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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Subject: Transportation Secretary: Inequitable Distribution of Sidewalks Is Obstacle to American Dream

(CNSNews.com) - Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx told a crowd in North Carolina Tuesday that “only 49% of low-income neighborhoods have sidewalks” while more affluent areas have near 90%. In order to have a society where “everyone has a shot at the American Dream, than it’s imperative that we acknowledge these challenges.”

Foxx made the comments to the Charlotte Rotary Club where he discussed the ways that infrastructure should connect people to opportunity.

During his speech, Foxx referenced a map of Atlanta that showed areas of pedestrian and bicycle accidents. “The grey areas represent communities of concentrated poverty. This is representative of what’s occurring nationally, which is not surprising, because only 49% of low-income neighborhoods have sidewalks. In high-income areas the number is closer to 90%.”

“So, if we want a society in which everyone has a shot at the American dream, than it is imperative that we acknowledge these challenges,” Foxx said.



  1. Omg seriously? Sidewalks will make all the difference...dumbacrats at work again!

  2. Some of the "streets" he's talking about aren't even streets, but dirt roads that are indistinguishable from the dirt front yards they pass by.

  3. So we finally know what's behind all this poverty and misery.
    They're sidewalk-deprived.

  4. I agree. Acknowledge these challenges in poverty stricken areas.

    Then move on. Get out of the poverty stricken areas.

  5. Most of the real expensive areas around DC don't have sidewalks. Sidewalks are bougoise.

  6. Because everybody knows you can't wear the same shoes on dirt than you do on sidewalks, and all that time changing from one pair to the other makes the poor people late for work and then they lose their jobs!

    I thought everybody knew that!

  7. So that is why these people are so stupid-they don't have sidewalks. I stand enlightened.

  8. Doesn't matter if they have sidewalks or not, they still walk in the street and what a poor excuse for an excuse.

  9. This is just more nonsensical garbage from a DC bureaucrat. I hope Trump gets rid of all this nonsense - the sooner the better because I'm sure the guy who put this stupid report together probably is making a six-digit salary for doing basically nothing!

  10. Sidewalks are paid for by taxes. Most of those places in question pay little taxes because the people are slaves to the Democratic party and welfare.

  11. do something different, go get a job

  12. By that reckoning,the collective IQ in Crisfield must have tripled! The State replaced all the highway sidewalks in town....meanwhile there are pot holes on Main Street that will rip out your front end.....


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