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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mikulski: Women ‘Pay More For Everything’

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) says women “pay more for everything.”

“For we women, it costs more to be a woman. We pay more for everything,” Mikulski said during a rally for the Paycheck Fairness Act.

“We continue to have to fight the battle of more expensive, medical care, child care, even dry cleaning. They charge us more to do our blouses than guy's shirts. We women are tired of being taken to the cleaners. Pass Paycheck Fairness,” Mikulski said.

More here


  1. It's obvious she pays more , you could make a tent from one of her tops or shirts. What a sickening human.

  2. She sure pays more than most women when it comes to food.

  3. Insurance cost a lot less for a woman.

  4. Car insurance is less for women.

  5. I'll be her big mouth costs a fortune in maintenance.

  6. the next time you go to the store check out razors Bic for example the blue mens razors are cheaper than the same bic pink razors for women. For same shirts at dry cleaner we pay more cause they call it a blouse. It can be same color material as a mans shirt and even less material and we get charged more. We get charged more for a hair cut at places like hair cuttery too and even if you have long hair their is an extra charge. If you take off 1/2 of hair from a man woman or even long hair it is still 1/2 inch

    1. Rise up and demand equal treatment from vendors.

  7. This POS has,is and always will be am embarrassment to Maryland! !! Look and see how much money she made in her 30 + years. All those paychecks from lobbyists! !!! But the FOOLS kept her in now she leaves doing better than ALL!!! SMH!!!

  8. I know I'm expensive.

    But I'm worth it.

  9. They get the last laugh when the men are buried sooner. All that bitching does us in.

  10. If what she says is true then what did she accomplish in the 30 years she was in office? Apparently she was the wrong person for the job. All she has ever worried about is her life long 'partner' getting medical benefits and her own re-election.

  11. 1:41 what you are describing are personal choices that cost YOU more. You can use any razor you want, it doesnt have to be pink. How about you buy a shirt that doesnt require special maintenance? Hair cuts? You could opt for a less labor intensive hair cut. Also we as men are tired of hearing this nonsense while we quietly pay your credit card bills.

    Women and the population as a whole need to start realizing we are not living in a fantasy. We are raised to think we are gods gift to "fill in the blank". The harsh reality is your husband is not your father. Its your job to pull your own weight. And lets not forget its almost mothers day. We will soon be bombarded with the idiotic notion that a stay at home mothers contributions equals the presidents salary becasue... you know they do stuff that would need to be done anyway like laundry, taking care of your kids, paying the bills etc. Daily life things that everyone does just not with the luxury of having someone else earn the money.

    Get bent.

  12. I had no idea Mikulski was a woman

  13. I wish we could sweeep her and cardin out of office. they are leaving a brown stain on maryland.

  14. As old as Mikulski is, can't understand why she hasn't learned that life is not fair? This is something a 2 year old can grasp when another child gets a toy at Walmart and he/she doesn't get one, too. Mikulski, like all Democrat Ideologues, are entrenched in this stupid pseudo reality that life is fair. I would think being that she's in her 70s/80s as she is, she would've gotten that 411 long before now. smh.

  15. Why didn't she demand for Hillary Clinton to pay her female staffers more when they were making less than male staffers doing the same jobs? Where was Mikulski's outrage then? Oh, that's right. They're home girls.


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