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Sunday, April 24, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Prince, legendary musician, dies at 57

Legendary musician Prince — one of the most popular, inventive and influential recording artists of his generation — died Thursday morning at his suburban Minnesota compound, his publicist said.

“It is with profound sadness that I am confirming that the legendary, iconic performer, Prince Rogers Nelson, has died at his Paisley Park residence this morning at the age of 57,” publicist Yvette Noel-Schure said in a statement. “There are no further details as to the cause of death at this time.”

The Carver County’s Sheriff’s Office said the musician was “found dead at Paisley Park Studios.”

“We are investigating the circumstances of his death,” the sheriff’s office said.



  1. Just last week this was posted on a gossip group I belong to.

    "We just received word that a VERY popular African American celebrity – who has recently been in the news – now has what is being described as AIDS. Obviously since we are not able to 100% confirm the story – we’re going to leave it as a Blind Item. We want to make it clear we are NOT talking about Magic Johnson.

    This report really hurt our heart.

    According to a person extremely close to the situation, the celebrity, who is known for having a very extreme sexual past reportedly contracted the illness sometime in the 1990s. He kept the illness quiet but began taking his medication religiously up until about 2 years ago. Here’s what we’re told by a VERY trusted entertainment insider:

    [The celebrity] believed that he was cured, and he had some crazy [religious] people who told him that God cured him. So he stopped taking his medication and the sickness came back. Now doctors say he’s dying, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

    We’re told that the celebrity is expected to get sicker and sicker, and eventually pass. It can happen as soon as the summer.

    Very sad news."

  2. Pneumonia aka Aids.

  3. I just saw somewhere yesterday that he had full blown aids and wasn't expected to live much longer.

  4. Didn't see that coming. I thought he would outlive most of us.

  5. You didn't 3:01. He's looked like death warmed over for many years now. Plus karma was chasing him down because he inserted himself in the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore. Karma has a funny way of catching up with thug sympathizers. Johnny Cochran and Robert Kardashian both died a long and painful death from cancer and Robert Shapiro lost a son. All this after they defended the murdered OJ Simpson.

  6. TMZ's been buzzing about him having AIDs now for about a week. Said he's a Jehovah Witness and wasn't following medical advice. I do know a few years ago he refused hip replacement surgery and pictures I have seen of him out and about for the past few years showed him walking with a cane.

  7. Sad to lose such a gifted performer.

  8. The Artist now really is "The artist Formerly Known as PRINCE"

  9. Pneumonia aka Aids.

  10. He did a concert at the civic center way back. I think it was 1982. Really upset to church going folks.

  11. 4:01 Then how do you explain children who die from cancer? You're a moron!

  12. AIDS. He was gay, who'd have guessed.

    1. yup and the media as usual are spinning it.

  13. Shame, very talented person. RIP

  14. No divine retribution here, just no sense of propriety on the part of the deceased.

  15. 4:01 there is no such thing as karma. There are too many horrible people who do horrible things that are living "good" lives.

  16. Didn't he go public against the chemtrail phenomenon?

  17. TMZ is reporting that he was treated for a drug overdose 6 days before he died. That was when his plane had to make an emergency landing and he was treated at a hospital.
    There are also picture of him online in the past few days making visits to Walgreens sometimes 4x's a day. He looks frail and is using a cane.

  18. He looked frail the last few years. I thought a while ago. He's either a junkie or has a disease. The flu thing was a joke.

  19. He did have a bad hip and refused a replacement. That is something that is degenerative and will not get any better, only worse. It's very possible in an attempt to alleviate the pain, overdosed.

  20. I thought TMZ was hinting around was that he killed himself. They keep posting about his mysterious trips to Walgreens. I guess with this drug overdose idea they may still be saying that.

  21. Rumors are he had AIDS. Some gossips outlets suggest that he was diagnosed as HIV and took meds until he was encouraged by his Jehovah Witness church to stop and let God heal him.

    It would make sense that he would accidentally overdose if that was the case. He could have been in a good deal of pain. I don't believe he was an addict - or at least a purposeful one. He was very religious the last 15 years or so in his personal life.

  22. omg CNN on its 1000 hr of Prince death marathon give it up idiots.

  23. He didn't die of AIDS. AIDS is the condition of late stage HIV+. His whole immune system would have been gone. If he were dying of AIDS he would have lost most of his body weight and become emaciated. He would have lost his mental health as well. He was performing a couple of days ago, which would have been impossible if he were going to die of AIDS within the next few months.

  24. Don't confuse the slow witted with facts. Their heads will explode sometimes!

  25. I sympathize with his passing,but I always felt he was overrated like 6:18 said.I never "got" his music.

  26. And again we as a society want to ummortilize and worship a man that passed away from a disease caused by a wreckless lifestyle and immoral sexual behavior. Do you ever wonder what kind if mindsef it is that puts these type of entertainers and athletes on pedestals??


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