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Sunday, April 10, 2016


Salisbury, MD… Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver is pleased to announce that the 2016 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County and the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Deputies has been successfully concluded. The Agreement has been reviewed and approved by the County Council.

“I would like to commend all parties involved for their hard work in reaching a five- year agreement, something unprecedented in the State,” said Culver. “By putting a long term agreement in place, we have saved the taxpayers significant legal fees over time. Equally as
important, we have provided a level of security for those men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect all of us.”

The agreement provides for disability benefits for the Deputies, which was a top priority. In addition, it will provide competitive salaries (within the State), including pay increases that will occur over the first 4 years of the Agreement.

New to this Agreement is the introduction of a Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP), which provides another path to retirement for eligible sworn law enforcement officers. Under this voluntary program, an eligible Deputy can “retire” (and begin accumulating retirement benefits in a DROP account) while continuing to work for Wicomico County. While in DROP, the monthly retirement payment is deposited into an account within the County’s pension system and earns compounded interest for as long the Deputy remains in the DROP program.

While thanking the County Executive and County Council, FOP President Marty Fisher said the Agreement “sends a strong message that Wicomico County has faith in the men and women that serve and protect”.


  1. Well done! Grateful to those who choose to serve and protect.

  2. As a family member of someone in law enforcement, thank you for showing them the respect they deserve. It is a difficult job and one that a lot of people do not understand or appreciate.

  3. It is a difficult job and one that a lot of people do not understand or appreciate.

    Especially for those with limited intelligence.

  4. Thanks for not having to renegotiate this for a few years. The legal fees are killer. Thanks for looking out for taxpayers.

  5. Now if the heroes would simply educate themselves about COMMON LAW.

    Stop enforcing STATUTORY LAWS which enrich a usurious state government.

    1. How about not committing crimes and being respectful to officers when they are doing their job instead of being ignorant.

  6. I wish all the people who slam law enforcement had the guts to do their jobs. It is easy to bash from the comfort of your computer. They see the worst of humanity every day. Sexual abuse of children, people killed or maimed in accidents, drug overdoses, domestic violence, death notifications = the list goes on. THANK YOU DEPUTIES AND ALL IN LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR WHAT YOU DO EVERYDAY!

  7. Only the truly ignorant don't appreciate the sacrifice those in law enforcement make as well as their families. Do you worry about whether your loved one will make it home from work each day? Thank you Wicomico County for supporting the men and women in the Sheriff's department.

  8. More money for the double dippers.

  9. Screw all the other county employees.

  10. 3:40 Having a voice takes courage and respect for those in charge. If you have those qualities use them. As a tax payer I respect how all the parties worked to make this process cheaper on all involved. Having and retaining quality employees on all levels of the county work force builds a better future for all of us. If you have legitimate issues this Council and Executive will work with you.

    It also takes those that lead your department to believe in your abilities and needs. Keep it real and talk to those in charge instead of whining on a blog. More is accomplished on a professional level behind closed doors.

  11. Glad to see they got a 5 year lock. Now time for the other county employees to get some


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