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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

A Letter To The Editor: Board of Education

I would like to thank the voters of District 3, Worcester County, for advancing me on to the general election in November for School Board. Please let me share my positions on what I believe are some core issues. I am a conservative. I have been opposed to Common Core since 2012, opposed to the excessive testing of our children and the data mining associated with it. I firmly believe that our teachers are the unsung heroes of this educational mess. We find the best talent and then inhibit any use of that talent. I will work to do whatever possible to regain local control because the Federal Government should not be in the education business, and that's what they've made it... business. In November, you will have a clear choice, a conservative vs. the status quo.

Francis Gebhart


  1. Excellent statement Mr Gebhart! I will send copies of this to Wico Cty and Gov. Hogan's office.Best wishes for you in the general election.

  2. Thank you Fran for stepping up - No Mo' Status Quo!

  3. I agree fully and will be voting accordingly!

  4. Congrats Fran, best of luck in November.


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