are less educated than other GOP candidates' supporters. I have plenty of free time because my money works for me not the other way around.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    At that points, he should have given said thanks for her annual contribution to his grocery needs and given her a dime to cover it in full.

    May 4, 2016 at 1:13 PM

    Oh... you must be a LIBTARD!! Obviously you think it's Ok for him to mooch off the government. Give me that F'n dime I will take it. You damn right I am mad! I can't stand Libtards like you. Anyone that thinks this is Ok is a traitor to our country!

  15. I think we should go back to handing out the actual food stamps again. The kind you need to tear out of the booklet.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Why put the kid in the line of fire. She is an ass.

    May 4, 2016 at 2:09 PM

    She is an ass?? Excuse me!! She is a hero in my book. The father is the ass for dropping the F Bomb several times and obviously you are an ASS as well.

  17. You know what is ironic?? Most of the comments are from people who are saying she is an ass or an idiot or defending this criminal. The irony is the ones making these comments so far are more than likely at home living off the government dole and spending their days on the internet instead of working!!


  18. @2:58: great point
    many of these individuals would rather see their children go hungry than to not satisfy their disgusting drug habit.

  19. This is what anti PC really means, the right to be rude and ignorant. She knows absolutely nothing about his situation and has no right to run someone down.

  20. I know many farmers around here do try to donate food to the food banks. Otherwise the stuff rots in the field. Unfortunately all that food comes at one time. How many truck loads of watermelon do you think the food bank can handle? Maybe 1 pallet? its all perishable. The rest gets plowed back into the fields. It is a shame. The problem is we have people running things that have never worked in the private sector. They cant wrap their brains around problems like this.

  21. OBAMA Welfare to end
    cell phones to end
    foodstamps cut backs
    free electric
    bye bye bye and get a JOB.

  22. I will tell you this the store that was taking the food stamps as payment was happy and the clerk that was waiting on the guy should have been too since part of her employment and pay depends on people using food stamps in the store. Also remember some people are paid so little that they continue to be qualified for benefits despite the hours they put in working. Just be glad you are not dependent on getting food stamps. I am glad I am not dependent.

  23. I would bet money that what really set her off was they probably used their ebt for groceries and then used cash to buy things that were not needed. I see it all the time. They want us to pay for their food but always seem to have $40 or $50 dollars to buy games or movies.

  24. the stupidity here is astounding. He should have bought a loaf of bread with his food stamps and shoved it in her fat mouth.

  25. I get her frustration, I'm tired of it too! However, in my opinion she was out of line, and extremely rude. She shouldn't have started a heated argument in front of her child or his. Also, she should realize many Walmart employees also get government assistance.

  26. So the guy is working 50 to 60 hours a week AND collecting food stamps! Probably working under the table, cutting grass or whatever. Like he says, HE doesn't make the rules, he just uses them to his advantage. All is fair here! She may not like it from the choices she has made on playing the game, but that was her choice as well.

    The bottom line here is, food stamps are a big giveaway that gives way too much money out to each participant, and people will take advantage of all available. And one program qualifies you for the next one. I don't know what the solution is, but if this is helping him buy a house, more power to him! Rules are rules!

  27. Subway on Rt. 50 has a sign, "We accept SNAP."

  28. She was way out of line. She used the F word first and really should have minded her own business. Just how much in taxes does that woman pay anyway. Probably gets it all back at the end of the year anyway.

  29. if you are accepting "benefits" your voter registration should be suspended until you are not.

  30. I dont have a problem with welfare, I have a problem with those who want to make it their career.

  31. 6:56 PM, agree but there are generations of people who make it their career.

  32. Actually, food stamps and cash assistance are a drop in the bucket compared to corporate welfare.

  33. You do realize some of us are no longer ABLE to work because of health problems and we can't get approved for any disability even though we worked since we were 16 yrs old,because SSDI is broke from all the druggies and drunks that collect it.What would you have us do? My family of 4 gets $300 a month....that's it.We are thankful for it but we would prefer that we were not in a position where we made so little income that we qualified for assistance! Remember when you morally outraged people see someone using EBT to buy food,not everyone is a 7 kids by 7 fathers welfare queen and cheater.

  34. Since you are anonymous, please tell me what prevents you from working. You don't need to include any details that would identify you. Did you have an attorney or represent yourself when you got denied?

  35. She is a cashier at the Walmart and if she loses that job she could be on the other side. Bottom of the barrel job and this makes her feel superior?

  36. 207 you are aware that the government actually pays farmers not to produce? you are aware of that, i hope.

    As for the rest of this video, I've thought the exact same thing when I've been in line behind someone with the big orange EBT card. I watched a woman the other day in Dollar General buy $12 worth of candy for her large child with food stamps. Hardly a nutritious diet with Jolly Rancher gummies.

