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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Subject: Ireton tells Easton Democrats QUOTE: Democrats should stop apologizing for being smart

EASTON — First District Congressional Candidate Jim Ireton touted Democratic achievements in his address at the annual Talbot County Democratic Forum on Sunday, April 3. Former Cambridge Mayor Victoria Jackson-Stanley also spoke at the annual event at the Avalon Theatre.

Ireton is running against Joe Werner, a Bel Air attorney, for the Democratic nomination for the First District. The incumbent, Andy Harris, faces a primary challenge from a number of GOP candidates.

Ireton served two terms as mayor of Salisbury, prior to announcing his candidacy for the First District race.

"If we can do this together we will not let one another down," Ireton said. "I will not let you down and you will not let me down and we will send someone to Washington who wants to make a difference."

Ireton repeatedly said how proud he was of President Obama and emphasized that Democrats need to get out on the streets and take action for the 2016 election.

"There are 63,000 people on the Eastern Shore who now have insurance that didn't have it before and we should be proud of that," Ireton said.



  1. Ireton has already let us down on numerous occasions. Why would he behave any differently in a much more challenging job?

  2. If the Democrats were actually smart - they wouldn't be Democrats.....they need to apologize for being Democrats and wanting to screw the rest of us over!

  3. A democrat has never apologized for a damn thing.

  4. Women's rights. Yeah. You don't even like women, you just tolerate them, and not always successfully.

  5. We need to get him off the shore.

  6. I don't think Andy needs to worry about cleaning out his desk anytime soon.

  7. Democrats are not smart, they supported Osama, and now are supporting Hitler-y.

  8. He sure is good at baiting people, isn't he.

  9. Haw haw haw

    Gasp Gasp

    Haw haw haw

    Oh oh let me catch my breath!

  10. Yes Jimmy! Oh what a smarty you are. You quit and abandoned one Salisbury Council seat because the pressure was too much. Where did those smarts go to then? You failed as Mayor, assaulted a black women verbally, careened around Salisbury drunk - slipping and falling in and out of every bar, exposed yourself in a women's bathroom at Roadie's, and on and on and on. I guess you are smart because you did all that and never got fired, arrested or run out of town. Wait. The voters fired you before you let them because you stepped down as Mayor. You were arrested in Rehoboth Beach when you were literally singing "under the boardwalk" and you were run out of town the first time you were on Council. You should have stayed in Baltimore with all the other homosexuals.

  11. Jim I. is a feltcher.

  12. I. sounds to me to be a typical Democrat politician. Remember the movie "Hunt for Red October"? " I'm a politician, that means I'm a liar and a cheat. When I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops." Too true..

  13. "... and we will send someone to Washington who wants to make a difference."

    There's a big gap between wanting and doing. So far, he's done a lot of talking with no actual action.


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