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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Is This A Threat?


  1. No, but it is why the event is in Berlin. Not that many BLM supporters in OC.

    1. I'm sure there are some in Berlin!!!

    2. Busses deliver and Craigslist knows no bounds

  2. Is he really this stupid?? Does he not understand that he's going to jail for terroristic threatening

    1. Not in Maryland. Only threats against a public official. Technically Trump is not nobody .

  3. And do you not understand 922PM that your friend Hillary may be going to prison?

  4. He is some dumb big mouth kid. His fb says he is a small forward in the NBA. He plays for Parkside high lol.

    1. The principal needs to be notified as well as the sheriff.

  5. Tyrese Purnell is goin' ta jail!

    Yes, that is a criminal threat. He will be getting a knock on his door shortly,I presume.

    For the rest of us, please pray for President Trump's safety.

  6. People need to grow up! How do you expect to be respected when you can't respect people yourself? He's allowed his opinion as are you! Do your civil duty and vote for the other guy! All you have to do is revister! AND there is nothing stopping you, thanks to the Democrats, even felons can vote now! So be an American, follow the law and be civil! ALL LIVES ves matter, even your future presdent's!

  7. Sheriff Lewis will make sure all is under control!!! They will be in Wicomico, not some chicken crap city that has there hands tied....

  8. 950,Joolie Brewery, is that you? It's pretty early in the evening for you to be this trashed, but I understand the reason,LOL!

  9. Whoa! People post Killary on here referring to Hillary Clinton ( former Senator and First Lady) and others talk about killing democrats but a kid makes a post saying they will be waiting on Trump when he gets off the p[lane is a federal offense. The 1st amendment applies to all and there was no mention of a threat of violence.

    1. Exactly like come on

    2. punk just ruined his pt career

  10. 10:27
    They call her Killary because she killed people not because they want to kill her.

  11. Could be taken either way.

  12. 1027 his post was racist and threating. Makes me sick he refers to black people using that word... Vote trump stop racism.

    1. I found your statement to be quite hilarious. Especially the "vote trump stop racism" part lol isn't trump the same man who wants to make America "white" again? But that's not racist I guess, huh? Or for him to state that he wants to ship all immigrants back to where they came from....that's not racist either is it?

  13. A terrorist threat can be made to anyone with the same results , jail time , Trump is somebody 1:25 , he is your next president moron .

  14. 10:27
    Is there any proof to be found that the person you speak of is a lady.
    Help us out, I've researched this topic for years and have yet found any reason to refer to the subject as lady, first,last or well you understand my concern.

  15. It just shows you reach out to all age groups, like I'm 16 and read your site, a lot better then the others. Tyrese Purcell goes to parkside high, he is in my class, that dummy.

    1. expect a visit from the secret service.

  16. 7:09 I get it - you are an idiot!

  17. Why didn't Ashanti respond to Purnell's threat and the use of the N word. She couldn't wait to ram her head up the rectum of the Innocent Baltimore 6 case. They act all offended if a white person says the N word but it comes out of their own mouths like puke out of a drunk's.
    My friend's 3 yr old grandchild came home and used the N word. They were taken back because they never use the word. Come to find out the child (and other children) heard it at daycare where a little black boy was using it over and over. They are the ones who are purposely trying to get the word back in the language so they can then cry racism. They will be sorry come judgement day. Oh how very sorry they are going to be. God has a special place in hell reserved for them. They can profess to be Christians all day long and go to "church" and Amen and Hallelujah until they are blue in the face but God sees what is really in their hearts and He is very very angry.

  18. Now our boy Tyrese is walking back his comment and is saying on FB-

    "I wasn't tryna threaten nobody Wat the world"

    Reading further on is concerning. He says-

    "I'm not cos I know I ain't say nothing wrong"

    I ain't say nothing wrong!!!!!!! Proper grammar is foreign to him. Right there is the problem. You are not going to get ahead when you can't write or speak English properly. They can't blame that on their made up "white privilege" nonsense.

  19. 10:17
    Not as funny as your comment! He never said make America "white" again. He also never said he wanted to ship immigrants back to where they came from. Please educate yourself before you spew anymore bullcrap. You really just made yourself look like a huge idiot!

  20. Anonymous said...
    People need to grow up! How do you expect to be respected when you can't respect people yourself? He's allowed his opinion as are you! Do your civil duty and vote for the other guy! All you have to do is revister! AND there is nothing stopping you, thanks to the Democrats, even felons can vote now! So be an American, follow the law and be civil! ALL LIVES ves matter, even your future presdent's!

    April 18, 2016 at 9:50 PM

    Grow up???

    Oh I get it.... you are a stupid lazy Democrat that thinks it's ok for this Nigga to make make threats against a presidential candidate.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Whoa! People post Killary on here referring to Hillary Clinton ( former Senator and First Lady) and others talk about killing democrats but a kid makes a post saying they will be waiting on Trump when he gets off the p[lane is a federal offense. The 1st amendment applies to all and there was no mention of a threat of violence.

    April 18, 2016 at 10:27 PM

    This isn't Facebook you dumbass liberal Turdface and what you are talking about isn't the same thing. People like you are reason that Hillary and Obama are not in jail yet.


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