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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Welcome To The 'Bury

Remember this 
when you vote for 
your next Congressman.


  1. You lily pants out there think this stuff is okay. It will never be okay!

  2. Exactly what you will see in North Carolina if she was born a male.

  3. Is that congresswoman Ireton?

  4. If I would witness this I would follow this thing and if it got close to any child one of us would be in the hospital and the other be in jail. North Carolina doesn't put up with this crap.

  5. I can't use that type of urinal because they're way too high.

  6. This CERTAINLY will reduce the length of the bathroom lines in Ocean City this year.

  7. These are the places / businesses that should be made public so We the People could decide if we want to patronize these businesses / places. But then again I understand why they are not made public, since the safety of our children should always be our number one concern. These places would only attract the freaks / predators of our society.

  8. 6:40 Freaks and predators of our society are operating right out in front of you everyday. They are called Democrats!

  9. How did our Congressmen vote on this piece of crap legislation

  10. A lot of women vote for liberal democrats so this is what you get.

  11. I can't imagine having this in any bathroom with boys or girls, women or men. Sick.

  12. Is that Jim in the men's room again?

  13. Blogger Drew said...
    Exactly what you will see in North Carolina if she was born a male.

    April 9, 2016 at 5:34 PM

    wouldn't that be better than seeing 'her' in a woman's bathroom?


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