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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mentality of the Anti- Chicken House crowd


  1. So...you'd rather ignore our effects on the water supply? This coming from a staunch conservative.

  2. Anti-progressive, yet liberal?

  3. 5:14 Sounds like you need to open your mind, listen to facts, and start facing life with a happier attitude. Utterances like that give conservatives a bad rap.

  4. 5:14
    Effects on the water supply?

    OMG you have really drank the scare mongering kool-aid


  5. Help me out here....Against chickens but in favor of a chicken $%&@?

  6. WBOC interviewed Twilley on TV about saving the water, he failed to mention the years he farmed it and sprayed all kinds chemicals on the crops he raised....now new chicken houses are the cause of ruining the water.....LOL

  7. 5:39 & 5:53 Please enlighten me on how these chicken houses will not have any effect on the water supply. In addition, please furnish your sources and CV.

  8. Anonymous said...
    So...you'd rather ignore our effects on the water supply? This coming from a staunch conservative.

    April 11, 2016 at 5:14 PM

    This coming from an uneducated IDIOT^^^!

    You are no staunch conservative, you are a staunch dirt ball!

  9. Anonymous said...
    WBOC interviewed Twilley on TV about saving the water, he failed to mention the years he farmed it and sprayed all kinds chemicals on the crops he raised....now new chicken houses are the cause of ruining the water.....LOL

    April 11, 2016 at 6:40 PM

    Yeah I'm not understanding how they convinced him to take sides with them. I think he is o freaking old and senile now that he doesn't know what he is saying.

  10. Anonymous said...
    5:39 & 5:53 Please enlighten me on how these chicken houses will not have any effect on the water supply. In addition, please furnish your sources and CV.

    April 11, 2016 at 6:46 PM

    I've got a better idea you twit I challenge you to cite your sources and furnish your CV. If not then we will go with the fact that nothing has happened in the last 300 years so we will stick with that.

  11. Considering that it has been less than 100 years since widespread use of pesticides and commercial fertilizers, how do you know there are not any effects? Only about 20 years since all the land around north 13 was paved over and the oil and industrial run-offs have been seeping into the ground. What effect is that having? So far, the only thing you can prove is that your only capable of calling people names. That is known as a Fallacy of Relevance or Ad Hominem fallacy. You bring nothing to the conversation other than "ain't nuthing wrong heres" and "we doing rite fine drinking this hear water"!

  12. I'm conservative and I always understood that you never crap where you drink. Not many people would put an outhouse or septic tank over their water supply. Just common sense.

  13. 9:23 Hey, genius... you just did the same thing you bashed him for. You anti gmo, organic, anti cafo ladies are all the same. You have zero evidence, except emotions. Meanwhile, your organic farmer is using WAY more pesticides than any cafo (active ingredient volume), your "organic", "non gmo" "free range" crop share farm is feeding commercial pellets from F&P. Keep drinking the koolaid.

  14. Not true. As far as conserving our natural resources AND the concern that our food supply is being controlled by just a handful of big companies/corps the far left AND the far right agree.
    I am a Donald Trump supporter. Donald Trump himself has mentioned at several of his rallies the fact that other countries are importing cars, electronic, toys, appliances, etc here and we export meat all to the detriment of our land. He has also mentioned that China is buying up US farmland at an alarming rate.

  15. What concerns me is if this manure is so valuable and needed then WHY are the tax payers paying for things such as manure sheds, cement pads, cover crops (which is a way for it to be used up in the winter months) and how come a lot of the fields on the shore are banned from even spreading it because there is already too much phosphorous in the soil.

  16. Dang! 7:15 is smarter than he looks. Keep eating McDonalds and smoking cigarettes, cuz you know all that science stuff is just wrong!


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