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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sneak Peak Of Salisbury Fire Departments THREE New Ambulances

Here's a sneak peak at Paramedic 2. Members of the SFD are currently going through the final inspections for 3 new ambulances for the City of Salisbury.


  1. Looks like a mirror finish!
    I can see the trees in reflection.

  2. Very nice units.....well needed and deserved. Thanks to the SFD and EMT's who provide the services. Good job City of Salisbury!!!

  3. The fire truck and ambulance business always has a backlog of years and the profits are unreal.Should have been a fire truck salesman.

  4. More medics less FF please.

  5. I think you mean sneak peek.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Very nice units.....well needed and deserved. Thanks to the SFD and EMT's who provide the services. Good job City of Salisbury!!!

    April 6, 2016 at 3:04 PM

    Well needed and deserved?? WTH are you smoking!! The 3 units they are replacing were recently bought and haven't been broken in yet.

    You must be another paid Farmin for da 'Bury.

    1. Not even broken in? What are you smoking?

      Those units were junk from day one. Chief Simpson was told by many people that the internationals were garbage. But he had a buddies pockets on the sales level he wanted to line. So the trash is what we got. Those units are out of service just as much as they are in service. The service after the sale has been horrible, and continues to get worse. The coolers for the IV bags were installed against manufacturer requirement and those crooks were making us pay for new cooling units. One unit went through two wire harnesses and spent nine of its first twelve months out of service. And Simpson did nothing. I've had the engine cut off in the middle of an intersection during a priority transport because the exhaust filters were due for a regen. This list could go on for days. New units are definitely needed on the front line. And the most reliable of the old internationals are being kept for fourth and fifth run calls.

  7. The Bill Gordy Memorial Colors stolen from the Chicago Fire Department and the Laurel Del. Fire Department.

    Shows the poor leadership of the current fire chiefs for allowing this to continue.

  8. I just want to know when this spending is going to end at the Salisbury Fire Department.

  9. The spending will NEVER end. The list of replacement equipment goes out ten years and is revised each and every year.

  10. Look at this equipment in large cities on the Western Shore.They don't have top shelf chrome. Painted wheels, etc. In and out of the ER running strong all day. Trucks are nasty, don't have time to rub on them. They are work trucks, not parade vehicles.

    1. But if we let the apparatus stay dirty and didn't keep them up, you would be making statements to the effect that we don't respect your tax dollars. There's no winning with some people...


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