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Sunday, April 24, 2016


“Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.”

The Target department store chain has jumped into the transgender bathroom debate by declaring that men who claim to be women may use whatever bathroom or changing room they choose.

“Inclusivity is a core belief at Target,” a new company statement reads. “It’s something we celebrate. We stand for equality and equity, and strive to make our guests and team members feel accepted, respected and welcomed in our stores and workplaces every day.”

The retailer added, “We welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity.”

“Everyone deserves to feel like they belong,” the statement concluded. “You’ll always be accepted, respected and welcomed at Target.”



  1. Everyone should be treated the same! Go target!!

  2. If that occurs here I will not use a transgender bathroom for sure, just asking for problems.

  3. People keep talking about transgender men going into the women's bathroom with little girls. Well be a responsible parent and take your child to the bathroom. I got news for you if a man wants to abduct and molest a little girl he's not going to let a sign stop it.

  4. Why do you try and justify having men in women's bathrooms ? Would you want your 14 y/o daughter that you dropped off with friends at the movie theater to have to go to the bathroom with men ? If you have no issue than you are not only an unfit parent but an unfit person.

  5. Oh gag me. Those out there that feel that same way I do, just quit going to Target altogether or if you do go, make sure your child stays with you at all times and make sure you do not have to use the restroom while shopping there.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 23, 2016 at 2:33 PM

    Bycott TARGET! Why would anybody approve of allowing men into little girls bathroom is appaling. But as we know, SLIMY LIBERAL POLITICIANS Would Do Anything For Money. TARGET just put themselves out of business.BUH-BYE!

  7. 12:56...you are very sick and suffer from MENTAL ISSUES...

  8. An estimated 60% of perpetrators of sexual abuse are known to the child but are not family members, e.g., family friends, babysitters, child care providers, neighbors.

    About 30% of perpetrators of child sexual abuse are family members.

    If someone comes into a restroom and you are not comfortable, then walk out of the bathroom.


  9. This low end store never had anything to draw me in.
    When it was publicized that this store didn't support military.....well, lets put it this way I don't have to boycott now.

  10. 12:56 You should not treat perversion as normal.

  11. I'll just let my kids piss on the main aisle

  12. This isn't new. Changing rooms have been male and female forever.

  13. Transgenders should be treated as what they are: mentally ill.

  14. Yes, I belong, but not in a women's toilet.

  15. Why is it called a bathroom when there's no bath in it?

    1. It's called a restroom. Read the story. Bathroom is in your house. Smh

  16. Target , is a good name , I'm sure somebody has Target in the crosshairs . That's what targets are for.

  17. You people have been sharing bathrooms with transgender and transsexuals your whole lives, and never knew it, because there weren't any problems. A true "transgendered" person does NOT want "problems" either. They do not wish to be advertising their gender, any more than a "straight" person. If a straight woman walked into the ladies room and started flaunting the fact she has a cooter, I'd be offended and appalled, and get out of there quick. (She might get a different reaction in the men's bathroom though, lol)

    Just as if a man ("person with a penis, whether factory equipment or aftermarket") went in the ladies room, and made his personal junk a matter of public spectacle, I'd be just as disgusted.

    I'm not in there to speculate about what someone's packing, or tucking. I'm in there to pee.

  18. Just got back from local Target, spent over an hour in there listening to "Girl Talk", I loved it. So happy I can do this now, I don't have to worry about hanging at the school.

  19. Anonymous said...
    People keep talking about transgender men going into the women's bathroom with little girls. Well be a responsible parent and take your child to the bathroom. I got news for you if a man wants to abduct and molest a little girl he's not going to let a sign stop it.

    April 23, 2016 at 1:47 PM

    So you are defending these queers!!

  20. Anonymous said...
    12:56...you are very sick and suffer from MENTAL ISSUES...

    April 23, 2016 at 2:38 PM


    I beat me to it!

  21. 1:47
    I guess you don't have a child of the opposite sex. I remember when my son was young but too old for me to take him in the ladies room to use. I waited outside the men's bathroom for him for what seemed like a long time. Fathers of little girls have to go through the same thing. This is just one more thing parents will now have to worry about.

  22. Public safety should supersede idiocy. As a parent of a boy and a girl, it is asking for trouble to overlook people of the opposite sex using restrooms that we identify as male and female.

    Maryland politicians voted this asinine law into existence and people need to rise up and defeat this bad policy.

  23. Thank democrats for this.

  24. They (Target and the democrats) throw the word transgender into the mix to confuse everyone. What they really mean is if a man happens to "identify" with a woman they are free to use the women's restroom. The problem is this very much does open the door to assaults and possibly other violent attacks and even murders. Whereas before if a man walked into a women's room, he would immediately be thrown out. Not now with this new policy. All he has to say is I identify with women.
    The statistic are available. Women being attacked in restrooms is very real. It's not a problem w/transgenders but men in general. Who is to say a murderer or a pervert isn't going to pretend to "identify" w/a woman just to attack someone. Just last Feb a 6 yr old was attacked by a man in a public restroom in FL. This law is a pervert's dream come true.
    But it's a democrat thing and just to appease another voting block democrats could care less if a child gets murdered. To a democrat a child's life is nothing more but collateral damage when it comes to getting votes. Democrats are very bad people and a special place has been set aside for them in hell by God Himself.

  25. I think Target is a french company....so what we think here has nothing to do as to how they run their stores. Bye bye Target!!!

  26. More little boys have been kidnapped, raped and murdeted from men's rooms by "normal and straight looking" guys than by your fantasy gay-pervert-predator-tranny anywhere.

  27. The Baff Rume Jim Liarton will love using.

  28. "Anonymous said...

    More little boys have been kidnapped, raped and murdeted from men's rooms by "normal and straight looking" guys than by your fantasy gay-pervert-predator-tranny anywhere.

    April 23, 2016 at 9:56 PM"

    This proves the point that it is an insane idea. Now these ""normal and straight looking" guys can walk into the women's room too and no one can make them leave. Remember they don't have to look like a female only identify with one.

  29. Target sucks, I hardly ever go there, I certainly won't now. In Salisbury it won't take many more like me to shut the store down. Take a look around this town now, not a good move Target.

  30. I will for sure not use the restrooms in Target if I ever shop there again. Probably only go there once or twice a year so will hope that I don't need to use them if I even go back in that store again. Have to admit the clothing at Target seems really cheap made and everything is priced higher than what I can find at other places so nothing really lost if I don't shop there anymore. I am hoping other stores don't get the same idea. However, with all the Liberals running the show now (or at least think they are) I am sure this will now be pretty standard in all the public restrooms.

  31. They are "public" restrooms. Target is not really worried about whether the Salisbury crowd shops there or not. Boycott and chase another employer out of town, yeah. You are winning! There are 5 Target stores within a 20 min drive of my other home. They are very busy and open until 11pm daily.

  32. Goes to show what filth these transgender and their supporters are. They could care less if a child is brutally murdered after being raped by someone who claimed to identify with a woman that day. To them it's perfectly okay to potentially put a child in danger so long as they get their way. They are just nasty filthy piss poor excuses for human beings. A good person never puts themselves before a child. Not ever. If they don't think God has set aside a special place for them to burn in hell they are sadly mistaken.


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