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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Girl killed in bathroom 'didn't believe in fighting,' friends say

WILMINGTON, Del. — Friends and neighbors knew Amy Inita Joyner-Francis as the quiet teen who would focus on her homework. Another knew her as the girl who liked blue candy.

But Nik Stryminski remembers her as the one who kept him safe and out of a fight earlier this school year. He said the incident happened in math class at Howard High School of Technology. It started when an argument between him and another student began to teeter toward violence.

That’s when Amy, 16, stepped in, Stryminski said, backed him into a corner, and calmed him down.

“She wasn’t worried about herself. She was worried about me not fighting,” he said. “She didn’t believe in fighting, and the craziest thing is she died in a fight.”

Amy died Thursday morning at Howard High School during a violent attack in the girls bathroom. Wilmington Police have not announced the cause of her death or details related to the attack.



  1. I can't even read this story. It's too sad.

  2. If black lives mattered they would bring their children up not to be murderers and drug dealers.

  3. I don't believe in fighting either, but when it comes to my life, I'm sure gonna put up a fight if I have to.

  4. Lol 12:14 you guys are always funny. Wonder why you are called racist rednecks? Because when something happens to someone white, it is considered an incident isolated to that individual or family. Anything happens to a black person, we'll that's a referendum on the entire race.

    1. You are absolutely right anonymous!

    2. Only when it simply repeats and reinforces the easily observable reputation blacks have for senseless violence and savagery.

  5. I'll wait to hear the police report....too many of these stories of how "good or how "bad" a person is sadly lies somewhere in the middle of truthfulness. Really feel sorry for the family....

  6. Animals. So glad, I got out of the public school system. Rape, murder, drugs. Way to go democrats and Rino Republicans

  7. The reason it's a referendum on black people is according to crime statistics blacks commit the majority of violent crime...It's not nice to say but it's a fact.

  8. 12:44 you need a little insight and a reality check.
    Black culture GLORIFIES violence, misogyny, crime, drug dealing, beating "bitches" - the word they use for their women -- up, single parenthood (I don't need no man! I need a CHECK), gang violence, prison time and everything else that has them labeled as such outstanding citizens and produces so many quality leaders.
    Ask ANY teacher what group causes the most violence, the most theft, the worst students, and the most problems. It will not be (100% for sure) white kids.
    Stop sugar coating the obvious. You don't see two hundred white people in the ghetto cheering as a white cop (who was trying to stop a black man from , guess what -- beating a "bitch" up) fights a thug.
    And they kicked and punched the cop, too!
    Do you see hundreds of white people or Indians, or Chinese running out on the Interstate and blocking traffic, threatening drivers and throwing rocks at cops??? Right. Black people, not white people, CREATED their own stereotypes and cultural images.
    Today's lesson is complete.

  9. 235 how are your police friends that you bash using a fake name? Hack

  10. This is what happens using social justice instead of common sense...Give the faculty back control of schools.

  11. 4:04.....you lame sissy.
    How ironic that you posted anonymously.
    You probably missed that, huh?

  12. Have you identified all the girls involved in this? There was more than just one. Someone has a video of it I'm sure. At least they did. It might have been deleted by now.

  13. Black Thugs!

    What happened to Black Lives Matter!!

  14. Imclaim: I understand what you are saying and while I agree with some of what you wrote,I have to say there ARE black people who are not into all that.One of my friends (black) was born to an addict,and he could have ended up in the system but he graduated high school and college,has never drank alcohol or used drugs and has a good government job and 2 PT jobs that keep him busy AND he is a mentor to young men of color as well. We simply cannot lump all black people into the same box because of the knuckleheads who commit crimes and hustle.There are plenty of white people out there who are on the needle or the pipe,in and out of jail.

  15. Stop! You are going to make his head explode with crazy talk like that.

  16. True.
    I do know a LOT of hard working black people. Honorable. Trustworthy. Raising their children the same way.
    My point was also accurate.
    White people didn't come up with the labels. If a label isn't accurate, it won't last long.
    The behavior of the young black generation is of their own making. Please don't ask reasonable people (who have eyes and ears) to say its just YOUNG PEOPLE rioting, burning cities, shooting police, tearing neighborhoods apart with violence and drug dealing. It's young BLACK people.
    White people think doing prison time is shameful. A criminal record is shameful. Having four kids and being on welfare since age 18 is shameful.
    A man with 4 kids by four different women is also shameful. Not having a job and supporting oneself is shameful. Fighting over every little problem is not acceptable behavior. Hanging out on the corner of the neighborhood, hawking drugs? Also not acceptable.
    Now, which culture in America am I describing?
    Stop that feel good, everybody is cool, we're all the same BS.
    Your storybook narrative conflicts with reality so much, Hollywood wants the rights to it.

  17. I'm sorry it doesn't matter what color is involved! A young child has violently had their life ended, and anyone involved needs to be locked behind bars like the animal they are! I don't care how old they are, what color they are or anything else about it! Those students involved decided to participate in the activity that cost another student their life! An eye for an eye - well not really but why should those involved be allowed any freedoms at all for the rest of their lives?


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