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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Subject: Black Lives Matter organizer: Black-on-black crime is a ‘myth’

An organizer for the Black Lives Matter movement suggested Thursday on CNN that the problem of black-on-black crime is a “myth,” saying the activist movement is focusing on resolving broader issues of systemic violence.

During a discussion about a Facebook video posted by former NFL great Ray Lewis that questions the focus of the Black Lives Matter movement, Aaron Goggans dismissed the notion of black-on-black crime.

“It’s important to talk about the myth of black-on-black crime. It’s just that — a myth,” Mr. Goggans, a Black Lives Matter organizer in Washington, D.C., told CNN’s Carol Costello.

When pressed on his statement, Mr. Goggans backtracked and admitted that black-on-black crime does exist, and insisted that the movement is focused on resolving that issue.

“I’m saying that inter-community crime happens in all communities across the country and it is a problem that the movement of Black Lives Matter is focusing on,” he said.

“The movement is also focusing on state-sanctioned violence, which is a different thing,” Mr. Goggans continued. “It’s not just a few white cops killing a few unarmed black men. It’s actually the state systematically creating systems that are killing black people, both black women, black children, black men, black queer, black trans and black gender-nonconforming folks, and that’s the issue that I think Ray Lewis didn’t talk about in his video.”

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  1. All the reason that black on black crime gets worse,some leaders fail to acknowledge it.

  2. That's the problem with these FOOLS!!! NO FACTS!! NO TRUTH!!! As president Clinton had said


  3. This person needs to watch The First 48!

  4. BLM matter only when a white is involved. Why don't they address the millions of Black children with absent fathers. The thousands of Black live lost to gang and drug violence. All at the hands of other Blacks. Of course they can not acknowledge it. Then they would have to do something about it. Try that myth on. I for one hate the group they are racist and lazy. I hope they come here to protest. I have something for them.

    THIS IS A DIVERSION PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!! Show no sympathy that is what got Ohbama elected in the first place.

    The world is at our feet regardless of color. One just has to work. These LAZY M.Frs involved in BLM had no jobs will not work a job. Just another ploy to get whites to give another drop of blood to a losing cause.

    Just who do Blacks lives matter? Certainly not Blacks.

  5. Blacks are a myth in my mind , I don't recognize them as humans .

  6. Black lives matter does not want or have the will to talk about Black on Black killings / violence. They know they will not get the Socialist to join them and the followers are ones involved in these actions. They want to instigate problems so the government will give them more freebies since they are so down trodden. If they want to do the Black community good they should be cleaning up the neighborhoods from Gangs and drugs. This would encourage self-esteem, pride and hope, which would mean a more up-standing neighborhood.

  7. The numbers don't lie. The black on black crime percentage is astoundingly higher than any other race comparisons.

  8. This is the mentality of people never held accountable...We have no place for them in a civilized society.

  9. #1: we have way too many blacks dying in the streets at the hands of other black people who don't care about gun laws, anti-drug laws, or how much WIC you can pump into a city.

    #2: The commentator was right; state-sanctioned violence, whereby I as a black man have to worry about a punk cop with a gun running around scared and shooting me is just as bad as having to worry about some punk kid shooting me.

    #3: Too many of you folks suddenly "care" about whats going on in the black community only when black people choose to speak out on an issue. Well if you cared enough to actually research the issue, you would find there are tons of every day citizens fighting this problem. Whether through the church, fraternities, vet organizations, educators, or just people sick and tired of seeing the violence, we have people out in every major city trying to tackle the issue. Want to help? Put down the key board and go to your nearest Boys and Girls club.

    1. I'm so tired of the endless trough of money being shoveled at the black communities with no results or progress required from them, that I just don't care about their self-inflicted problems anymore. I don't "care" more when a black person speaks out about it, at this point I just change the channel and stock up on ammo.

  10. Should fly every C-130 we have to Central America. Load them up with cocain. Fly over every major city in the US and dump it!!! NO MORE PROBLEMS! !!

  11. Black on black a myth, what say you Bennett High???

  12. what this tells me is just how stupid these spear chunkers are.

  13. A mythical reality. This person stating this must be high on something we don't even want to know about. Had the Clintons not closed all the asylums, this cat would be first in line!


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