    With Trump, he won't end food stamps, but he'll make it possible for people to have jobs so they don't need food stamps. Perhaps he'll stiffen the distribution for them like no more candy purchases. Waste and abuse has to stop. The country don't got no more money anymore.

  37. The other night I saw a fight in the parking lot over a similar issue that began at a cash register.A 50 something man got the crap beaten out of him by a woman he had insulted regarding her "assistance".Why do people who can't fight a lick START fights?

  38. This woman knows nothing of this man's circumstances.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You do realize some of us are no longer ABLE to work because of health problems and we can't get approved for any disability even though we worked since we were 16 yrs old,because SSDI is broke from all the druggies and drunks that collect it.What would you have us do? My family of 4 gets $300 a month....that's it.We are thankful for it but we would prefer that we were not in a position where we made so little income that we qualified for assistance! Remember when you morally outraged people see someone using EBT to buy food,not everyone is a 7 kids by 7 fathers welfare queen and cheater.

    May 4, 2016 at 11:13 PM

    It does not matter how anyone has worked to collect disability. IF you are truly disabled, you will be deemed so. It may take several years, hiring a lawyer and 3 hearings but you will get it, IF you are disabled.

    There are many different forms of disability, some you cannot even see. Alcoholics and drug addicts may be considered disabilities, I do not know. But I think you are leaving out some of your story.

  40. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No, she's not an idiot. She is however, like many of the rest of us, sick and tired of working her a$$ off to fund people such as this lazy piece of $h!t who takes advantage of the system. And she was also right when she stated that food stamps are a very effective mechanism to maintain and increase those that vote democrat. Did you hear anything in this video that defended his need for food stamps? Any person with an ounce of honesty would have been quick to point out that they just lost their job, were disabled, or dealing with medical issues that prevented them from obtaining or maintaining full time employment. This guy simply states he works 50-60 hours a week. The only thing he does that requires that much effort is playing his PS4 or XBox360. Unless something is done to curtail the fraud and abuse that takes place with these types of programs, there will come a day when those who choose to work will no longer be able to support those who choose not to. And this piece of crap needs to show a little bit more respect to woman and refrain from calling them "b!tches" in front of his son who undoubtedly will grow up to follow in daddy's footsteps and treat woman with the same "lack of" respect. Pathetic!!!

    May 4, 2016 at 2:02 PM

    Nothing you said is true. Nobody works their ass off any more, much less someone like you. The only thing you work hard at is judging people, assuming you know all the circumstances of someone else's life and just being mean and hateful.

    You are probably the top of that field.

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:44 You should brush up on your spelling. The article was correct that most Trump supporters are less educated than other GOP candidates' supporters. I have plenty of free time because my money works for me not the other way around.

    May 4, 2016 at 3:13 PM

    I call bs on you. And if you think Trumps supporters are less educated, you're even dumber than you sound.

  42. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    207 you are aware that the government actually pays farmers not to produce? you are aware of that, i hope.

    As for the rest of this video, I've thought the exact same thing when I've been in line behind someone with the big orange EBT card. I watched a woman the other day in Dollar General buy $12 worth of candy for her large child with food stamps. Hardly a nutritious diet with Jolly Rancher gummies.

    With Trump, he won't end food stamps, but he'll make it possible for people to have jobs so they don't need food stamps. Perhaps he'll stiffen the distribution for them like no more candy purchases. Waste and abuse has to stop. The country don't got no more money anymore.

    May 8, 2016 at 9:25 AM

    The government sometimes pay farmers not to grow certain crops at certain times. The money is to make up any loss they might incur.

    What difference does it make what anyone buys? They get a certain amount and when it's gone, it is gone.

    And "The country don't got no more money anymore"? YOU pretend to know ANYTHING about this or what Trump will or will not do?! LMAO.

    Judgemental bigots.

  43. My wife begat 2 bigots,and I'm not proud of it.

  44. Have to say I've felt the way this woman feels, only difference is, I don't speak out about like she did. She's right though. People are tired of working for those who don't want to support their own families. Do I think it's right she said anything? Probably won't do any good but I would think Social Services would be a bit disturbed at this man's F bombs in front of his kid continually considering they like policing parents. After all, he's on the dole so why isn't he being called to answer for his gutter mouth. Really says a lot about his uh, character. With that mouth, not surprised he's not gainfully employed. Who'd want to work around that.

  45. This system is broken. Period. Democrats think money mysteriously falls from the sky. Republicans are bred to earn their own way. The country has turned...look at the electoral map...it is getting bluer and bluer each year. Socialism is here. We've turned the corner.


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