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Sunday, April 10, 2016

The world's going to need 50% more food by 2050

Imagine if Golden Corral, the super buffet restaurant, released a report stating that by 2050, their business model would no longer be sustainable.

No longer would they be able to offer an all-you-can-eat buffet with all the fixings of a Thanksgiving feast. Rather, they’d replace it with an all-you-can-drink smoothie bar with tasty protein options.

The reason: massive food shortages.

Clearly Golden Corral didn’t release such a report, but the World Bank did. The organization forecasts that by 2050, we’ll need 50% more food to feed the world’s population.

So here’s the problem. Between now and 2050, they expect the world’s population to growfrom seven billion to nine billion. Even given our demographic outlook, which shows most developed countries will have trouble just maintaining their populations, we’re still looking at about 10 billion people before the end of the century.

But the real problem is that due to worsening climate conditions, crop yields will be cut by 25% during that same time frame.




  1. The same amount of acreage will easily be able to double it's output by more efficient farming methods. NBD.

  2. 2 in 5 people reading this will be alive in 2050.

  3. Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.

  4. BS, BS, BS. If the climate gets drier in one area it usually gets wetter in another. If the globe is truly warming then crops will be able to be grown in areas that were too cold before. If carbon dioxide levels are increasing then crop production will increase because plants need MORE CO2, not less. Anything that the government or liberals tell you is pure BS!!!!

  5. its all about Global Warming

  6. 2:55. Wow. So simple. You've got it all figured out.

  7. 1:55. I'm sure there are plenty of farmers here on the shore who would love for you to tell them about the efficient farming methods that will double their output.

  8. Well, than as a nation we need to quite feeding the freeloaders on the continent of Africa. We need to stockpile our grains and get ready.

  9. Back in high school in the '70s, we were forced to watch a movie called future shook about how the world would run out of food and be overpopulated by the year 2000.
    The same tactics from the liberal retards over and over again

  10. It's all bs. There is plenty of food available, just look how much is wasted in this country alone. There is plenty of land available to plant more crops, IF they choose to allow it.

  11. We export and toss out way more food than we produce each year. I'm happy with that, except when our Government steps in...

  12. Anonymous Steve said...
    We export and toss out way more food than we produce each year. I'm happy with that, except when our Government steps in...

    April 7, 2016 at 8:51 PM

    So how is that possible unless we first import the food then export it back out?

  13. By 2050 the world population will be half of what it is today


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