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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

‘SNL’ makes Al Sharpton look like the fool he is, right under his nose

Al Sharpton had a front row seat as he was mocked on Saturday Night Live.

Kenan Thompson did his typical impression of Sharpton bumbling words and talking loud about Voter I.D. Laws during the skit on Saturday.

“Is the real purpose to disen-french fries people,” Thompson asked, to start the segment.

“Despite Bernie Sanders win this week in Wisconsin it’s no secret that Hillary Clinton is raisinets, excuse me, resonating more with black voters,” he said as he introduced the real Sharpton as character “Charles Richards.”

Sharpton talked about his Black Approval Scale Rating and discussed how beloved the Democrats are in the black community while taking shots at the Republican candidates.

But the fake Sharpton (Thompson) kept bumbling his words throughout as he said things like “phantomnomenal.”

“What’s going on with you today, Al? You’re usually a very smart person,” the real Sharpton said to Thompson to end the skit.

Actually, not really.

Take a look at the skit below.


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