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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Trey Gowdy calls State Department ‘deplorable’ for what they just did

The State Department finally released documents on Friday that were requested by the Benghazi committee, but the more than one-year wait was deplorable to Rep. Trey Gowdy.

Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, slammed the State Department for its delay in responding to subpoenas issued in March and August of 2015, following the initial request by the Republican congressman in November 2014.

“It is deplorable that it took over a year for these records to be produced to our committee, and that our Democrat colleagues never lifted a finger to help us get them,” Gowdy said in a press releaseFriday.

More than 1,100 pages of documents were turned over to the committee which was established to investigate the 2012 terror attack at the U.S. embassy in Libya. For months, Gowdy has been battling with Democrats on the committee which is led by ranking member Rep. Elijah Cummings.



  1. Are you surprised? DC politics has devolved to partisan bickering, with neither side wanting to concede to the other. The only exceptions being pay raises or items that benefit the politicians financially. We, the legal American Citizens of this country, are the real losers. Is what happened despicable? It sure is. But I would bet that Trey will turn around tomorrow and be just as unhelpful in getting this country back on track. As will every other politician. Unless of course it benefits them monetarily. Then its full steam ahead, we can accomplish anything.

    I am so sick of our political system.

  2. Trey is a good man,but he actually acts surprised about this.I hope he's only trying to convey the severity of this issue to us as opposed to being shocked.Nothing that Democrats do should shock any of us.

  3. Corrupt government at its best.

  4. This from the man that made Hillary Clinton look presidential at his last hearings. He is not helping things at all.

  5. Party politics as usual. Why aren't any of these people in jail for not obeying the law? I know for certain, if a regular citizen disobeys they law, that's exactly what would happen. More laws for only the working class to follow. What a joke.


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