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Sunday, April 10, 2016

How's That New High Tech Weather Satellite Working For You WBOC?

Or is it, "The Man"?


  1. People might want to educate yourselves about geoengineering.

    Weather forecasters are under a "gag order" from the Federal Government. They cannot talk about the unusual weather patterns seen widespread in the US.

    There is no way to "predict" an ice-nucleation event (like the one we experienced on Tuesday) unless the military informs the public in advance of their intentions. Obviously, that will not happen.

    Ice nucleation events are triggered by a release of chemicals into the atmosphere which mixes to create ice, much the same way an ice pack works (found in your medical kit). Ice nucleation is very effective at lowering atmospheric temperatures over a large area.

    Geoengineering is the response of many governments working in conjunction with each other to mitigate the affects of global warming. Many researchers believe the geoengineering is making things worse. It is not for us little people to know of have an opinion. This is a matter for governmental employees who are experts at altering the earth's climatic patterns.

    Solar Radiation Management (SAM) is the process of dispersing into the atmosphere nano-size metallic particles (Aluminum, Barium, and others). These particles reflect sunlight back into space in order to provide a cooling effect.

    Although weather forecasters are familiar with these techniques (Dan knows about them) they are not at liberty to discuss them. When things turn unexpectedly the weather forecaster is left in a predicament where he/she cannot defend him/herself.

    Give Dan a break!

    1. How's that tin hat working out for you?

  2. There is not new weather Satellite, it had not launched yet. The current generation however is working just fine. There is more data than ever before , but mother nature has more up it's sleeve than man can can comprehend at times. It is at it has always been, man is not perfect.

  3. Acutally humans can and do understand nature's weather. Humans have been studying it for centuries! However, the commenter (2:15) simply is unaware of what commenter #1 posted above. I agree with the first commenter.

  4. Of course they understand, but man is not perfect as evidenced by any news report.

  5. Wow, I see WBOC is once again in damage control mode.

    Today was my Father's day off. He asked if I'd meet him very early this morning to move furniture. We had everything scheduled because WBOC said the rain would end by 2 AM.

    When I got up at 4 AM it was obviously dark. When I finally turned on the lights outside to let the dogs out, SNOW!

    You all can act like these multiple and major mistakes should be taken lightly, you are wrong. My story here today is extremely mild. Many business people completely depend on these forecasts. As I've stated in the past, parents depend on them as well. In Somerset and Worcester Counties there was an hour school delay. Were parents prepared to have someone keep an eye on their children this morning, no.

    If WBOC or anyone else can't do their job professionally, implying they are the best, SHUT DOWN THE WEATHER portion of their "show". They no longer call it a PREDICTION, did you ever wonder why.

    1. I have to ask if you have posted so many negative things about the wboc weather forecast, why would you use that as your only source for planning an event of moving.... There is the weather channel or the internet... Most smart phones have a weather app built in.. I'm not taking wboc's side by any means. Just wondering why is all.

  6. 2:06 PM
    Replace you tin foil hat, it seems to be leaking!

  7. All I know is, they need to get rid of the five-day forecast. It's always wrong and frustrating as hell when you try to make plans. We were supposed to have a beautiful Easter, remember?

  8. Get it "high" tech!!!!

  9. I agree, it they can't offer an accurate forecast, why offer weather forecasts? I know when I got up at 6 am this morning, I had to scrap off with my snow shovel a crusting of "rain" and clear off a frozen crusting of "rain" off my car so I could go to work! Nice job Dan!!!! Award winning forecast!!! Seen better predictions from the farmers almanac!!!

  10. We are in a funny year with funny weather, take a deep breath, you can always expect the unexpected when mother nature is in control.

  11. Nope, Dan did not say it was gonna be like this!!!LOL

  12. I agree with 2:06 except for one thing - we shouldn't give Dan a break. We should ask Dan to admit that geoengineering is going on so that more people would see it and understand it. When enough people understand that the government is altering the weather without our permission, they will stand up and stop it. This is not some crazy theory, it is real. Do your research!

  13. 2:06 I guess you were at Roswell and the Grassy Knoll as well?

  14. Wow, 2:06. Some real TFHS showing here! (Oh, tin foil hat syndrome)

    You're the one that believes in chemtrails, too, right?


  15. I saw the new helicopter fly over today for the first time.

  16. Didn't see anything on 47 calling for snow either. So Travis, Daniel & Jaisol missed it too.

  17. We should ask Dan to admit that he is totally clueless and we should ask WBOC to withdraw from weather forecasting. I have gotten so sick of them being wrong that I refuse to even participate by checking with them.

  18. I too used to were a tin hat, but did some research. GO Engineering is alive and well. Thank you to the ones that opened my eyes, no more ignorant comments from me on the subject! You think it's only the weather extremes you need to worry about? Each and every day we ALL are breathing in the particulate that makes it so. Lung Cancer, Dementia, to name a few. Wooo, made me sick to find out! At least I'm not an idiot making fun of informed individuals any more. Please people, we can stop it. No more tin foil on my head!!!!

  19. How can there be any legitimate discussion of the climate without even mentioning the single largest climate disrupting and damaging factor of all, geoengineering/weather warfare, and SRM (Solar Radiation Management, i.e. aerosol spraying of heavy metal nano particles) programs? Answer? There can't be. Do some research, be open-minded. Or just look up at the sky - is it as blue as you remember it as a child? Or is it a whitish color? Notice how many days are cloudy or hazy. Have you seen how many patents exist for altering the weather? Have you read the US Air Force's document, "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025"? We only have one planet, it is being destroyed for you. Wake up for your children's sake.


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