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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hey WBOC's Dan Satterfield, YOU'RE FIRED!


  1. Well ... he only repeats what NOAA foretasted - 31 deg.& rain - I got it correct - I said snow -

  2. They were joking last night at the 7 pm news about the people who lost their homes in Delaware from the high winds that happened on Saturday. They said "Dan, why do you have to be so right?" Just for joking about the hardship of the people in Delaware and surrounding areas who had damage to their homes and properties, he should be fired! He wasn't right, the winds exceeded hurricane force. At my home, we had damaging hail with this storm.
    He certainly didn't forecast snow in the forecast. I had to scrape off and brush off the snow that wasn't in his forecast this morning.

  3. I saw the 31 and rain, too. I thought, "on Earth, that's called snow!"

  4. Pretty bad weather predictions from Delaware's news leader! As far as WBOC is concerned if it did not happen in Delaware it did not happen at all. Monday night's 6 pm news the lead story was about rental properties and control thereof in a Delaware beach town. A murder that happened in Salisbury was second fiddle (lucky it made it any way).

  5. I totally agree with 8:45
    In my neighborhood here in Salisbury, we had trees down. Some of them on top of a house. Luckily no real damage. None of this damage from the Maryland side was ever reported from WBOC. Don't know why they even have station here in Salisbury. They sure do a poor job of report news here in Maryland and in Salisbury! WMDT does a better job of reporting Maryland news, but the reporters all look like they just came out of high school. They are too youth oriented for my taste.

  6. WRDE covers more Maryland news then our local stations. They are my choice.

  7. Not that this will get posted, as it's the truth. Not one forecaster got this right. WBOC, WMDT, NOAA, Accuweather, Intellicast. etc. All calling for 33-35, windy and light rain. The only places that got it right were the weather stations reading in real time.

  8. Hey he will probably win another award!!!!! They must be the same as kids in T-ball.....everybody gets a trophy...LOL

  9. I can essentially guarantee none of you people have ever looked at a surface map or a model run in your lives. Stop criticizing things you don't understand.

  10. 11:09 not true my cell phone weather app predicted high winds and flurries. These weather channels are a joke and people have become obcessed with weather. When I leave my house I am prepared for anything. I suggest you all do the same. Look out the window lol best forcast on earth

  11. how about if you stopped looking at surface maps and started looking out the window

  12. They predicted rain yesterday afternoon. It didn't come until the evening. Glad I ignored the forecast and got my yard mowed. It's better to look at the sky than to trust Dan for anything accurate!


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