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Sunday, April 10, 2016


Robots taking over fast food jobs

In response to recent minimum wage hikes, McDonald’s is now experimenting with a self-serve kiosk.

Currently the kiosk, spotted at a McDonald’s in downtown Chicago, only allows customers to serve themselves coffee, but there’s no reason why a similar kiosk couldn’t be expanded with other offerings in the future.

“In essence, this is the company’s latest venture to make employees responsible for one less task as corporate HQ slowly but surely responds to minimum wage hikes sweeping all states, and in the process, outsource its minimum wage workers to simple machines which will never unionize or have any demands aside from being cleaned occasionally,” Zero Hedgereported.

Fast food workers demanded a $15 an hour minimum wage and union rights in strikes across 270 cities back in November, but their jobs may eventually be taken over by autonomous burger-making robots.



  1. This is misleading. A local bank went to self service Kiosks and when you hit a button a real teller comes on the screen and helps you.

    I imagine this will be the same. Its not about $15, its about the consumer having to deal face to face with some nasty azz rude employee. It makes cash safer and minimizes the risk of theft. Also kiosk employees can work from anywhere and service any restaurant. Meaning less employees.

    This has little to do with $15 wages and has been in the works LONG before the $15 wage issue.

    But hey the media needs to keep pluggin the tragedy and horrors of a billion dollar welfare company needing to pay livable and sustainable wages......

    1. People and teens need a first job, with 15 that goes away. It will be cheaper to automate. These types of jobs were never about a livable wage, if you worked as a teen or young person this was a way to supplement and learn work values.

  2. With people interacting - the machine's human interface will need to be cleaned regularly to prevent spread of colds/flu/zika/etc.

    Next they need a machine to flip the burgers and squirt the mustard / special sauce...then the high-school and geriatric crowd will need to look elsewhere for social employment!

  3. Wawa, Royal Farms, and Sheetz gas stations and convenience stores have been doing this for years. Hopefully McDonald's and others continue this course. If you want $15 or morw per hour, do something that is useful and deserves that pay rate.

  4. care full what you wish for as technology may step in once the price gets too high.

  5. Stop eating at MacDonald's. Stop shopping at Walmart. Stop making big business and corporation richer while the consumers get poorer and poorer. Put your hard earned slave money back in your pocket. Buy what you need and not what you want. It's time to show these GREEDY pigs, you mean business.

  6. Will these burger bots pay attention, or will they be texting each other? :-)

  7. Maybe we can finally get the kiosk to say "thank you" instead of "have a nice day."

  8. Going to be just like Greece. Just violent protestors all over. Paid protestors for now. Eventually they will be people with nothing and no one to back them.

  9. Two Things Could Be TrueApril 8, 2016 at 9:14 PM

    Saw this coming when the feds first started in with their nonsense. Minimum wage goes up and an employer has to make a choice, people vs. machine. Machines are cheaper, more efficient, don't call in sick, don't need health insurance, don't complain about too many/too few hours and they serve people, for the most part, efficiently. Thank the Liberals for your job loss. Teenagers will be hard pressed to find a summer job in other industries as well. Employers can't afford to keep prices affordable AND pander to the $15 crowd, which by the way that amount of money is NOT enough to support a family or even a single person with Salisbury rent through the roof. Something's gotta give.

  10. @1238
    Yes and this is why so many fled that bank over the past few months. It is terrible.

    People still eat at McDonalds?


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