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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Report: Trump Supporters in Wisconsin See Votes Switched to Cruz

People voting for Donald Trump in today’s Wisconsin primary are seeing their ballots changed to show a vote for Ted Cruz.

Calls began flooding in early this morning to Madison-based ABC affiliate WKOW with reports of voting machines across the state switching votes entered for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump to his establishment counterpart Ted Cruz. The station has spoken with multiple witnesses and is in the process of verifying statements from Burnett, Clark, Dane, Polk and Portage counties.

According to one witness identified as Jeremy Rogers from Burnett county, “It was the strangest thing. The machine literally would not allow me to vote Trump. I have been a Trump supporter since he launched his campaign and have absolutely no reason to vote for Cruz. I have heard the same from several others coming out of the voting booth. Seems like the establishment will stop at nothing to keep this out of the hands of Trump.”

Brian James, a volunteer and self-professed Cruz supporter who is overseeing the voting at the Burnett county location, had this to say, “These allegations have no basis in reality. If these Trump supporters cannot figure out how to use a voting machine maybe they shouldn’t be voting.”



  1. Exact same thing happened to my husband 3 years ago at Pittsville Firehouse! He reported it immediately!

  2. Computerised fix is in.

  3. They threatened R. Perot. They will not stop until we are under global rule and you get ur forehead stamp. The soveriegn USA is no longer around

  4. 4:05 sadly your right.

  5. These kinds of stories play to the conspiracy types.

    1. my last voting in MD had to call the election judge over to clear my machine kept voting for other candidate so it does happen maybe not for you democrats but it does happen

  6. 5:49
    i believe the reason "these kinds of stories" play to the conspiracy types is that the STORY IS A CONSPIRACY.

    If the voting machines are hacked there is a group who conspired to hack them. They are computers. They can be hacked.

    ATM provides a RECEIPT. Why can't a voting machine provide a receipt which could be audited later?

    Haven't you ever wondered about the receipt?

  7. Funny how it never accidentally votes Republican.

  8. I offered to work to audit the paper tapes after the election against the electronic results, but I was snubbed and reassured that this was already being done.

    But, I'm registered Republican...

  9. we had the same thing happen across the state of Maryland during the last election cycle; including Wicomico County...conspiracy...don't be stupid and ignorant. this DOES happen all across the Country...

  10. 4:05 - You are absolutely correct. The GOP elites have been hell-bent on finding a way to stop Trump from winning (he's not part of their one-world system plan); doesn't surprise me at all that they would stoop to fraud by fixing voting machines. May God have mercy on us if the GOP throws this most important election to Sanders or Clinton.

  11. Yep, another rigged election. The Establishment GOP is taking pages out of the crooked and corrupt Democrats playbook.


  12. Chuck Cook said...

    These kinds of stories play to the conspiracy types.

    April 6, 2016 at 5:49 PM


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