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Sunday, April 10, 2016

No Matter What Anyone Says, This Is Cool And Great For Salisbury

When it comes to economic development, Salisbury University is proving they are committed to Salisbury.

This incredible facility is a massive investment and quite frankly, very cool.

With only a hand full of major players/businesses in the Salisbury area, allowing expansions like this is vital to Salisbury's future. It encourages interest in the growth of several sports, (many of which SU is very good at) and recruiting top ranked players.

So what does that mean, bigger crowds. Bigger sales. Hotel rooms. Food/Restaurant sales. Tips. 

So before people knock it, respect what SU brings to the local economy. Remember that PRMC had taxpayers pay for the demolition of the old Daily Times building. 


  1. Half a story
    What is IT ?

    1. 12:25 I'd like to know that too.

  2. All this for a football team barely anyone goes to see. Maybe if SU had some doctorate programs and more masters programs as well as advance their curriculum more, they would be able to warrant having such a snazzy stadium. Trying to be Princeton when you don't have the academic moxie to back it up is like trying to convince people that even though you're a McDonald's, you're actually a five-star restaurant. New coats of 'paint' make not for a quality university. At the end of the day, it's education.

  3. Hey Anon 12:27, crawl back under your rock.

    1. Just because you don't like what I have to say doesn't mean I have to crawl under some rock. We do have a constitution still at least for now. If you don't like my statements then don't read them.

  4. 12:27pm You must be a "come here"? Why not cheer the Community instead of being a "Debbie Downer".

    1. Do you hear how foolish that come here born here statement is? Such nonsense for grown adults to use such idiocy. Let me say this, it is no more ignorant than the pithy little bumperstickers "There's no life West of the Chesapeake Bay". If I know about that moronic banner then apparently I am not a recent come here, am I?

  5. 1227-You're obviously not aware of the burgeoning DIII football school movement throughout the country. This is what DIII football schools HAVE to bring to the table in order to get quality recruits to choose their school.

    In return for these great digs, it helps support the other major field sports at the school. Coach Woods has a record of excellence, and has brought SU football to new heights. A nod has to go to Coach Berkman as well, he's long and storied career with SU's lacrosse program has brought national recognition to little ol' Salisbury. These coaches and players should know that we as a community are proud of them. Hell, just last year, a former SSU linebacker, Dan Quinn, became the head coach of the Atlanta Falcons! Times have changed, as has the sports landscape. You can come from anywhere, and reach the highest of heights.

    1. Don't write this nonsense. I've been to a game or two in my day and on a good day there was maybe 40 people there. If you locals really want to be a college town (which you don't) then that stadium would be full every home game. I've seen more people at the local high school games than I've seen at SU football games.

  6. Why don't you donate some money to start another doctoral program in addition to the ones in nursing and education? The dozen plus master's programs seem pretty solid for a school of its size. Just like everything else, if you want more, leave the shore.

  7. What can you say??? SU is the ONLY money making business in Salisbury! !! Why does ANYONE come to Salisbury? ?? To go to school!!! Then they leave because after 4 years they know what a cesspool Salisbury is!!!

    1. Exactly and the least the locals can do while they're here is treat them better being that they are your bread and butter.

  8. This is the hardest state school to get into in MD. They are doing a great job. They do have Doctoral programs now. Try getting into the school of nursing without a 4.0. They never claimed to be Ivy league, but they're a great school for 1/6 of the price. My kids will go there.
    The stadium is a good thing, no matter how you look at it.
    Why are people always so negative on these blogs?

  9. Says the fat kid wearing a pair of glasses so thick they could have been used for the wind shield of a 1950 Cadillac. Get over yourself. All students deserve better. Not just the academies'. Jock Lives Matter. Don't like S.U. I suggest you go else where.

  10. 12:27 how much have you ever been involved with SU? Likely not at all, except to trash SU at ever opportunity What master, doctorate or curriculum is SU depriving you of? If SBYNew shows respect, others will follow suit. Glad to see the turn-around in SBYNews' opinion of SU. Actually was expecting to read about how much taxpayer dollars was wasted on the new stadium.

    1. For your info I'm an alum of SU and no master or doctorate was deprived to me. But I will tell you this, the education at SU is not all it seems. You think you know everything, go over there and witness some feel good moments with Eschbach and all the pontifications about wanting to be like the ivy leaguers when in fact the college is not up to where it should be on the program's offending level. Sure there's some decent programs there but two doctorate programs hardly constitutes all the hubbub and certainly won't get to a level of say, Duke or Yale or Princeton. So before shooting your mouth off perhaps you should reflect at what the college is trying to project verses what it offers students. You people are truly insane. Bipolar is more like it. You hate the students, treat them like garbage while garnering very over priced rents from them and then turn around having a hissy when someone points out the hypocrisy and ridiculousness of building a stadium for a football team whose patronage is pretty much nil. You can't have it both ways. You can't sit there and say your pro SU while you financially crush the students and treat them like their nuisances, destroying the little microcosm you think you have in Salisbury.

  11. Yea I always cheer for the local lunkheads here especially after the gang rape the football wrestling rugby teams pulled on a young lady over a weekend back in the 80's. It gained national attention with time magazine and was the thought behind Rick James' song super freak!! Yea I say keep placing emphasis on sports, DUH give me 'da ball

  12. The article was covered by Newsweek magazine!! Think it involved football wrestling lacrosse, pretty much all fall men's sports teams.

  13. Bennett is in the process of building a new football stadium and they won't even let them use it for varsity games because it will compete with the County stadium...Idiots.

  14. Some of us don't fit in regardless of how cool our surroundings are.I hope everyone is happy with this and our community benefits financially from it.

  15. Donate money for a doctorate degree? Doubt if it would go to one because it doesn't involve some spiffy building that takes up more of the parking around the university so students have to hike half a mile to get to class. Hold this, I'll be right back.

  16. That is very true!! They sure don't care much about the student parking problems.. @ 10:40 you fit in wherever you are don't allow this type of catering to bunch athletic numb nuts. It's a shame the whole university scenario including all students isn't considered but sadly in today's society we are skates to the almighty dollar.

    1. The parking is only getting worse but the Red Pass lots have become corrosive. Meaning the administration and academia made sure they had parking spaces close to their buildings but the students footing the bill for their salaries have to park in the sticks. Makes sense. Bite the hand that feeds. Shouldn't the reverse be in play? They've even blocked off so handicapped students can't park behind the TETC anymore because you need a red pass to get through the gate. Something smells illegal on that one. SU lost a number of students because of handicap issues.


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