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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Obama Top Cybercop Gets Free Pass on Kiddie Porn

This is an outrageous miscarriage of justice, and a reminder that there's one system for the politically connected and one for the rest of us:

A cybersecurity taskforce chief turned child pornography collector seems poised to dodge prison – and live across the street from a Seattle elementary school.

Before agents arrived at his house across from Ballard’s West Woodland Elementary School, security consultant Brian Haller led the Seattle chapter of an FBI/private-sector group tasked with fighting computer crime and cyberterrorism. Haller had access to a secure FBI online platform and email system, though he is not alleged to have used either to collect child porn.

Haller was one of the smaller fish caught in an expansive FBI sting last year. Agents found the law enforcement insider used a “dark web” service – a Tor network site – to collect 600 files capturing the sexual abuse and exploitation of countless children.

Usually, Haller’s crimes could carry a five-year prison term. Instead, federal prosecutors have asked that Haller, 40, be spared even jail time when he is sentenced Friday for possession of child pornography.

Prosecutors are officially mute on a request from Haller’s attorney that he be allowed to return to his home across from West Woodland Elementary. A psychologist hired by Haller argues the children there will be safe so long as Haller covers his windows and isn’t outside during school hours.

Years ago, principled conservatives like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Justin Amash warned about the broad delegation of powers to cyber snoops who might be perverts. Now, as Obama would say, the chickens are coming home to roost. Would Americans be willing to sacrifice their freedom for security if they knew perverts like Mr. Haller might be sifting throug their personal correspondence? Mr. Haller may have performed services critical to this nation's national security, but his free pass, presumably in recognition of that service, endangers his entire community. In many states, first time drug abusers are are given harsher sentences for ingesting substances that could ruin their own life. A dangerous man like Mr. Haller receives a slap on the wrist, and will now be free to indulge his perverse proclivities in dangerous proximity to children. Any child with an internet connection is presumably at risk. This is a grotesque miscarriage of justice. Please share this article and let the government know you won't stand for double standards like this.

Source: AAN

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