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Sunday, April 10, 2016

NC Lt. Gov to PayPal: If Bathroom Law Protects One Child From Being Molested, It's Worth It

In response to PayPal's decision to not open an operations center in Charlotte, N.C. that would employ 400 people because of the state's new law requiring people to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their biological gender, Lt. Gov. Dan Forest said if the new law protects one child or one woman "from being molested or assaulted, then it was worth it." He added that despite the job losses, North Carolina does not put "a price tag on the value of our children."

"If our action in keeping men out of women's bathrooms and showers protected the life of just one child or one woman from being molested or assaulted, then it was worth it," said Lt. Gov. Forest in a statement following PayPal's announcement on April 5.

"North Carolina will never put a price tag on the value of our children," he said. "They are precious and priceless."

"If a corporation wanting to do business in North Carolina does not see the worth of our children in the same light, then I wish them well as they do business somewhere else."

PayPal is a pro-LGBT company.



  1. 1. Don't let your kids go to the bathroom alone.
    2. Molestation can happen in same sex bathrooms, also.

  2. Thank God you didn't cave in to the PC carp. Protection of the masses is way more important.

  3. "If a corporation wanting to do business in North Carolina does not see the worth of our children in the same light, then I wish them well as they do business somewhere else."

    Yes, good for him! Enough of this crap being shoved on the majority.

  4. I'm canceling my pay pal account.

  5. So, if PayPal chooses to discriminate against N. Carolina for calling a man a man and a woman a woman and standing in protection of both, I now choose to discriminate against PayPal and will pay for my online items direct to the sellers.

    Keeping men out of womens bathrooms is NOT discrimination, as PayPal wants us to believe!

  6. Good for him.
    I don't like paypal, and this looks like a good reason to quit using it.

  7. I don't know that much about the LGBT situation but it seems to me that if a person changes their gender and they then have to change their driver's license they would also change their birth certificate. What is the problem? What I read was that the law stated that a person must go in the bathroom based on their birth certificate gender.

    Now does this affect the person who says, "Well I am going to change my gender but only goes through half the process?" I'm sure it does. In that a man who then goes on female hormones and grows breast and has long hair and wears a dress BUT still has a man's anatomy has to go in the MEN'S room. I don't have a problem with that and I don't understand why all of these corporations and singer's and so forth want to claim that is discriminatory. If you want to change your gender, change everything and then you can go in the bathroom of the opposite gender.

    Not understanding the problem.

  8. far more likely someone who looks like a man will walk in to the ladies room and say oh I was born a female. You feel more comfortable now?
    That is how your predator will get in the there.

  9. Just got rid of Pay Pal. Dumped Amazon months ago.

  10. Besides Jim Ireton at Roadie Joe's, no man wants to go into the women's bathroom.

  11. Apparently Bruce Springsteen has an issue with protecting children.


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