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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

$15.00 An Hour?


  1. Well now, that makes perfect sense. The reason I won't and don't shop there anymore

  2. That is not the 15$ per hour employees. The big money WM creeps do this all the time. Always check your receipt when you leave the rat hole.

  3. That is how stupid you people are.... You hear the word sale or see the word sale and automatically think there is a sale because you are to stupid to remember anything...

    Circuit City did this a lot... Would have something priced at $89 but then said it was on sale for $99... I mean how stupid can you really be to either not notice or remember the prices of things you want or need???

    At this point, I can't even blame Walmart or any other corporation like I used too... IF you are that stupid and do not care, then you deserve not only to pay higher prices but if you are willing to pay high dollars for crap then I would do it to you too... After all, it is YOUR CHOICE to pay or go else where...

  4. 3:52PM you are just as stupid as the people who said they would move out of the country if Trump wins the presidency... TO the tune which they said They would move to Alaska or Hawaii which is still the USA...

    Can you people at least try to be more stupid than dirt??? please???

  5. And yet the stuff is flying off the shelf. Go figure.

  6. Just an FYI to all the no it alls on here but sunkist is a vendor product. Blame the Vending company not Walmart employees.

  7. That's common core at work!

  8. Why is the retailer stupid if the customer falls for it?

  9. Not one comment got it as far as I can tell. $15 an hour to post a sign which is totally wrong but also misleading as pointed out! Also $15 per hour to stack cartons of soda in rows and columns...how are people who can not spot a mistake as obvious worth $15 an hour, $15 an hour to stack cartons of soda, stock shelves according to a picture diagram, tell a customer where they can find ExLax or a can of gaboonza beans...really?

  10. Walmart employees do not make $15 an hour


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